breeze airways pay scale

Kendor gonna be thrilled when Breeze slashes wages by another third in exchange for company scrip redeemable for filet mignon sandwiches. At those rates, retention will be a huge problem. Our model gets smarter over time as more people share salaries on Glassdoor. Breeze Airways provides nonstop service between underserved routes across the U.S. at affordable fares. maximum takeoff weight), Note: PIC is defined as Captain or Aircraft Commander of record, not simply the sole manipulator of the controls, Valid FCC Radiotelephone Operators Permit, Must have or be able to obtain a valid U.S. drivers license, Must have or be able to obtain a valid passport, Must be able to travel unrestricted to and from the United States, Must pass a DOT pre-employment drug test, Must have authorization to work in the United States as defined by the Immigration Reform Act of 1986, MyIDTravel (preferred), or list at the gate, Monthly Pay Guarantee for Line Holders: 70 hours, Monthly Pay Guarantee for Reserves: 70 hours. Profitability is how many dollars you make your investors, i.e. As a pilot with one of the aforementioned regionals, this is an ongoing conversation. There isn't enough information to know whether this is a good deal or a bad deal for the "part timers" potentially taking this work. 1) Why not schedule surgery with a "doctor as an intern.?". I would have jumped at this deal in college. They have no employees right now and are relying upon applicants to look at the pay and say "Sounds good enough to me." I have no doubts in How often is the minimum guaranteed hours exceeded in a given month? Very interesting article, first off there's a lot of people who only want to work part-time and find it exciting to go to different cities. But after all these furloughed guys get hired, who then? Breeze has started hiring pilots, and its making pay at some regional airlines look lucrative by comparison (and keep in mind pilots often work at regional airlines to gain experience, and eventually get a job at one of the major carriers). I sure appreciate it. This job is not nor intended to be for every young person. Breeze Airways First Officers: $62,000 by year six JetBlue First Officers: $117,000 by year six Breeze Airways Captains: $94,000 by year six JetBlue Captains: $182,000 by year six Caveats The significant wage difference may be in anticipation of the economic recovery process ahead. may be it is totally moronic. There are many young people that lack the $$ or choose not to go into debt (student loan/s) for a traditional higher education. Impressive to see how discussion of new airline business immediately decedents into anti-religious bigotry. A 25 year veteran Flight Attendant is exactly who you want on a Flight if there's any type of emergency. There are rules about pilots moonlighting in order to ensure they are properly rested for duty. Posted by 5 minutes ago. Breeze Airways First Officers: $62,000 by year six, JetBlue First Officers: $117,000 by year six, Breeze Airways Captains: $94,000 by year six. No other large country trains and hires their airline pilots the way we do. But it may be a great opportunity for some as I said for 1-2 years for a young person. Let's seean airline you interact with almost completely on an app staffed by young folks with no vested interest in the company or it's success.what could possibly go wrong? To help clarify that, the DoL requires that the intern cannot displace any worker, receive instruction equivalent to or complementary to enrolled coursework. Beauty: Not in the job description, but undoubtedly a plus from a marketing perspective. I suspect the *average* monthly paid hours across the whole year will be a lot higher. Arron, Im neither fat, unfit or rude, ugly well maybe. JetBlue is the only other major US airline to fly Embraer 190/195s, proposed pilot pay is the free market at work, Introduction: Four Times Across The Atlantic. P Glotzer (United States) 1st March 2023. Unfortunately flying is something easy to be passionate about, and the industry takes advantage. @Ben L. exhibiting developmental delay for snark: that's concerning. We don't really know enough at this point. But make sure you ask the a million question, even the stupid ones BEFORE you sign the contract. So Breeze might get a few "interns" but the vast majority of people wanting the job want to stay there their whole working lives. Maybe we should let other adults be adults, and them have the freedom to figure out what works well for their own lives. Wonder what theyll pay their mechanics and pilots??? You don't get any insurances. less than daily to leisure/small markets. 28 years represented by ALPA, walked the picket line 29 days in 1985 and was ready to do it again several times during my career to entice management to come to the negotiating table with a better contract for pilots. And there are always plenty more ready to come into the pipeline. America is Great! The role of flight attendant will be more like an internship than a career, because Neeleman believes flight attendants dont improve much with years of experience, and that they can get trapped in a dead-end job due to the seniority system we see at other airlines: Its not something politically correct but its something David wholeheartedly believes in, says Trey Urbahn, a Breeze board member whos worked with Neeleman at several of his other airlines. In fact, the concept seems brilliant and hope I make it through the process and get selected. Prime Minister/Moderator. Breeze vs. JetBlue pilot pay Here's JetBlue's Embraer 190 pilot pay scale: First officers are paid $89 per hour in year one, and $130 per hour in year six Captains are paid $192 per hour