Hopefully I'm in the right forum. No. At the time serial numbers were not controlled by the Spanish government so it could have been either way. I Gabilondo y Cia. This is then followed by two more rounds fired at normal pressure levels to determine whether the self loading mechanism is still functioning properly, if it was, then the stamp was applied to the firearm. All the Max series Llamas I've owned or worked on are solid. Blow back operated, 5 shot mag,2 3/8" barrel, 4 3/4" overall length, 13 3/4oz. Pre-War serial #s are centered on the butt unless there was a swivel. This is the proof for a Pistol and on a revolver it will be an R. On some guns this may be an I which is for military. It uses a short recoiling barrel with tilting block, barrel-to-slide locking, much like the Walther P38 or Beretta 92. VII (or IV) style are known to have been made in the 7.63 Mauser caliber, expressly for the German trade, and it is possible that the designation of Mod. There was also a version in 7.65 parabellum made for export to Germany and possibly other countries, but no indication it was ever offered in the USA. Mini Max sub compact - .45 caliber 10 shot double stack magazine. I think the deep relief engraving was discontinued at this time because it does not show up in my catalog. There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. Most likely there are many out there but this type of gun was never put in German records or marked with Nazi marks. The date proof will be a letter or possibly a letter and a number with an * above it. in three different positions on the slide and the Model Police is usually toward the front. This handgun sports both a checkered front and back straps as well as walnut wood grips. Llama III self-loading pistol modeled after the Colt 1911, and chambered in .380 ACP. Mod. The Arms Collectors website offers a lookup for Marlin serial numbers. Any ideas? Llama Firearms Serial Number Lookup Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. In 1931 it was decided to modernize Bev Fitchett's Guns Survival (current) FREE Military Tough 6-in-1 Tactical Survival Knife Free 2nd Amendment Gun Rights Silver Coin Gavage Automatic Pistol Armand Gavage Fab. Production of this gun started in 1932 and was an exact copy of the Colt 1911 except it has no grip safety and has a barrel 5 1/2" long, with a 228mm overall length. This is an importers stamp that is now required to be placed on firearms that have entered the U.S. Spanish Blue Steel. mi 11 i*Tl niilin?liiii luTT 1111111 < ttif m?' VII.-This pistol in 9 mm. moscs 2 i -4. , s. t r.rir, IIMlllMlllllllllllllllltlllltlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllltlllllllllllilMllilllil J11111I' If If I ft 11 llllt tl ll I (|! The guns were actually purchased by Les Ouvriers Reunies and from there went to the French gvernment. Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. A LLAMA 32ACP pistol currently has too little sold data to calculate an average price. Present day handguns will show a slide marking with either LLAMA CAL. I recently purchased a used 12 ga. semi-auto "Luigi Francia (not Franchi) Brescia" per engraving on receiver and barrel. Little Tom Wiener Waffenfabrik Vienna, Austria No. Safety is mounted on the slide and when activated, it moves the firing pin out of the reach of the hammer and locks it, then decocks the hammer and also disconnects the trigger bar. Llama Pistol Series. The slide is marked "Llama Cal 45" on one side and "Gabilondo CIA VITORIA (Espana)" on the other. s U i'*i* V k I ! I will add here that Spain never bought guns from Llama for anygovernment agency unless it was the Trauler model VI for the Secret Service, that I can find any record of. For Swiss bayonets you can use the SwissWaffen . When first issued no model number was assigned but the factory catalog designation was No. The right side says LLAMA "ESPECIAL". Mod. The frame is numbered in the normal manner for a gun made in 98 and you can see where the old serial number and proof marks were removed. Mod. $ 399.00 For sale is a Llama Especial semi-automatic pistol in .380 ACP. Colt 45 mags work and this one was equipped with a Meggar, Max I C/F - .45 cal compact frame 4 .340" barrel, parkerized, blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide, Max