lake coleridge station manager

Horizontal turbine (BTH) at Lake Coleridge power station, "Pamphlet 18787A-73 A: Lake Coleridge Power Station", "Transpower Transmission Network: South Island", New Zealand Electricity information pamphlet 18787A-73 A,, Hydroelectric power stations in New Zealand, Buildings and structures in Canterbury, New Zealand, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox dam which are not about dams, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 January 2023, at 10:10. The village is, however, conveniently located on the Te Araroa trail, a 3000km length-of-country hike becoming increasingly popular. The track follows the base of Little Mount Ida around to Lake Ida, a lake well known for fishing and known among outdoor ice skating enthusiasts for being a reliable spot for finding quality ice in the right winter conditions. Reports have been kept up to date by the community of Ice Skating enthusiasts that enjoy skating on the naturally frozen lakes. In the meantime the welcoming face of people like Hugh and Janet Derham and Rod Harper will ensure NZ's reputation as a hospitable place continues. Youll find the campsite down this road on the left. The track, although rough looking is well cut and cleared making it relatively easy to follow. Run-holders settled soon after, taking up vast tracts of land for farming, which is still the area's main industry. Many trees are still standing and visitors can learn about some of them on the. From the majestic Southern Alps and Arthur's Pass, down the braided Rakaia and Waimakariri rivers and over the patchwork Canterbury plains to the vast coastal lake of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere, Selwyn is the place to explore! When I was old enough to fit in the backpack I was taken out hiking and mountain biking with my parents. Consequently Hugh and Janet know what's what in the village and surrounds, which includes a massive land holding on the north side of Lake Coleridge owned by John Shrimpton, a British billionaire. As of 2020, the station has a generation capacity of 39 megawatts (52,000hp) of electricity, and annual generation averages 270 gigawatt-hours (970TJ).[2]. Choose from a diverse range of accommodation across our region. Its incredibly important that if youre thinking of heading out to the lakes for a skate to head out with someone who is experienced and has the equipment and gear necessary for skating on naturally frozen lakes. Apart from Miles, the new owners are mostly English and American, but like him they bring ample capital. "It's also word of mouth. Too popular and locals and other tourists start to get disillusioned. This site uses cookies to provide you with the best experience. View the Snowdon coal mines and enjoy the view of the bright blue crystal clear water of the Rakaia River. "We know we have to manage these walkers and all the tourists and the way we want to do it is offer a decent facility so that those that come are looked after," Hugh says. The only lodge in the village is a bit upmarket and for sale anyway. 1 inlet is visible up at the lake as a whirlpool on calm days,[4]:146 with some of the older No. The limited capacity at Coleridge resulted in regular interruptions to supply. They were surveyors investigating routes to West Coast gold fields. With a smaller surface area of the lake allows it to freeze over without requiring such low temperatures to obtain the same thickness. Stunning stays, fine fare and adventurous activities its all here waiting for you. 0900 - 2100. At the age of 17, I completed my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award which gave me the skills and confidence to organise my own hiking adventures with mates who had never had the experience nor the opportunity to explore the outdoors. It can be difficult to predict when ice will form on the lake and what conditions. WebA campsite close to the shore of Lake Coleridge is available near the tiny settlement of Harper Village at the inland head of the lake. JFK International Airport. Kirk takes satisfaction in seeing the station developed to its potential, including a 400ha block that previously could barely grow a good crop of gorse, thanks to low fertility and the prevailing norwest winds. Visit a place which is reputed to be a moa cooking site (discovered in 1960). On whose ground and who pays for that? Salary: $65,000-$80,000. "It's only a handful but they can cover the whole section with tents if they like. State Highway 73, the main road to the West Coast, runs past the western shoreline. Still to this day stands the old Lake Ida Winter Sports Association Clubhouse which has since been abandoned. His friendliness is not for any reward but he is a firm believer in "what you give, you get back". "When I arrived here Bruce was tipping money in. Mountains slope down to seaside villages, hot pool retreats sit among vast bushlands, and at the heart of it all a city that acts as a perfect destination to explore it all. [3][6], In the early years of the station, demand for electricity in Christchurch grew rapidly[4]:125145 and the transmission system extended to reach Rangiora in the north and Oamaru in the south. Today, with many power station functions automated, the village's