in year one, and $203 per hour in year six Pilots are guaranteed pay for 75 hours per month of flying In other words: Pre-Order now!Pre-Order Inflight A359FJ0623 1:200 Fiji Airways Airbus A350-941Highly detailed diecast pre-finished collector model airplane. They are not hired to be sex symbols and keep men sexually entertained through out the flight; therefore, I could care less how old you are as long as you can save my life in the event of an emergency. Log in or . What do you make of Breezes approach to hiring? Even liberal-minded folks who support workers grow to hate the rhetoric surrounding unions and union actions. We pay the least to all our staff! I think the deal is too good to be true while others think it's chump change and will never work. (E-190) Now as you can tell, I am giddy with enthusiasm and by the prospects if I'm selected for the internship! Some will likely say that Breeze Airways proposed pilot pay is the free market at work, with so many pilots furloughed or laid off. *The whole "Home Monthly" is based on operational needs and must be scheduled 3 weeks prior. I'm assuming Breeze knows there's going to be a number of unemployed pilots and $77K+ a year is better than unemployment benefits. Housing is a huge hurdle for new flight attendants. I could not afford to live in SFO and couldn't find another crashpad with openings unless I hot racked. The downside for me, and they exist in almost all arrangements, is the unknown as to whether we'll have health insurance. Most people care about price and reasonably courtesy interactions. That sums up who youll be flying behind if you choose to fly on this completely unproven carrier. Idea sounds interesting but that pay scale and hiring model is trash. This airline is banking on their 4 year contract holding up. I am a 40 year flight attendant at a legacy carrierand I llove my job. First officers will be paid $55 per hour in year one, and $94 per hour in year six Captains will be paid $117 per hour in year one, and $143 per hour in year six Pilots are only guaranteed pay for 55 hours per month of flying (this is really the worst part, since pilots at most airlines are guaranteed 75+ hours per month), First officers will be paid $55 per hour in year one, and $94 per hour in year six Is there a penalty for leaving early? Certainly in today's world that is a luxury. And was told that 90% would be "turns", out and back same day - no layovers. This job is not nor intended to be for every young person. Our fares are low! Someone has the verb and the noun meanings of intern confused. report. Does the hourly rate even amount to minimum wage? I explained more in my previous posts. So, that will Hey. Where do I sign up? The founder of the airline is David Neeleman, the same guy behind JetBlue. For the rest of my career at VX I commuted into SFO the night before a trip. Or maybe the extension to San Francisco's Oakland Bay Bridge, built entirely in China, shipped across the ocean in pieces, and bolted together by 100% American union labor for a living wage. I think it will succeed as long as they can attract enough flight attendants on an ongoing basis. Do public transportation and see the sites that are free. You should be too. All around me were developers making millions of dollars of year in salary and stock options, and there was little old me, paid hourly making about $28,000 a year in an expensive city. For example, I recently wrote about how Breeze is only hiring flight attendants if they enroll full time in college, and live in company housing. I worked my way through college and I would have LOVED to have free housing provided. Does Breeze offer enough pay to pilots? The good news is that the hourly wages are above-average. The wont to have pilots on there books, but wont have at the beginnig a lot of flightsSo from a business point it makes sence to have more pilots who only fligh 55h instead of having less pilots with 75h. As for the FA's..they will definitely be lined up around the block for a job like this with those benies. May be this a good business model. What does the department of labor think about this? 5) I will meet many travelers and may be able to network my way into other opportunities when I As a college student, I love the idea! Meanwhile my friends will be stuck in their entry-level cubicles. Never found out what would happen if you fall below 3.0. The most qualified and competent FA candidates will not be happy with a job that is not only poorly paid, but offers next-to-zero chances of becoming a career with that employer, while being viewed negatively by the career employers in the field. They cost a lot to train up and cost a lot to manage. of Labor requires that to classify a worker as an intern, the intern has to be the primary beneficiary of the position, not the company. And if I had a time machine I would go back and slap, poor, poor me silly and tell me to redirect my attention to the unlimited opportunities that were sitting right in front of me every day I drove across the lake and clocked into work. The a la carte formula is very popular whether you personally like it or not. AFTER 4 YEARS YOUR CONTRACT IS OVER AND CANNOT BE RENEWED. Because expanding the monthly rate to 75+ is done so much easier and instant, than hirring another 200 pilots or so. If "older experienced flight attendants" feel somehow entitled to higher pay or don't like the legal work conditions or don't like the fact that being a flight attendant inherently means time away from family, that is not Breeze's problem. My only other option right now is to start all over at another regional where the pay, seniority, and quality of life will be much lower. 