pathfinder kingmaker high priest harrim or jhod
Divine - High Priest. Stability Rank 7B: If Defense < Prevention. This is mostly my own work, but I've updated it with some additional information from two great resources:, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. For protecting your own Kingdom and the people within, you'll need a General. This throne room event unlocks the Building: Military Academy. His published works have appeared on GameSpot, EGM, and App Annie. Divine Rank 5: There was a clash between villagers and a peaceful, silent cult. -, (Tsanna only) "Turn him over to the people. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). Espionage Rank 4B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. As a note, I would've added some of the updated info to the wiki, but I honestly can't figure out how to make edits in pages with tables. (Kanerah only) Lets start minting coins, and order that taxes can only be paid using them. - unlocks Project: Minting Coins (+1 BP/day for each 1,000 BP in the treasury, up to 5 BP/day) and establishes the Kingdom trait: Tax Collection in State Currency (Provides BP/week based on the taxation level set at the Economy Rank 2 throne room event, when minting projects are completed and the mint is built in the capital). As a hearty frontline Magus, Regongar will have good stats. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Scouting the Dire Narlmarches. As an archery-focused Ranger, Ekundayo has great stats as a Minister. (Bartholomew's choice). Community Rank 4a: A noble from Brevoy wants to open up tanneries. This happens when the stat Value reaches multiples of 20 (20 points to reach Rank 2, 40 points to reach Rank 3, etc). -. Alkenstar Manufactory (Economy +7, Relations +7, and gain +1 to +5 BP/week based on the Relations rank). The Generals projects tend to have moderate monthly or weekly BP costs, which can cause a small burden on income. This guide will show how to recruit and use the kingdom advisers. Possible Councilors include Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (LN), or Tsanna (CE) and gains a bonus from Wisdom. But, her shrewdness for Lawful answers may make Chaotic leaders prefer Octavia. This triggers the Event: Exodus to Kyonin [General, Warden, Curator]. These variable names will be taken from the names listed on this post, which are based on the variable names in the code (under slight protest, since I feel like the variable names could be more accurate). (Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). Don't worry too much about the ending slides (if that's something you'd do). The Rank 5 throne room event also unlocks the Project: Scouting the Northeastern Regions. "From this day forth, the creation of undead is forbidden." -, " Any subject who has received a necromancer's license may carry on with their work as before." Let them build Gorums temple." You could send troops to rescue them, but that will likely lead to more deaths. -, The merchants became wealthy because they know how to read and write. -, I want the people to become the kingdoms ears. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups. To put it on perspective, by the endgame my NPC (Tsanna) councilor had a +28 while Regongar as General with Dragon Disc dip for extra STR had 31. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. 3 unit5421 3 yr. ago Jhod is not tolerant to other religions he deems evil. I allow this preacher to profess his faith in my lands. -, I forbid this preacher to fill my subjects heads with his rubbish. -. Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki. All rights reserved. They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. -, Dispatch soldiers to the Grey Gardeners. -, Arrange peaceful negotiations with Gralton. -, Pass the information about the Gardeners to the leader of the Revolutionary Council of Galt. -, Help the Order of Vengeance achieve their revenge. -, Organize peace negotiations with Litran. -, Were going to hit them right in their fat purses. You gain strong benefits and the unrest state improves by 1 step on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so its worth spending Crisis Points if necessary or reloading if you fail. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Protectors of the Land (+1 morale bonus to AC and saves in kingdom). (LG moral choice) -, "Send guards to search for Davor. (Kanerahs choice). Relations Rank 1: Hunters from Pitax are crossing the border. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting Pitax. Jaethal is a bit less desirable, mostly because her talents may be better as Curator instead of Minister. Stability Rank 9: The results depend on your choices during the Rank 8 throne room event. Whether you have true intentions to back these areas or are fueling them for your personal gain, it's not a position to worry about too much. Arcanamirium Sanctuary (Arcane +7, Stability +7, and +1 to the Warden and Magisters rolls to solve Problems). and our I've listed the possible choices with lower case letters to avoid confusion. Whats the priority here? Trading also plays a notable role in a Treasurer's job, as does Economic status. Still, he will be ideal if you want more Evil within the Stolen Lands. RELATED: Best Games To Play If You Like Turn-Based Combat. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Kingdom Protection (reduces the chance of a random encounter in claimed regions by 60%). He only works with willingly donated bodies, but the spell requires use of a piece of the soul. Nico is a List Writer for TheGamer. This choice determines the result of the Military Rank 9 throne room event (so you might want to take a look at the benefits from that event). I've summed up the results below. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. Arcane Rank 8B: If Arcane Amoral < Arcane Control. You don't want to be in the dark about this kind of thing. Espionage Rank 2: They arrested a spy from Daggermark. Next:Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Kickstarter Campaign: Our Hands-On Impressions. A priest of Groetus, Harrim left his dwarven home to spread the word of the God of End Times throughout the Stolen Lands. They are the main person in charge of Military, but can also have lasting effect on Stability, Divine, and Relations. -. Order them returned to the people. -, We will use them to revive the villages that suffered the most under the Stag Lords reign. -, [Gain 60 BP] Take these riches to the treasury. -, impacts the result of the Kingdom trait you can obtain at the Rank 8 throne room event with Kanerah, [Pay 2 BP each week] I have another proposal. She has spent most of her life immersed in the worlds of gaming and film, with an aspiration to one day create their own movie. I'm playing a lawful evil fighter and I need a high priest. Completing the Event unlocks the next Rank Up Project, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. As an Alchemist, Jubilost has great Intelligence for the job, but his Chaotic nature can be detrimental when forming a Lawful kingdom. 5B: A delegation of Pharasmites has arrived and demanded you ban necromancy. Culture Rank 2: An aasimar asks for funds to found a society for the appreciation of the fine arts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A Warden's duty is to the police, essentially making sure everything moves smoothly and is lawful. The Rank Up events for each kingdom stat and your options are fixed. -. High Priest candidates are Harrim (CN), Jhod Kavken (LG), or Tsanna (CE) and uses Wisdom. However, she is also a prime candidate for Curator. (Jaethal only) [Pay 100 BP] Spend the money on opening new pubs and inns. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. I order you to issue a decree, and set out to regulate the use of magic in the settlements. -, We shall exchange our arcane knowledge with other states. -, I wish to improve the education and training of our priests. -, I command the construction of a great workshop. -, I order the guard doubled in all settlements. -, Let them get used to taking care of themselves. -, Help the locals pull up their roots and take them to another area. -, (Regongar only) Wipe them out, Regongar. Relations Rank 2: Theres an offer for a trade agreement from Razmiran. -, We shall hold a fair for the common people. They directly improve Arcane and may also help Divine and Community. I always play Lawful Evil sooo i dont know, but when i go to the high priest tab i only get Harim and Tristian as options. Loyalty Rank 4: A local merchant wants to avoid taxes in exchange for saying nice things about you. Turns out the answer is JAETHAL. Each job can only be filled by certain characters, and you cannot give anyone more than one role at a time. I guess this is because Kanerah is a DLC character. This throne room event unlocks the project: the Helping Hand (+2 to Councilors rolls to resolve Events). Community Rank 4b: A merchant was attacked by Davor the Grey. The school will be closed on my authority." Once you achieve Rank IV Military, the General will help unlock the Warden role and support it until it levels. -, "Their crimes are serious. The Magister affects not only the Arcane stat but also Divine and Community. The Speakers of the Depths are dualistic creator-gods of the protean race and a lot like the elder gods of the Cthulhu mythos. The High Priest acts as religious adviser. At the end of this guide, you will realize how easy it ends up being. "I order the Treasurer to provide everything necessary for the development of a school of enlightenment." Honestly, don't leave it to a custom NPC. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Additionally, story options later in the game could cause advisers to perish or leave. You unlock the Rank Up Project once you complete the Event, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. That is why Pathfinder Kingmaker is filled with many advisers that can help guide the domestic and foreign policy of the Stolen Lands. -, Id prefer to forget about this minor matter. -, (Shandra Mervey only) "I will issue an order for free pardons." (The dialogue options for this event show +1 Stability; however, this appears to be the additional point in the kingdom stat that you always get from throne room events). Espionage Rank 4A: This event occurs if you delivered the list to Galt or sold the information in Daggermark under the Rank 3 event. Larzio dies, Community +3, Loyalty -3, Relations +10, Stability -3, Culture +5. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. His magical surveillance system sounds most promising. - (. Let the guards watch those who arrived by the caravan. -, Tell the merchants that if they fail to hand over the stranger, well seize their gold and goods. -, Send her in the wrong direction and follow her. -, [Gain 2,000 gold] Sell the information in Daggermark. -, [Pay 50 BP] Let them be silenced forever. -, We shall openly honor the dead. (NG moral choice) -, Take care of their families without attracting undue attention. -, We have nothing to do with them. Or do I just tough it out until I get to The Witch Hunt Quest and pick Tsanna? Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. But in HDGamers we bring you the help to be able to achieve it without problems. If Concealment > Fear, Assassins. (CE moral choice) - Loyalty -5, Divine -5. Relations Rank 8: Razmir is threatening its neighbors. You can choose after talking with all three representatives. Separately, the situation in the slums has gotten worse. - unlocks the Project: Ambitious Recruits (+2 to Generals rolls to resolve Events; Military -1 when General gets a Failure or Disaster). -, Send our citizens the message that the mercenaries are under our protection. -, Let the merchants know that their efforts are not required. This means you could not only lose a kingdom adviser, but also a member of your combat team. The tasks of a Minister also follow along as what is essentially an extra-long side mission for you to unravel and solve. The possible suitors for the job are Jubilost (CN), Kanerah (LE), Bartholomew Delgado (LE), and Maegar Varn (CG). Divine Rank 4: There is a cult of Erastil that is engaged in blood sacrifices (Community -3, Loyalty -3, Divine -7, Stability -3). The followers of this strange religion have nothing to fear from me. -, (Tsanna only) Tsanna wants them for Lamashtu (NE moral choice). Divine Rank 7B: This event occurs if you did not destroy the idols in the Rank 1 event. Upgraded regions are regions with a Region Upgrade. -, "Let him deal with his problem himself." Okay so i keep seeing around that Jhod can be a advisor but anytime i ask him he just tells me he'd like to be a high priest, so i go to the advisor tabs and he's not a option. Club 57 Wiki. Each set of Rank Up events for each kingdom stat is associated with a pair of opposing hidden variables that affect the events you get at specific ranks and the ending slides regarding the fate of your kingdom. Your decision here affects the throne room event for Relations Rank 7. Oct 23, 2018 @ 2:21pm . The throne room event also unlocks the Project: Improving Cultural Development (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Culture bonus). The NPC advisors are like training wheels on a bike, and their choice is fixed, regardless of the class/alignment of the NPC, and largely mirrors another advisor. If Bulettes = 2 and Regongar is the Warden, the Event: Tracking the Great White Bulette [Warden] triggers. Military Rank 5: A border patrol got buried under an avalanche. Open unrestricted recruitment. You can still make Evil-aligned choices with Harrim as High Priest - it may not always be the course of action he specifically recommends, but at the most he'll grumble a bit and do as you say. If Divine Freedom > Divine Control, Arcane +5. 4 Season of Bloom. Culture Rank 6: Larzio is asking for financial support. also for a chaotic neutral mindset, harrim is much much better high priest then jhod, jhod is pretty normal lawful good type. Cultists are bringing human sacrifices to the idols. Vordakai is an interesting choice, as his mere presence in the capital can unsettle certain characters and situations. " (CN moral choice) -, [Pay 100 BP] It would be well to open a printing house in the capital. -, We wont be opening a printing house in the capital. -, Tell him that the law in my domain applies equally to all. -, [Gain 5000 gold and 40 BP] This corrupt tradesman will pay for his insolence. Kesten will always be serviceable, though maybe not an outstanding Warden. Related:Pathfinder: Kingmaker Review - The Best Tabletop Sim. (Light Crossbow +5, axiomatic, remove rage) - this will appear in your stash. The Regent focuses on the needs of the common people. 