II L/F large frame large capacity, parkerized, blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide, MaxII C/F compact frame large capacity, parkerized ,blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide. It is dangerous and illegal to ship a loaded firearm through the mail. This proof looks like a flaming bomb because it is the firing proof of the gun. lAtttl'WlfrllNO AMU SilCX FIUNGHN Ht JlHT MIING HN TC, Knife Throwing Techniques of the Ninja. This pistol weighs in at about 30 ounces. I had a guy offer me a llama 380 with three mags for $200. I'm trying to identify it. This gun can be found with Especial on the right side of the slide as well as one with no marking on the right or only 9mm Automatic. Shown with grips that I think were never used on US imports. 2514, l'l'l'l'J'H I' I' IM ' I' t I > I' I III HJ I IH|' > M' HJ I I' I' IM f I 'J M M *!I' * I n, 'Til :l'llll!llM)|l|'|i||? I ! XV.-This is a .22 caliber (Long Rifle) pistol which follows the same general design as the other recent Llama models. Thanks again for the information! Parabellum caliber with a variant style of grip frame and hammer and has no grip safety. VI.-This has been reported to be in 9 mm. Parabellum caliber with a variant style of grip frame and hammer and has no grip safety. As with my model VII this gun was made in 1934. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Mossberg did not put serial numbers on most long guns until 1968 (GCA 1968 required them) Parker Brothers Serial Numbers and Grades. iflilimtT' ' f ^ I I I I< j 1:' I 1I'' 'J IM''. While in the Photograph on the right the slide is stamped LLAMA CAL. The gun looks identical to the model VII in every respect except the caliber markings. Did not realize refreshing the site would do that. VIII.-This is identical to the Mod. Not much is known about the Llama serial number sequencing, so we are attempting to do a database spreadsheet. 1911. : :ri i ! Known as a Modelo Extra. 1911 Pistols manufactured for foreign Governments either in US or outside US. Work on a new design began in 1931 and culminated in 1932 with a Spanish patent issued on April 12th of that year. By the end of the war it is thought that Gabilondo alone produced from 250,000 to 300,000 pistols. VII. Maker unknown. Serial number- 399902. III.-This was a 9 mm. This gun had a change in the way the safety was made to the same look as the later model I above had. It was manufactured from about 1936 to 1954. In 1954 the XA changed to have the rounded back on the frame and grips as well as a magazine that was large base. I've had several and the quality is suspect, at best. I 111 IJ . Location: TN. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. Llama Pistol Identification - Firearms identification Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. This pistol was developed by Llama in 1986 and was adopted by the Spanish military in 1988. They had the straight serrations of the earlier series. I am researching a mark on my.380 Llama with serial number 6XXXX. Browning filed a law suit against Beristain for patent infringement but lost the suit in 1925 . Cross section of typical Llama pistols. The rifle will be repaired and returned at no charge to the owners. Jlllll;|!||'|!llii||.|,l||M[|in!Hltlltlllll, No. Another company did import them but they are not marked in any way. Although Spain began proof marking shotguns in 1910, it was not until July 18, 1923, nearly 5 years after the end of the first world war that Spain's proofing system for its pistols came into use. Purdey. There are 3 on a typical commerical arm, and four on a typical military arm. The table below indicates the various year codes. This is purely a conjecture. Reason: punctuation 28th March 2005, 14:31 #2 cls12vg30 New Member Join Date 24th January 2005 Location Raleigh, NC Posts 7 Posts liked by others 0 Answered by a verified Firearms Expert. I suppose in an effort to reduce costs they decided not to use the locked breech system found on earlier guns. DURAGRIPS - Llama IIIA XA XV III Micromax .22 .32 .380 Tactical Grips - Checker. d'Armes LePage Lige, Belgium No. I'm trying to identify it. 6758, ' 1 ' ' ',1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 111 ' ' ' ' t * ' ' ' ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I''I'1<|I''1I'''J 111111111 ij 1111111111111M1111111 ' 111 n 11 ij 111111 ' 1 ' 11111 y ; 11 11111 . Our Lookup will provide a detailed report including your Mac's specs, production dates, and technical . 1911A1, but without the grip safety, and in 9 mm. Followed by "S.HACKENSACK, N.J"