2. Neeleman has a track record of success in the industry, so Im curious to see how this venture works out. However, if there's a recovery in airlines and given there was a shortage of pilots before I'm not sure this pay scale is going to last full time. Its unfair pay but it is a fun job and these are weird times. What do you make of these Breeze insights? Others might say its borderline exploitative. It can be very exciting and rewarding, but. 10 years have passed, the salary for new FO's are basically the same but now you need at least 10 year as FO to become a captain. Breeze Airways Wants To Pay Pilots How Much?! You and a friend use your travel pass and visit a city. I wish more airlines provided housing options. Or what if you Wow, quite a few idiot comments: Wow, what a depressing indicator of the state of our society with an emptied out middle class that flight attendants are being hired at poverty wages and worthless online "tuition credits.". Guess if you cannot beat them, whisper sweet anti-mormon cult. Salary; Breeze Airways Flight Attendant - Full Time ORF: Breeze Aviation Group: Norfolk, VA: $34K-$53K: Breeze Airways Flight Attendant - Full Time PVU: Breeze Aviation Group: Provo, UT: $39K-$60K: Breeze Airways Flight Attendant - Full Time TPA: Breeze Aviation Group: Tampa, FL: $33K-$53K: Intern Procurement - Summer 2023: Breeze Aviation . Landing June 2023. I would think having your own place paid for as an apartment or even sharing would save you $6000 a month at least. When I met my wife, she wanted to be a physical therapist. Our business address is: Sad that people in society know what's best for everybody else and don't want people making their own decisions. This is not to fault or say any of my peers who's airlines have gone defunct (through no doing of their own) are underskilled pilots - they are well seasoned vets of an industry that was finally recovering from 9/11, the recession, age 65 rule and now COVID. To airline pilots is there anything Im missing here that would make Breeze an attractive employer? Captains will be paid $117 per hour in year one, and $143 per hour in year six Look down, "Your Highness". As a former 40 year flight attendant, I can assure you if there is an emergency on board, you will be in much better off and in much more capable hands with a 25-40 year flight attendant than a 20 year old airhead! 3) People as interns/college kids: I would like to have a job for life. Breeze Airways PAYSCALES CAPTAIN PAY SCALE (Hourly) FIRST OFFICER PAY SCALE (Hourly) PAY CALCULATOR (Click and drag the sliders) Pay Rate: $150 Credit Time: 75 Hours Bid Periods: 1 Percentage: 1 $11,250 PAY NOTES Monthly Pay Guarantee for Line Holders: 70 hours Monthly Pay Guarantee for Reserves: 70 hours PER DIEM Scheduled pay raises: Yearly So Breeze may hire twentysomethings and train them, so what? Of course, I will never forget Herb Kelleher walking into a pintos union negotiation and exclaiming to them all, "Let's start by saying that I know you guys would do this nothing if you had to!". The pay is horrifically low, though. Or the app crashing? Have you gone to college? The offered wages are above-average ates in the United States. But, lets be clear: unless theres a fairly substantial number of mid-career/midlife/middle aged people among the flight attendants, apart from seeking to keep labor (and other) costs down, its hard to miss the happy coincidence of also having an angle/approach that just so happens to allow for forever young flight attendants - like airlines based in countries that still allow for to hiring and firing based on age. *Layovers will be rare (mechanical issues, weather), trip planning will be turns out and back same day. Some can force their way, others will accept any offer out of fear to lose their job. Nobody knows yet. The company may credit new hires for any prior active years of service at another Part 121/135 air carrier or at a Mesa-affiliated pilot development program for purposes of calculating years of service for compensation, vacation, and retirement. Is this essentially age discrimination? Lots of waiting around and prep time. Breeze Airways is a new airline that's expected to launch in the US in early 2021. I have no doubts in my mind that they'll increase it in time, but they need a few years of profitability under their belt first so they can justifiably offer higher hours/pay. Not how youd describe most 70-year-olds. Why Do Airlines Oversell (& Overbook) Flights? Airfare provided to go home monthly. To eat while traveling. of Labor requires that to classify a worker as an intern, the intern has to be the primary beneficiary of the position, not the company. I wonder what other benefits and tax breaks Breeze gets, in exchange for providing "jobs". They make expensive mistakes. Heres come the nanny union effectively telling them they arent capable of making that decision. The estimated hourly pay at Breeze Airways ranges from approximately $11.82 per hour for Software Engineer Intern to $167 per hour for Captain. less than daily to leisure/small markets. The average pilot will make more than this. 2) housing: I am curious what housing? *Layovers will be rare (mechanical issues, weather), trip planning will be turns out and back same day. anything less than market rate? I'm a 'union guy' for sure. Breeze Airways will initially fly Embraer 190s, but eventually plans to operate a fleet consisting exclusively of Airbus A220s. Generous contracts of yesteryear reflect a pre-COVID world that is nothing like the current situation. You have 7 days to get yourself there, find a place, sign a lease, move in, get airport badges and be ready to fly on day 8.). It's funny, isn't it the view of things changes upon where you're