permanent population is small and residents mostly value the area for its recreation. Many small towns and settlements around NZ face a similar debate to that in Lake Coleridge Village. Willem comes to Annavale from Shepherding in North Canterbury for a couple of years since leaving school. Closed tracks or routes on this map are defined as being no longer maintained or passable and should not be used by recreationalists. Tim joined the Coleridge Downs team in 2021 to become Block Manager of Coleridge Downs. While it initially started with 3 turbines, this was increased to 9[1] by 1930 with a total power output of 34.5 megawatts (46,300hp). Get in contact. What better way to experience the true Canterbury high country than by horseback. A growing number of trampers are walking the Te Araroa Trail which passes near Lake Coleridge. With regrassing, fertiliser, fences and stock water that land has been transformed. ", "This is a beautiful place and we don't care if people want to come here. After 11 years in charge of Canterbury high country station Lake Coleridge, manager Byron Kirk can reflect on a job well done, having overseen the transformation of a rundown property into an intensive, profitable business. Currently only 5 turbines are operational, but despite having four fewer turbines than in 1930 they produce 75 gigawatt-hours (270TJ) more energy[5] due to modern redesign and refurbishment using computational fluid dynamics modelling, completed in 2008.[2]. This information is aggregated and doesn't identify you personally. Jack comes from Black Forest Station in the Mackenzie Country, Jack also has a strong passion for farming and been out working hard for other local farmers during his time at home from Boarding School. The village is a little off the main drag and too far from the lake to offer views over the water but, with its history, arboretum and high country scenery, is a gorgeous spot on a warm late-autumn day. Ive grown up in the outdoors from a very young age. [4]:125 It was also the first to be built on glacial morraine,[4]:117 which caused significant issues with stability of the turbine hall. Search for huts, peaks, streams, forests, towns, other features and coordinates. You may choose to disclose personal information to NZ Topo Map when you give feedback or in submission forms. With only 12km to go to reach the lodge I took my time again today. Clockwise from Top Left: Looking across to Lake Ida from the higher while we continue to skate across A puck sitting back on the ice whilst Karl and his Mrs skate the lake.Nathan (the Author) getting his skate on across the lake for a photo to prove his abilityMatt skating across some untamed ice in the distance of Little Lake Ida. NZ Topo Map strives to provide you with useful, accurate, and timely information on this web site. Oh sure, we are on a waiting list TBD when it will be in. Maybe it's just my general aversion to department stores in general, but I don't really want to buy jewelry or perfume or other of the lots of items they carry. "We've had quite a few to stay here. Kristen is responsible for the running of the Cadet Training Program alongside Tony and our Board Sub Committee. Lake Ida is the bigger of two lakes that you will first reach after completing the Ryton Track. The Coleridge Power Station is a hydroelectric facility at Lake Coleridge on the Rakaia River in Canterbury, New Zealand. WebOperating Lake Coleridge Power Station today - Hugh Foster interview - YouTube Walk alongside the Rockwood stream. We walk through the arboretum planted by power station manager Harry Lake Coleridge station, along with the neighbouring Acheron Bank, on Lake Coleridge's south eastern shore, is owned by Christchurch car dealer Bruce Miles. Around half the stations' income comes from merino wool, with lambs also accounting for a major share. WebDeputy Station Manager Aviation Security Company. It would be unusual to find any Te Araroa trampers at this time of year because of the encroaching winter and indeed on this Sunday Stuff doesn't see any. There is a $10 charge for this walk. Jack is keen on hunting and loves getting out on his motorbike during his spare time. A dark brown squashed lump on the path. Click within an area to get map sheet details and download links. Another couple of posts that Ive collated: Take Them Outside Some must read tips before ice skating outside on that frozen lake! Formation of the lake reaching right up to the hill with the water level lapping right up to the edge of the mountain make it incredibly easy to put your skates on whilst still sitting out on your backpack or bum padding of choice. "That's part of the price you pay for the vigour, because the cheviots, as soon as they're born they're up on their feet and they're away. Thanks to a recent public meeting and some coverage from the media, Lake Coleridge finds itself as the latest poster boy for the country's pressing tourist excrement problem. Water is fed to the station from two inlets at the lake, which is elevated 165 metres (541ft) above the station's turbine hall. Early Maori called the lake Whakamatau. Sleeps 8 12 people. Kristen comes from a strong career in farming and has a passion for seeing young people achieving and succeeding in our industry. "It would have been running less than half a stock unit to the hectare and now it's up around six or seven. 