62,004 and No. Enter the serial number (no spaces) of your firearm and click on 'Search' to identify your model. Mod. Also used the later style magazine. ! ' with the year. I will change the designation on the database list. III. Galesi Mod. Somewhat later a variant pattern in 9 mm. 1 From the top navigation bar on our website Click Search by Serial # Select a manufacturer Enter your equipment's serial number and click SEARCH 2 From the participating manufacturer page Enter your equipment's serial number and click SEARCH Available warranty information will also be shown! If springs in the.32 and.380 problems as well? They are usually on and/or near the front of the trigger guard. The Llama M82 is hammer fired, double action pistol. III-A.-This post-World War II version of Mod. Llama XI A - 9mm P - full size gun with 5" barrel . 528. Grips Compatible with Llama XV 22RF XA IIIA 32 380 ACP (Reproduction Work) Made & Shipped from Thailand. Llama model VII Military and Police - 5 1/16" barrel -9mm Largo and 38 acp. US&S's serial number range was 1041405 to 1096404, with my grandfather's numbered 10622xx (I'm . It is still in production. The photograph on the right is of the butt or heel of the pistol with the magazine inserted. Police Checks of Firearms (Stolen Gun Database) Having the local police check the federal database continues to be the most accurate way to look up gun history by serial number to ascertain whether or not a used firearm is lost or stolen. 320 7.65 mm. Llama Llama means Flame in Spanish, but they used the animal as their logo as well. I have only seen five of them in the last 15 years. 528. Model VII is chambered in 9mm Largo and marked 9mm /38. ,.,.. The double stack magazine holds 15 rounds plus one in the chamber. IV and is, therefore, the original Llama pistol, manufacture of which dates from 1932. This dates from about 1935 and was produced until about 1954. : r 11 r^' 1! I always figured the 38 stood for acp rounds like it does on Stars, but this changed my mind. 2.5 2.5 out of 5 stars (6) $47.99 $ 47. Enter the words "gun serial number" in the search bar, followed by the portion of the number before the first hyphen. This is a Proof House marking which may look a bit different on later guns. Short, second blowback pattern and more closely approached the external shape of the Mod. At the Command Prompt, type the following command and then press Enter: wmic bios get serialnumber. Largo/.38 ACP is identical to Mod. Also complying with the law is the stamp at the bottom indicating that the firearm was manufactured in Spain. It came to me directly from Spain via my importer. 'Liberty Patent' Retolaza Hermanos Eibar, Spain No. On that pistol it will probably be a letter followed by a number, with an * between. This is a full size gun with a double stack 10 round magazine magazine to comply with California law. Introduced in 1996. t i^ 11n t,.i 11, i 7i i 't rwi . IX-A.-This is the .45 ACP caliber, to which a grip safety was added immediately following World War II. I have found a gun labeled as a Model I-A on the box, but I can assure you there is no such model and the box is a mis-print. In actuality there is no difference in the model VII M&P and the VIII M&P except for the markings. 1911. The cost is $175.00 for custom serial numbers on Guardian pistols and $150 for Mini-Revolvers. Early versions of this gun were marked as Military and Police on the right side with 9mm Bergman 38 Superon the front of the slide. The serial number on this gun is 30800 so it was made mid 1930. The serial number is 563842 which I *think* puts production somewhere around 1970-ish. EN. My understanding is that at this time Gabilondo had 5 employees. QUOTE=larryh11Hi Bill, Welcome to the forum! Mod. I am almost always in the market for these guns so if you have something you want to get rid of let me know. Llama IIIA- Series 2 variation 1 .380 acp, locked breech, 165mm overall length with two vents in the rib. There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. This gun is Geco marked above the trigger. Llama Serial Number Lookup Llama Firearms , officially known as Llama-Gabilondo y Cia SA , was a Spanish arms company founded in 1904 under the name Gabilondo and Urresti . III.