standing. Most professionals are comfortable with the idea of a starter job, and aren't looking for a father figure in their employer to guide them gently into old age. To help clarify that, the DoL requires that the intern cannot displace any worker, receive instruction equivalent to or complementary to enrolled coursework. See more about our ethics policies here. Interesting, @EMBCAPTN. These comments are something else. Pilots are guaranteed pay of $75 per month. I have worked with underpaid and undermotivated staff, and it s not pretty: for the staff, the management, the investors and the customers. the recruiters told me: Being paid $1200 a month automatically means that these FAs will have to be going to school as required AND probably working a second job to make ends meet. The concept does turn on to be "too good to be true" at least for me, just based on the insurance matter alone. Learn about Breeze Airways culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Many may look back later in life with a better career and better economics fondly with the experience they had along with friendships made. Not sure if labor pool for whom the model fits is really large enough to support high turnover baked into the model or can support scale to provide regular flight frequency but we'll see. Its their choice. I suppose they could be selling the dream of having high seniority at the airline as it grows, with hope of better pay in the future, but. Same pattern emerges for Captains as well. Split a very inexpensive room with one or two others and have a fun time. The next step from airlines would probably challenge the FAA rule of 1 FA per 50 pax. Per the website, FAs can work a maximum of 60 hours per month. Also even the numbers you quote put them right in line (if not slightly above) the regional peers like SkyWest. Its all about price. This same thing happened in Brazil with Azul. Glorious. Can the U.S. not have just one decent, heck even mediocre, airline? It can be very exciting and rewarding, but. your username . My only other option right now is to start all over at another regional where the pay, seniority, and quality of life will be much lower. I cringe at labeling jobs without limitless potential for professional growth as "dead-end". MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands Alaska Airlines Business Card Review: 70K Miles & Lufthansas Boeing 787 Business Class: Exactly As Expected. So, before any taxes at all, they would be looking at $20-30/hr. 4. Again, a lot will depend upon the future demand for air travel. If adults want to work the jobs Breeze offers and are satisfied with it then there is no cynical exploitation, even though legacy unions might wish that it were so. Not my kind of thing. 909 N. Sepulveda Blvd, 11th Floor Claim your Free Employer Profile Website: Headquarters: Cottonwood Heights, UT Size: 501 to 1000 Employees Founded: 2018 Type: Company - Private Is this how people select doctors? share. I do not believe for a minute service will be worse than economy on AA or UA. I already feel bad for the disadvantaged kids that will end up getting wrangled into this to help pay for a couple semesters of college. Well, there are some more details about how this will work. It's not like America's legacy airlines are immune to hiring very young, very inexperienced people. The airline should do fine, at least up to a certain scale. its entrepreneurs and change-makers. Add to that COVID and these poor guys will have NO CHOICE but to fly for these asshats. New airline Breeze Airways releases hourly wage numbers. This would be less cringey if there would be incentives for the flight attendants to move into positions such as pilots or air traffic control. Wont fly them with this info. He must anticipate a lot of employee churn and be okay with that risk, deeming it worth the extra-low cost structure and less likely to result in speedy unionization, if it leads to it at all. Also, Breeze Airways may be a good solution for a pilot who only wants to rack up 55 hours each month with a lighter workload. Guess if you cannot beat them, whisper sweet anti-mormon cult. anything less than market rate? Not if you wanted good work done. Find Salaries Clear All A place that likes control over everyone and everything, Mormone like. Technology is greatuntil something goes wrong. Unfortunately flying is something easy to be passionate about, and the industry takes advantage. (Example: last day of training in Chicago they say you're assigned to Newark. It's funny, isn't it the view of things changes upon where you're standing. 1200/month in 2021??? That rate of pay is so low and that availability schedule requires so much flexibility that I have to imagine he isn't targeting primarily college students, who have class schedules to contend with, but high school graduates and GED holders up through their early 20s. Launching an airline carrier during a pandemic when aviation losses are in the billions, seems to be a tricky business proposition. Friday, September 30, 2022 Contact; Advertise; About Us; Subscribe; Videos; Accessibility; 0 items $0.00; Sign in. In this post I wanted to cover a few of the highlights of this story, because there are some really surprising tidbits in here. Pilots from Compass and Expressjet will flock to Breeze to maintain currency. People can't really be this stupid. Im a bit confused. Pilots are only guaranteed pay for 55 hours per month of flying (this is really the worst part, since pilots at most airlines are guaranteed 75+ hours per month), Here is JetBlue Airways pilot pay scale for the same airplane.

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breeze airways pay scale

breeze airways pay scale