1FrcAJbfY5jg1MfbaYpYn24MHRkdi7SFSB The problem of excrement was not isolated to Te Araroa trampers but numbers were expected to increase and "we need to be proactive and look at it now". Operational since 1914, water is diverted from the Wilberforce and Harper Rivers, and the Acheron Stream, into Lake Coleridge for storage. WebContinue on to the Lake Coleridge Village Green and power station. Christchurch is the gateway to the Canterbury region and the spectacular experiences you will have within the South Island of New Zealand. Its a beautiful short walk away along the Ryton Track to reach this high country. Multiple skiing options are within reach of the lake, including Mt Hutt, consistently voted the countrys best. Click map to set map center coordinates, or enter your own: Drag pin or click map to change its location. Since then the lodge has been left to rack & ruin. Emily was head Girl at Ellesmere College, She has a very strong passion for farming, helping out on local farms when ever she could. WebStock Manager at Lake Coleridge station New Zealand. If you visit Lake Coleridge Village you will find more information about the power station and the area's history on a display outside the power station. Not all aerial wires, cableways and obstructions that could be hazardous to aircraft are shown on this map. The time to explore tautahi Christchurch and Waitaha Canterbury is now. The Lake Coleridge landscape has been formed over millions of years. the pages you visited on our site and the links you clicked on, the referring site (if any) from which you clicked through to this site, your operating system, for example Windows 10, Mac OS X, the type of web browser you use, such as Chrome, Edge or Safari. From camping and glamping to lodges and luxury, Lake Coleridge has your bases covered for a place to sleep and take in the sights. If you provide personal information, it's held by NZ Topo Map. In this post its smaller brother Little Lake Ida is also covered in depth in this post, also known for freezing over in the winter months. Before skating on the ice its important to make some measure of how thick the ice is before you end up skating on it. The following important information is taken directly from the maps legend: All information and materials available at this web site are provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and NZ Topo Map disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. WebLake Coleridge was built around New Zealand's first state-owned hydroelectric power Why donate? Send Ethereum address to your wallet, Monero address: Pam is a very important part of the team, Pam works away in the background supporting Tony and assisting with many staff activities and functions. Emily comes from Dunsandel. I'd rather they kept them away from rural villages like ours. MBTiles downloads can be used to provide: Drag and resize the highlighted area to select the area of map you would like to print out. Although the village has many delightful open spaces perfect for camping and a good public toilet to boot, some locals are nervous about the visitors. WebGas Station - 32nd Street. Alternately, check out Peak Hill for a more challenging hike. See native ferns, black beech, matai, white pine and bird life. According to the Glenthorne Station Public Access page:People with But they stilled had the display model out. Nothing major, but it's one thing we've noticed with the cheviots, you just don't lose anything through stuck lambs.". Kristen works full time at Coleridge Downs primarily as the Training Manager and Assistant Shepherd where necessary. This site uses cookies to provide you with the best experience. Adventures from the South is an attempt at recreating many of the outdoor experiences that I have had, giving others the tools they may require to experience these destinations in Aotearoa (New Zealand) for themselves. In case you arent someone with much experience on natural ice, or if it is your first time heading out on the ice there are a number of posts around the internet that are well worth reading before you head out. Hugh and Janet Derham didn't know this reporter was coming so haven't been able to sneak out and clean up all the excrement so as to deceive a fact-finding visitor. Lake Coleridge is a natural lake that runs alongside a natural river, but at a much higher elevation. He and his wife also run a bed and breakfast in the village. Starting with a small climb up and around the hill it soon tails off and continues on following a variety of flora right the way through to the lake. Combined, Lake Coleridge and Acheron Bank stations are about 6000ha, running around 20,000 stock units, comprising 4300 merino ewes, 4700 merino hoggets and 300 wethers, plus 4100 romney ewes and 1500 hoggets, as well as the angus cattle. Nathan James is the blogger behind Adventures from the South. One subsidiary, Transpower, adopted responsibility for the outdoor switching yard, with the parent company planning to sell the facility at Coleridge. Janet was a nurse and Hugh a teacher who turned out to be a dabhand at photography and graphic design. 