-This was a 9 mm. Eibar, Spain. It has a double grip safety. Largo, and .45 ACP. 323 7.65 mm. I have a.22, a.32 (both post war) and the.380 which dates to 1942-1943. After that, when the safety is disengaged , the gun will be ready to fire the first shot in Double Action. This stamp identifies the importer of this pistol as Stoeger Industries, and tells us that they are located in South Hackensack, New Jersey. Llama 380 Serial Number History R.1 was made in 1973. 1911A1 Colt. After the war confiscated arms were separated as to good or bad and the bad guns were destroyed. Four months later orders would be increased to 30,000 a month. Mod. I have come to the conclusion that my pistol is a X-A and not a X. I have read that the Model X-A had a grip safety added when production of this model began in 1954. Llama Model II - .380mm Production started in 1933 and lasted thru 1954. Simply input the gun's serial number into the search field to see if your weapon is listed. 73214. 37963, ' I tI M 111 m 111 nI y 11 I' I' I' I' I' I J'lM'li[inin^ni|ii, > . Mod. Starting in 1927 Spanish law required them to be there when being made so they were there at least before the war started. Mod. m 1 itTlii n f iu?lii i jiii4?itt 11 li tiTlut 11 < i M liiiili t iTi tin It j^^ii 11111' I tt 11111*'! It dates from about 1935 and is believed to have replaced the first two models in distribution and to have been dropped from production in 1954. Mini Max - 9mm, .40 cal, .45 cal. The serial number is pretty low: 607179 Above the serial number it says "STOEGER INDUSTRIES" Followed by "S.HACKENSACK, N.J" On the opposite side of the slide it reads: LLAMA- GABILONDO Y CIA VITORIA (ESPANA) Any help with this would be very much appreciated. Unless one of the Llamas has this mark or you have the bring back papers you cannot tell for sure if it was used in Germany during the war or not. Basically N Frame versions of the stocks on your 14-4. I have now seen a 1954 with no rib, the rounded butt frame and large base magazine so it appears that in 1954 they started making the changes. XV.-This is a .22 caliber (Long Rifle) pistol which follows the same general design as the other recent Llama models. Seriously, you need the serial number in order to tell the age of a firearm.560996 On the LEFT side of LLAMA firearms, right above the tirgger, is an Alpha-Numeric Code. In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique Nationale. 1 , imIm Miilii'iMiliinliiiiliinliiMlMl'liililimlllMllllillllilMliliilimli TmIi i'I i m 11 i i m I i i i Ii i m i m i m^I 1 i i Iii m Ii 11 il i i m( i m i i r i n I (111 Ii t u' 1 i m li i n ! ] Llama Model II - .380mm Production started in 1933 and lasted thru 1954. In the link provided, there is an example shown for '6 78' with a guess of 1978, though it's not certain. Ever wondered how it is done to perfection every time? t 11 l?T it:t*tttl t ftfluc^ f I iff 1 ff fl cTTt v > 1, (TTr1! Does your Llama say MicroMax on it? Auction: 14505864 LSB#: 170816OQ08 Title: , C&R 9mm Largo (.38 ACP) Make: Llama Gabilondo y Cia S.A. Website by Hudson. Parabellum caliber was produced. check out the. ELOEIBAR(ESPANA) andbe marked with the caliber of the handgun and the Llama name such as, CAL. It will cross reference the date code Barrel length is 5 1/2" This gun has an internal extractor like the Colt. Browning Short caliber, heavier than Mod. 'I >.