7 War of the River Kings. She's your third option for the High Priest position, mainly to give Evil kingdoms a bone over Jhod or Harrim. Need help finding save data flag. Press J to jump to the feed. is one of the best light crossbows in the game against the Fey. Erastil is the Lawful Good god of the hunt. There's no doubt that war will appear through the entirety of Pathfinder since that's what you're introduced to in the very opening of the game. Completing this with the Minister gives Lamashtu Worship +1. -, Let them hold a celebration in my honor. Culture Rank 7A: the Curator suggests founding a university. If you let them live, theres new sightings of bulettes, including one as big as a house. The Councilor brokers trust with nobles, merchants, and other very important people. Divine Rank 8: The guards have arrested preachers of atheism from Touvette. -, " Scatter the rebels and outlaw such gatherings." -, Let the Golden Shields take up their duties immediately. - (, We shall accept Wigmolds proposal. Don't let your realm stats drop to zero or lower this will cause your subjects to riot, and your state will begin to crumble. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Loyalty Rank 7B: The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. Relations Rank 6A: If you accepted the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, Razmirans spies have gotten some of your powerful and influential subjects addicted to drugs. Thanks VolpeRosso, for the info and saves! nallWhite. You will have to make important choices when recruiting. The chode suggests that this choice has some effect. Also gain +1 BP/week per region and +3 BP/week per upgraded region). Version: 0.81 | Updated: 03/07/2022 Highest Rated Guide. -. -, [Pay 50 BP] The composer is free to use the main square as he pleases. Community Rank 8: The people need leaders. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Arcane Lobby (-10% to the cost of buildings with a static Arcane bonus). (Kanerahs choice). You must immediately prohibit this home-made booze. -, I won't make anyone drink, but I'm not prohibiting these potions either. -, I like the idea of these potions. I wish to influence the minds of my subjects. - gain a, Leave the charm to the one who found it. -, [Pay 500 gold] Buy the charm and give it to the appraiser. -, Seize the charm by force and give it to the appraiser. -, I forbid this necromancer from practicing his dark arts in my realm. -, From now on there will be no more magical experiments within the city walls. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Crimefighters (+2 to Wardens rolls to solve Problems). This throne room event unlocks the Event: Purge the Ranks [Treasurer, Grand Diplomat, High Priest]. That title belongs to Lander by far. The Grand Diplomat asks if you wish to unite the River Kingdoms against them. One option is setting the head of Graltons guards against the armys commander. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. Throw the villain in jail." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. I dont care for this risk. I wouldnt recommend completing this Project if you are aiming to get the Achievement: Survivor (for living through 100 random encounters in the wild). However, this listing appears to include the +1 point that is reported on the Event card, and the actual rewards are largely the same as if you had made the choice yourself (with minor exceptions that appear to be bugs). Stability Rank 8: Kellid barbarians are trying to poison the land. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. To figure out the outcome, find the amount of support you gave during the Rank 4 and Rank 6 events in column 1 (which establishes your row) and match that up to the support you give during the Rank 8 event (columns 2-5). Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), and Kassil Aldori (LN) are the choices for this role, and you'll need a solid leader to suit the upcoming tasks. Building up your Economy and furthering good relations with allies is where you should be devoting a good chunk of your time. Funny thing, I cannot pick Tristian as priest. Allowing all reagents may affect the magic items available for purchase. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. . For example, having Rank III in Military, Arcane, and Relations but Rank II Economy may reward 6 BP, while having them all at Rank III could give 9 BP. You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so you may want to use Crisis Points as necessary. Next, advisers advocate for choices that correspond to their alignment. The results depend on your choices during the throne room events for Ranks 4, 6, and 8. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting the Eastern Regions. Instead, it raises the BP threshold for every other kingdom stat. Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. -, " Let the bandits organize volunteer militia and to safeguard the citizens' security." Declare their teachings prohibited, and drive them to the border. -, Execute them publicly. (CE moral choice) -. Temple of Kurgess (Community +7, Divine +7, and Community +1 if a Regent suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem, and Stability +1 if the Warden suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem). Most of the time, the results of your choices can be seen by mouseing over the text [Choice effects] when it appears by an option; however, that isnt always the case and the mouseover is occasionally slightly wrong (due to typos). Part 2: If you agree to support him, the Curator asks if theres a specific lesson youd like to share with the audience. If you denied support (no theme): Stats (6) - Community, Loyalty, Economy, Divine, Stability, and Espionage. "Shut down the school immediately. Relations Rank 9B: The Grand Diplomat asks for guidance on the future. you have to do jhods training to unlock him as an advisor i think, it was the same way with one of the other advisors you can get. While your Advisors will generally give you the same options, certain Advisors will give you options that the others will not. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Easier Upgrades (Region claims and upgrades cost 25% less). This is an absolutely fantastic post and appears to be the general source for this information (which also appears on the wiki). Candidates include Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), or Ekundayo (LG) and gains a bonus from Dexterity. If you really rp hardcore and are a stickler I pity the other choices. The text can be seen by highlighting the greyed-out text. You don't need to train people before using them. And his production should be funded as well." Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." A Minister will mainly govern the Espionage stat but can also sway Relations, Military, and Arcane. Fandom Muthead Commitment to duty: Stats (2) - Community and Loyalty. The Minister oversees the Espionage stat but can form policies that affect Relations, Military, and Arcane. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker there are multiple leader slots you can assign, they can give you unique bonuses, or other opportunities. -, [Pay 75 BP] I wish to support this art society financially. -, [Pay 50 BP] We shall help them found and promote this society. -, Well support the provincial teacher. -, Lets order the series of etchings from the artist. -, (Jaethal only) Assist the composer and see how hes progressing! -, (Linzi/the Storyteller only) We shall grant this young composer what he asks. -, [Pay 2 BP each week] Well meet all their accusations by issuing our own newspaper. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Kingdom Events List ? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Roll Espionage DC 25 check every week; on failure, Economy -3, Loyalty -3, Community -3, Relations -3). [Pay 200 BP] I order the treasury to release the necessary funds. -. Let the people decide who they want as governors. (LN moral choice) - This enables the Projects: a) Loyalty of the Masses (Loyalty +1 whenever the Regent has a Success or Triumph on Events) and b) Community of Loyalists (+2 to Regents rolls to resolve Events). This throne room event unlocks the Projects: a) Trade Agreement with Galt and b) Trade Agreement with Gralton. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. If you have a Lawful Evil adviser, but enact only Chaotic Good policies you will lose favor. This cancels the Trade Agreement with Razmiran (Economy +5, Relations +5, 4 BP/week) and you lose its benefits,if you completed the Project. (Bartholomew's choice). Your choices will usually have an impact on your kingdom, in the form of increased or decreased kingdom stats, BP, and money, or by unlocking Projects and Events. Explore properties. This is my favourite topic. (LE moral choice) -, Throw the mercenaries out of the capital. Gralton has kidnapped your people and thrown them into prison. Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels. You can also change your advisors at any time so you could just change the advisor to someone who's more likely to agree with you before you rank up. The High Priest acts as a Religious Advisor mainly influencing the Divine stat, but can also impact the Arcane, Community, and Relations stats. From a story standpoint, religion plays a crucial part with characters worshipping different gods, having various perspectives on how the world works, and the essential qualities a person should have. Culture Rank 4: The Curator offers you the chance to support a young composer, Larzio. You can allow tax evaders to continue to do so if you wish, though your people won't be all too thrilled with the idea. Possible Magisters include Octavia (CG), Storyteller (TN), or Vordakai (NE) and makes use of Intelligence. Ekundayo will be the best choice for this position, if you intend to keep everything in order and all communities happy, as he has a Lawful Good alignment, but there are other choices if you so wish.