3 Day 2: A hike on Mount Cotton and drive to the Ashburton Lakes. No results found, please try another filter. If you read any of these articles, read Aardwolfs Ice Report Natural Ice Skating Safety Post. Representation on this map of a road or track does not necessarily indicate public right of access. "Don't you want to move up to my house?" Ash has seen a lot of changes and development within the Company. [2], Coleridge was New Zealand's first major power station in which the state was involved. Electric Cottage is privately owned, but can still be seen on a walk around the village. Contours and spot elevations in forest and snow areas may be less accurate. Hence (Woody) has earnt himself a new nick name. There is an information site outside of the power station which provides interesting insights into the workings of the station and the Village's history. And it was at the same place. NZ has to decide which way it wants to go. Walk through tussock to the summit. 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WebDescription: Address Details: Street Name: Harper Road Municipality: Lake Coleridge Country Secondary Subdivision: Canterbury Country Tertiary Subdivision: Selwyn Country Subdivision: South Island Country Code: NZ Country: New Zealand Country Code ISO3: NZL Freeform Address: Harper Road, Lake Coleridge, Lake Coleridge 7572 Local Lake Coleridge Village, about 80 minutes inland from Christchurch Airport, is divided over trampers and their bodily wastes. What it finds areresidents appalled at what they claim are a few vocal part-time residents - "they will moan about anything" - blowing up a non-existent problem. A beautiful spot which some locals are happy to share. Jamaica, NY. "Lake Coleridge was pretty rundown and having someone like Bruce who has the capital to put into the place . Click the map, drag the pin or enter your own to set coordinates: More options are available with LINZ's online coordinate converters. The NEX at Naval Base San Diego is plenty big and has lots of departments, but I'm just not that big a fan. My neighbours have been walking around here every weekend for three years and they've never seen anything. Walk alongside wetlands, farms, pine forest and the lake. {{displayedTripData.routes[0].legs[0].duration.text}} - {{displayedTripData.routes[0].legs[0].distance.text}}. High Country Horse Adventures run horse treks through farmland and riverbeds. Unless required by law, NZ Topo Map won't publicise the names or email addresses of individuals who provide feedback or who use submission forms without their consent. The couple, their neighbour Rod Harper and another of their friends Alex Smedley, a fencer who lives in a farmhouse down the road, have no trouble with visitors, especially the lean and hungry Te Araroa trampers coming off the hard trail. WebBased from Ida Downs, Mike and Karen can offer self-drive or guide 4WD tours through the mountains and river valleys surrounding Lake Coleridge and Rakaia River. Discover the history of the area with a great range of tracks from easy walks to longer day hikes. The Naval Base San Diego Navy Exchange (NEX) has a great food court with many options to choose from, and also carries a huge amount of men's and women's apparel, shoes, electronics, sporting goods, jewelry, and more. A faint track exists between Lake Ida and Little Lake Ida. Massive glaciers, earthquakes, wind, rain, frost, snow and volcanoes have all helped to form the landscape we have today. One of the most popular walks in the area, Rakaia Gorge offers extensive river views from cliff top lookouts. Its smaller brother, Little Lake Ida sits right along side Lake Ida and is also a great spot for both fishing in the summer months and skating during the winter months. Louis has always had strong a passion for farming. The offspring from the romney hoggets, effectively perendales from the romney-cheviot cross, proved too spirited for a plan to send the ewe lambs up to Mt Oakden station. It would have been millions and millions.". WebPeak Hill is a prominent hill on the shores of Lake Coleridge, Canterbury. It took three years to complete, becoming operational on 25th November 1914. It is situated some 125 km west of Christchurch in the Southern Alps. Most years a total of 18,000-20,000 store lambs are sold at the sales. Join I moved from an area where the nex was closed, so I am thrilled with the wonderful main exchange here in San Diego. Lake Ida is also a perfect grounds for good fly fishing during the summer months with both Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout present in the lake. In places trees . Hugh leans down to finger it. WebLake Coleridge is the site of the countrys very first hydroelectric system. When Miles bought Lake Coleridge, it needed new fences, new pastures and a reliable stock and house water supply. Initially they were housed in tents and sheds. Reece has been in the manager's role at Annavale for 10 years, after working nearby at Quartz Hill. Previously from the Waitaki Valley and Northern Southland. other things like your screen resolution and the language setting of your browser. The Central South Island of New Zealand Te Waipounamu. Troy joined the Coleridge Downs team in 2021 to become Dry Acheron Block Manager. Find things to do and