>ltll7llll'tt'7' llifiiii9aitilifftlfit>fiifil>i!laiitItf2tliciiffiifiiti!iiiiliiiiVtiitl, No. The slide has a rounded top with no sight ramp. VII, but with the addition of a grip safety. Also, based on the fact there are no vents in the rib, I believe it's a IIIA, series 2, variation 3. The used value of a LLAMA AUTO 45 pistol has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $374.18 . Your help is appreciated. During the period of 1992 to 2005they struggled with a lack of sales causing them to have to takethe company public in 2002 to keep the doors open. No visible import markings can be seen on this pistol. Second Variant Humpback The second variant has the serial number on the left arm of the slide, near the front. After going III is distinguished by the addition of the grip safety but otherwise is the same as Mod. A Model X-1 has been noted, but details are unknown. t 11 l?T it:t*tttl t ftfluc^ f I iff 1 ff fl cTTt v > 1, No. Hungarian 'Pistole Mod. Mod. Your search for Llama Serial Number will produce better results if you simplify your keywords and exclude words like: serial, key, number, code, activation, keygen, crack, etc. Once site gave a differant mark for Gustav Genschow and coompany of Berlin an ammunition manufacturer who also made some rifles, mostly.22 Another site suggested that it might be the mark of the Spanish manufaturer, but that mark does not appear on most of the small frame Llamas that I have seen. If you still have trouble finding results for Llama Serial Number after simplifying your search term then we strongly suggest using the alternative sites (linked above). 529. Search Amazon. It is the height of the raised portion on the XA below. Marlin- The Collector's GUide to Serial Numbers and Technical Information. It has the grip safety but no frame vents. It dates from about 1935 and is believed to have replaced the first two models in distribution and to have been dropped from production in 1954. Omni I .45 cal - Omni II single stack mag 9mm 7 round - Omni III double stack mag 9mm 13 round mag. The serial number is C23709. This indicates that the pistol was manufactured in 1984. X. Mod. Another company did import them but they are not marked in any way. i , No. Llama 32 Serial Number Lookup The photograph on the left is a picture of the right side of the receiver just above the trigger. This was the most original and sophisticated Llama ever designed, incorporating such unique features as ball bearings for the hammer pivot, separate draw bars for the single and double action sears, a deeply undercut trigger guard to allow high hand positioning for recoil control, and "buttressed" rifling, which used a 2-stage "step-down" from the lands to the grooves, for less bullet deformation and a better gas seal Most of these features have never been found all together in any other single design, and provide this pistol with an extremely smooth and reliable action. nf I tutmTItinln li!i?ttl-'0|Milli'^ z r; 111 'In irlu'f m-Tniilniifi!--: m'T'-'-y ; ri-i-ij ^ i < i J.immtim , j11 ' i ' i | i11 ' ' I 1 ' I Ij 1111111 i n I M M . i I I i 'i . u < I, ' 1 1 ! This is a must for all martial artists and anyone wanting to learn the knife throwing techniques of the ninja.span, 1111111 111111 r 11111111111111 n, 1111 11111 11 n 11 h 1111111111 r< 1111111, XjbSuiih 'jsodupug jbXSJOAXSOJ poj doJS, JSUIUIOIJ uiui g9' PIC 'ON, ^ f J1jjt'l1 'lEJ^I^j lt. jl II > 11 I^i I Ullllji^ I tlimjUl i|l IHI^ni^Hn^m m I^i IH mi^i nj i : 11, 'l^p111 Mii|><| ' J^^j*1 '1 *|1111IJ!^1 *i '1 '1 1JI * *i mn11*11 Ji j^i tiji 11 ** jj, 1,111111 > I' 111111 ' 111111 fi 111111111111111' 111111111, i, i, I*, 11 il' i ill III lili il il' lilil lilil I iHlilllllllil ilil'llllhll III i l'i I ,h I i i- i < i ' i ' i i i ' i ' i i ' i i ^ . The letters are scroll. In 1992 Gabilondo y cia went bankrupt and was purchase by the workers forming Fabrinor. This addition seems to have been the first application of a grip safety to a Llama pistol and was introduced prior to World War II. The Logo on the grips is BC not GB for Gregorio Bolumburu as some report it to be. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. This next series of photographs show the stampings that are on the slide of this pistol. That being the case, I would think it very rare as it is the first I have seen. Catalog pages for the second series two vent, Llama IX C - .45 Cal. Check the sticker label on the warranty card. Mod. Mod. The front and rear sight are custom Novak and not original to the gun. Several styles of grip pieces and markings have been noted. Tauler model P 9mm Have seen this gun listed as 38 Super. Parabellum, 9 mm. 10 Best ways to Make Money on Social Media and not waste time. They also made it with El Soldado stamped on the slide, meaning the Soldier.
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