longest fanfiction smash

The effect of the barrier only caused the Lucario Noise to growl loudly. It is 169 chapters long with a grand total of 3,562,207 words. on bookshop.tumblr.com, View They also both feature original male characters as the protagonists who carry us into the fictional world as outside observers along with them. What is the longest piece of literature in human history? Priase Jesus! Together, they play Super Smash Bros. Brawl and realize that theyve opened a portal to the Subspace Army, an advancing horde of would-be world-conquerors who must be defeated using the help of the Smash Bros. catalogue of good guys. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction that is over 4,100,000 words long and contained in a current 221 chapters. He took a total of 20 days off while writing this. It chronicles the adventures of hero Jophan in "the land of Mundane". What do you think originally inspired you to write fan fiction, as opposed to writing fiction with entirely new characters? Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. The theme of bonding with others becomes ever larger. It really helps to listen to music, even while readers are reading because it helps to envision a lot of action during battle scenes. My writing process is pretty random at times. It's kind of inspiring in a way. pokemon. So Ron is a Slytherin now, and his friends are somewhat different than we are used to. What kind of vision problems does MS cause? A young girl tries to live a life as a ninja with more honor than in the cruel world around her. The Aura Hunter growled with power to the sky, demanding his prey to come on outside. You can browse fics sorted longest to shortest so finding out the single longest fic is easy As far as longest series no clue how you'd find that out. It chronicles the adventures of hero Jophan in "the land of Mundane". When my brother first told me about the worlds longest fanfiction, I was completely shocked. 169K 1.1K 18. Isabelle commented eagerly. Who knows, really? The fanfic is part 1 in the Off to the Races series, so make sure to read the rest. You must log in or register to reply here. My love for reading started at a very young age. 1,323,513 hits today, 2,001,761 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Meta Knight x WW! Because of this, the chapters really read like you are watching the show and the story is very original. Making it a fun and long story to read and entertain you. That would be pretty rad if that ever happened. The shortest word is a. It goes off canon for both the comics and the TV show and is, therefore, a really unique story. Your email address will not be published. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. The author is autistic (he says so on his bio) and this is clearly his obsession. I dont think theres anyone who can read 4,000,000+ words of just dialogue. Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! Your email address will not be published. For starters, it's a sequel to The Bond of Aura that tells about my OC [original character] named Chris who has a fateful encounter with a special Lucario [a species of Pokemon], who is scared and curious of what has happened to him after ending up in the real world where there are no Pokmon or battles. If it was well written and someone liked the fandom enough, it would be free reading material for weeks, if not months. Previously, the record is held by a Kantai Collection fanfic "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" by Hieda no Akyuu with 4,556,264 words (last updated April 2019). James broke the record by nearly two thousand words. Longest river which forms estuary in India. However, to be fair, this could be due to the fact (for some writers) that once the tone & writing style are set for the story, it is not as easy to change it midway through the story (most of the time, it could even break the flow of the story). Speaking the language was easier compared to writing, and after moving to the U.S. [in 2008], many English teachers saw how I was very developed in the English for a person who came from Spanish-speaking Mexico. complete answer on archiveofourown.org. As of July, the fic is 3,548,615 words long. Jason points out that Smash Bros is basically fan fiction in game form: "Sonic beats up Mario" and "Peach throws a turnip at Ganondorf" are the kind of normal, everyday things that happen in the game. Wasnt there some Smash Bros fanfic that was the previous champ? Total duration (LogOut/ I read the first chapter and then skipped to see if the whole thing is written that way. https://fanfiction.net/s/12715870/1/The-Loud-House-Revamped, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12715870/1299/The-Loud-House-Revamped. In fact, I'd even go as far as to call that spam. Priase Jesus! For this story, the writer took modern-day Ireland and mixed it up with the characters from Tolkiens books. 2324334 Depends on if you mean a series or just a single fic. As a result, Sonic was hardly in the story mode. It also has 2,200 reviews (an average of one review every 1,700 words), and its own TV Tropes page. Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. Everyone will show them off when the times come. Who are some of your favorite non-fan-fiction writers and why? Check out our very popular Dramione fanfic post!). Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word entered in the most trusted English dictionaries. The description is "A mysterious dark force had corrupted the minds of all of the figthers.except for one. This is impressive but also who the fuck would start reading that at this point? Click the image above to see if your guess is right! Is AO3 illegal? He has a bunch of dedicated reviewers. A Gravity Falls fangirl wakes up inside the body of Bill Cipher. A Wife's Secret by @Princess_Jenpaumevi - 37.4M. J.R.R. From what I'm reading here that doesn't seem to be the case, but it's not my time that's being spent and it's most likely not for my enjoyment, so whatever. Most people can't read 3,500,000 words; what part of your piece are you most proud of? The site is split into ten main categories: anime/manga, books, cartoons, miscellaneous, games, comics, movies, plays/musicals, TV shows, and crossover. . You're forgetting The Chase by Kudzuhaiku and at least another one or two of his. My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! Their FF.net author profile alone is ten thousand words long. That's a quote from the fic's TV Trope page: yes, this thing even has a TV Tropes page, and a lengthy one at that. But The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest was eclipsed several years ago as the longest fanfictionand therefore the longest work of fiction in English more generally. When you don't have editors to please this is the results. it's a weird mixture of (bad) fiction and playwriting. The remaining 110 chapters consists the line "Priase Jesus! 3.5 million words, and counting. So if you are a fan of long fanfiction stories about different fandoms, this article might be just the thing for you. I can't outrun him! Your email address will not be published. Yes, that's right. Just as a comparison, the complete Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan clocks in at 4.4 million words. But, I feel like a work like this would be better suited for animation. Breathing hard, Chris's eyes froze on the feral Noise still with its fist resting on the wall. She was seen as a serious and cold person who in reality, was just afraid to be close to others and even afraid to be loved. The 10 Best Classroom of the Elite Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Snape Adopts Abused Harry Fanfiction Stories in 2023. It's something to do with your time. I can't speak to the actual first chapter's contents, as I'm not familiar with the fandom nor have I taken the time to read that fic, but jeez. This fanfic contains 271 very long chapters combining 3,635,481 words. I think it's "Fallout: Equestria", but I might be wrong. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In 1952, the world's first book of fanfic about fans appeared. The people in her town dont like people who are different. No thanks. YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT OF THE WEBSITE. That arc was amazing in my eyes, as there was a lot of time travel hijinks, a pretty emotional development between Link and Lucca, and the seriousness of the mission at hand. FIMfiction doesn't seem to update such things. Though a small touch of his head revealed that a bleeding bruise was somewhere in his hair, Chris shivered with fear and made a run for it inside the store. What I seet would probably give the Pokmon anime a run for its money, but that's just my opinion. What is the longest fanfiction ever? More broadly, do you hope to ever turn this into, or write, a published book? It focused on Sonic, who was a late addition to the game, and its story mode, The Subspace Emissary. This story follows the books by Tolkien, like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. A character is the term used to describe beings in the Super Smash Bros. series. Priase Tesus! The story revolves around Lucario venturing out into the expanded Super Smash Bros. universe to save his friends from the evil wizard, Meta Knight, who has unleashed evil mind-controlling smash balls to create an army to take over the world. For people who might not have the time or the literacy in Super Smash Bros. to read your work, can you summarize the plot? Even if I needed to do book reports on them, I found their plots to be engrossing and interesting. The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. So over 2.5 million words, and that's just three parts out of ten. In 1952, the world's first book of fanfic about fans appeared. A 4 million-word (and growing) fan fiction written by The Subspace Emissary known as the World Conquest. So, in a few words, each Smasher character has their own personal dilemma and views that clash with another character. Interesting frame of reference Diary of a Madman is currently at a word count of 1,762,144 the entire Harry Potter series, all 7 books, was 1,084,170 not even 2/3 that length. These 10 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories available that are really long! Page generated in 0.03 seconds Source Source 2 Source 3 This one sits at 1,842,322 words, and is still in progress, last updated on the 5th of August, 2018. If they based this Noise on Lucario completely, wouldn't that mean he's inhumanly strong?!" I have seen some on FF.net that exceeded 4 million words. According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written! His mind racing with fleeting thoughts, Chris looked around and then found the entrance of the music store. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Can we agree that this doesn't count as the worlds longest fanfic? Current word count? (If one were to consider the entirety of the Chronicles to be one story, anyway.). No hate, please!" I suspect To The Stars (Madoka Magica fic) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance are heading that way too. Because of this, you can see characters like Link fitting into Chrono Trigger, and said arc had characters that came from other eras allowing characters with similar backgrounds to take a leading role in the arc, allowing a humorous relationship between Ayla and Donkey kong to be born or Marley showing un-Princess-like behavior around the calm and composed Zelda. And with any luck, he just might win the heart of a certain brunette card . The title translates to Remembrance of Things Past. Maybe you've heard of it? Your email address will not be published. Thanks! The site is split into ten main categories: anime/manga, books, cartoons, miscellaneous, games . The reward is partly in the process. 3.5 million words, and counting. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. Summary. It's still being updated daily. No longer being updated. If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. That's a sustained rate of more than five thousand words per day on average. Super Smash BrothersI got to applaud this man. George R.R. This fanfic by Jamesdean5842, titled "The Loud House: Revamped" recently just reached their 1,010th chapter, and it reached a total amount of 4,558,217 words, and it's currently the longest (active) fanfiction in the website. complete answer on famisafe.wondershare.com, View Fanfiction.net is the world's largest fanfiction archive and forum. Its The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest, and its a Super Smash Bros. WIP (work-in-progress) on fanfiction.net. Writing many paragraphs can become dull eventually, so I like to listen to video game music to lighten the mood, preferably music that comes from the current story arc I'm writing. I've read plenty of Chinese fantasy wuxia novel that are over 2000 chapters and still on going. 2324334 the only LONG fanfiction I've read is "The Angel of Equestria". Honestly, Smash Bros Fanfiction Isn't a bad Idea. So in the 5 minutes I spent searching, I found another one in the RWBY fandom: 'RWBY Loops' by Leviticus Wilkes. @__@. Which Harry Potter book is JK Rowling's favorite? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Another massive one is 'The Games We Play' which sits at roughly 1.05 million words. 2324334Personally, I care less about length of story than quality of story. Martin's A . Last updated just a few days ago. Every stared and gasped as he was revealed . Thus begins the longest work of fiction ever written. One of those fics is the currently 5.6-million-word Lord of the Rings fanfic At the Edge of Lasg'len. In fact, I mainly learned how to write and speak English from video games when I used to live in Mexico. Now, people will probably scoff at the mere thought of including non-Nintendo worlds in this, as the characters in this story are most likely never going to be seen outside their worlds, like for example Yoshi in a Resident Evil place (relax, he was never seen there), so I laid out some rules. The description is "A mysterious dark force had corrupted the minds of all of the figthersexcept for one. This fanfic follows the original storyline, but changes are made with the original characters and other developments. We may earn a commission from links on this page. For starters, everyone loves a superhero, and Teen Titans has five at once, while the unconventional heroes of the Nintendo Mario franchise and Pokmon are no less beloved, if a little quirkier. The story also recommends tracks to listen to during key events to give a more realistic feeling. How long have you been writing fan fiction? The longest Fan-fiction is 7,296,586 words. Doorstopper: As of January 2012, the story has 3,357,528 words and 191 chapters. That's three times longer . Both fandoms are animated, and both are part of popular franchises. "That 4.1 million word Super Smash Bros. fanfiction has been surpassed as the longest written work in the English language by a Kantai Collection fanfiction that begins with the self-insert protagonist meeting the love interest and immediately shooting a baby right in front of her" here's a small excerpt from an update on July 3rd of this year. I'm writing this because I haven't seen to many of them Cover by TakerArts. It currently has a total of 3,650,220 words and forms an ongoing narrative so you could consider it all one work. How does it make you feel that your work is three times as long as la recherche du temps perdu"? Not just fanfiction. If you are looking for some of the longest fanfiction stories out there, then this is the post for you. The A.V. Because even bad guys still need some friends now and then. 4,047,350 . It is quite an action story with so many layers that there is something for everyone who loves this fandom. When Chris noticed that the stomping feet seized their chase, he looked behind and saw the fully-angered look of his predator. Super Smash Bros. has always been a series of improbable crossovers. Without publication requirements or worries about costs, you can smash you keyboard for as long as you want. The story follows an alternate storyline for season 3 of the Sarah Conner Chronicles. 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? Sounds like Ready Player One but stretched out to an infinite length. Chris was nearly fazed by the slap and the crash as he slid down to the concrete, his Black Mage hat falling to the side. Yay! Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. I mean, I deleted one of my old stories, and it still appears in the side bar of one of my other stories. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy Most '90s kids will remember the eccentric educational TV series Bill Nye the Science Guy, and it turns . The anime-influenced Teen Titans had lots of quips and witticisms from its crime-fighting quintet, and plenty of action sequences to boot, while Smash Bros. is an action game from start to finishmore than enough excitement to keep a teenage boy busy as he indulged in his daydreams of having superpowers and hanging out with cool heroic teammates. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. And in his spare time, he writes the longest work of fan fiction ever composed. And where Proust opens In Search of Lost Time (or Remembrance of Things Past) with a long and philosophical missive on sleep, both AuraChannelChris and Post open their fics with thrilling action sequences. After a lot of anxiety, Lucario eventually deems Chris as his true trainer. "Here-a he comes!" As everyone diverted their attention to the doors, they slid slowly open. The main focus is on Sarah Conner, Cameron Phillips, and John Conner. It's not the biggest, but it's still massive. While the third and final arc of These Black Eyes will never be reposted because its own author thinks its terrible, Subspace Emissary is still going strong. Playable characters can further be divided . I have livid nightmares that this story will end at ten million words. The Wandering Inn is actually good and is about 7m words at the moment. Looks like he updates it every day. This is really sad, actually. He is a lot darker than the Ron we know and makes decisions that are quite questionable. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is currently over 3,500,000 words, making it almost three times as long as Marcel Proust's seven-volume la recherche du temps perdu, six times as long as Infinite Jest, and thirteen times as long as Ulysses. There is an immense amount of fanfiction stories on the internet. There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild suggestive material, or minor coarse language that is justified by context. Looking even farther down the list, the 6th arc of the series comes in at 749,320 words. I thought that was removed as a filter option. no longer being updated. Cheesus! Change). Super Smash Bros. I love fics that can break records and even though I've never read the Subsspace Emissary, I still think the concept of it is kind of amazing. With over 8 MILLION words, this The Loud House cartoon inspired fanfiction is the longest piece of literature ever written: I skipped to the most recent chapter and they're talking about Bakugan so you know it's got to be good. So the fan fic is long. !2nd channel vid: https://www. The feral monster then charged an Aura Sphere that took several seconds to finish. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Subspace Emissary Worlds Conquest at 4.10 MILLION words. A lawyer from New York moves to rural Ireland, but little does she know that this will bring her on the path of elves and hobbits. 874,252 words and 1,039,041 words respectively, and over 200 chapters collectively. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Ultimate Nintendo Switch But this girl knows everything there is to know about Gravity Falls. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, published on fanfiction.net between 2008 and 2018, reached 4.1 million words by its conclusion, an admittedly impressive number. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Sarah Connor (Terminator) fanart. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003). He was, (and still is) writing multiple stories at a time. The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction that is over 4,100,000 words long and contained in a current 221 chapters. But in this post, I will write about some of the longest fanfiction stories on Archive of Our Own. It doesnt take long before the lawyer and some of her friends become fully immersed in this fantasy world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Staff But 654 to 1055 was absolute gold. 2324334 Probably Past Sins or Fallout: Equestria??? The previous record holder was indeed a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfic. As you can guess by the title, this is a Naruto story but in an alternate dimension. Not to be pessimistic, but I wonder how good that story can be at that rate of writing. CCW: Character Championship Wrestling by NinjaCato on AO3 caps at about. The truth is the longest piece of fiction in the world to dateis a fanfiction.This fanfiction has 4,102,217 words, with more than 220 chapters! What was the first fanfiction ever written? I worked briefly with a autistic man who would spend all shift reciting the entire Smurfs trilogy scene for scene with commentary, so this seems in line. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Pretyy pretty please? SubStar Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy runs 558,003 words long, making it a lengthy book series by any measure. Youre getting this so far, right? My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! only have a little over a million words in them. Instead, I believe a better indicator to see if theres any writing improvement is to check the authors other stories that he wrote after the initial story (the Super Smash Brothers fanfic, in this case). It's The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, and it's a Super Smash Bros. WIP (work-in-progress) on fanfiction.net. Press J to jump to the feed. What is the largest fanfiction site? But there is! Still, the fact this man literally created a piece of literature that, as of now, is 4,102,328 words long, that is entirely dedicated as a Smash fanfic.

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longest fanfiction smash

longest fanfiction smash