places to stay Peak Hill Conservation Area Sorry an error has occurred Expand all Getting there Know before you go Nature and conservation Contacts Lake Hill is an easy walk from the Lake Heron car park with good bird-watching opportunities coupled with high country lake views. The station was built and initially owned by the New Zealand Government through the Hydro Electric Branch of the Public Works Department, which this branch later became the State Hydro Electric Department in 1946, which in turn became the New Zealand Electricity Department (NZED) in 1958, which then became the Electricity Division of the Ministry of Energy in 1978. {{places.length }} results found for "{{activeSearchQuery}}", {{place.SynopsisDescription | striphtml | truncate(37, '')}}. Lake Coleridge Village is divided over whether to welcome trampers. The Ryton Track follows around the base of Little Mount Ida to eventually reach Lake Ida. The group do their best to make them welcome. They are so conscientious about the environment they're not the sort of people that do what these people say. Donations also show your love and encourage me to development new functionality. {{place.Description | striphtml | truncate(37, '')}}. Map imagery when developing your own website maps & apps. In this post, only the track as far as Lake Ida is covered, however, the track continues on to Lake Catherine. These tunnels terminate in large concrete surge chambers above the power station, which in turn connect to the distinctive steel penstock pipes that run down the hill above-ground to the turbine hall. [4]:116 These inlets supply water to two horseshoe-shaped[1] tunnels which run almost horizontally (grade of 1:1000)[4]:111 through approximately 2.2 kilometres (1.4mi) of the hill between the lake and the power station. Tony has been the General Manager at Coleridge Downs for 12 years, coming from a very strong management career on large progressive properties. Whoever takes over at Lake Coleridge will have to learn to deal with the wind and build on the efforts of Byron Kirk and his staff who have turned it into a profitable farming enterprise. [5] The older No. Four hundred angus cows and calves move between the two stations. WebAll persons wanting to use the farm tracks must contact the Station Manager to book a WebLake Coleridge was the first government-built Hydro Electric Power station in New Zealand. . At its peak at 1240 m, it offers a stunning overview of the lake and surrounding area on a fine day. It took three attempts to get a lawn down and the barbecue's been used only a couple of times. Opened in 1915 it was built to supply electricity to Christchurch and high users of power from the new station included tramways, the freezing works, and the dairies and butter factories. Ben and Sam - Waipouri- Otago. Lake Coleridge was built around New Zealand's first state-owned hydroelectric power station, which was constructed between 1911 and 1914. 49vEgsTZv5FUFAHbwPkpChSxSrV1GcAtpRrzUCDsrCXcXnuzQ1HebKhSZ31F2bMC9GDLM1F5XHraRUQqGYgXgbKPD9UwqKr They're forcing them through in their hundreds till someone does something.". The more experience you have from heading out the more educated your predictions become. They claim the village is in danger of being swamped by trampers who they accuse of freely defecating around the village. Get Directions. The influx of visitors is not a laughing matter for people like Peter Low however. Spectacular views stretching up the valley to the head of the Rakaia River with a stunning display of colour in autumn. The power station is owned and operated by TrustPower. There are side tracks to old coal mine entrances and down to the Rakaia riverbed. "And at the end of the day why would the council want to spend a lot of money when we already have a perfectly good facility.". The monthly Adventures from the South mailer, Aardwolfs Ice Report Natural Ice Skating Safety Post. People leave us their addresses and I get letters from parents saying thank goodness someone is looking after my daughter.". bc1qpqgghpyhcdgrmhdrsvytgehzza6uck2v4c3aml WebByron Kirk, the then manager of Lake Coleridge Station, purchased Cheviot Rams for {{displayedTripData.routes[0].legs[0].duration.text}} - {{displayedTripData.routes[0].legs[0].distance.text}}. [3], Water supply was a challenge, and so three river diversions were made to increase the amount of water available in the lake: the Harper River in 1922, the Acheron River in 1930, and later the Wilberforce River in 1977. Louis comes from Christchurch where his family are Horticulturalists. He says there used to be a bit of a problem with human waste down at the intake until the council installed a $60,000 toilet. No results found, please try another search. If youre planning to head in for an Ice Skating session youll want to ensure there have been a number of cold days leading up to when you plan to skate, coupled with a cold frost in the area to ensure the conditions are right for skating. Email addresses are not made available to the public. Find out more in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, All other share settings are ignored, map centers on.

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lake coleridge station manager

lake coleridge station manager