political organisation of the acholi
Over the twentieth century, chiefdoms in Acholi have become vestigial institutions, and the fences that once enclosed villages have disappeared. Death and Afterlife. Marriage has been typically patrilocal and patriarchal, with the husband and father as the undisputed head of the household. Hunting tracts are owned by clans. It has similarity with Alur, Padhola language, and other Luo languages in South Sudan Shilluk, Anuak,Pari, Balanda, Boor, Thuri. in the Western Nilotic branch of Nilo-Saharan. authority of a district commissioner. . Required electronic filing by tax-exempt political organizations. ETHNONYMS: Mende (Men-day), Mendes, Huro, Wuro The word 'Acholi' is a misnomer that became adopted for convenience over the years. the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), echoing some of the spiritual themes used by the Holy Spirit to accumulate substantial fortunes, as have a few traders. He was defeated in January 1986. Led by Alice Auma, who claimed to Idi Amin was also from north Uganda, but was of the Kakwa people. 1 Northern Uganda or Acholiland is formally known as the Acholi sub-region, an area inhab-ited primarily by speakers of the Acholi language, whom I refer to as the Acholi. Each type of spirit had numerous ceremonies associated with it; many ceremonies included small offerings of food and drink. Large, dry-season hunts were an important part of the precolonial economy; these gradually decreased in significance as the varied roster of both large and small game animals dwindled over the twentieth century. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. portrayed this relationship in his account as rather hostile and negative: Most of these Arabs carrying business of slave trade were coming from Egypt, they //]]>, ETHNONYMS: Acoli, Acooli; historically: Gani, Lango, Lo-Gang, Shuuli. [26][27], The NRA managed to defeat all the rebel groups except the LRA which culminated in a 20-year conflict. While rwodi, From the beginning, the Acholi were marginal compared to Britain's concern with Buganda, at the core of the colony. population. Inheritance has been, and largely remains, patrilineal. When the camps were disbanded and people began to return to their land, customary rules for land tenure did not necessarily have the answers to some of the problems faced by Acholi people: men had lost their fathers from whom they would be granted land; children did not know where their clan land was; women were married to men without following the customary rules for marriage because of a lack of resources; and women were widowed and left with few options for survival. An Exploration of Linguistic Practices and Language Attitudes in Gulu, Northern Uganda. Out of these, the cookies that are categorised as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Stream and swamp fishing are important. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. "[9], Milton Obote, the first leader after independence, relied on Acholi Luo people and Langi Nilo Hamites or Ateker peoples in government. [25], Some of the groups in Acholi, like the UPDA, detested the Museveni regime because it had overthrown the government in which they served. Historian Mark Curtis says that after Amin instigated a coup, Britain, the United States, and Israel quietly backed Amin and his campaign against the socialist-leaning President Milton Obote in 1971. Individual antecedents of political behavior include political . . [26] Conservative approaches estimates that at least 300,000 people died in the conflict that extended into the Sudan, Congo and Central African Republic. [26], In 2016, the multi award-winning film, A Brilliant Genocide was produced. B. K. (1994). Rwot, 'ruler'). While Bantu speaking groups had begun to occupy administration within the region and the district headquarters were erected in the area of the With the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan in 2005, and the establishment of the ex-rebel government in newly independent South Sudan in territory in which the LRA once operated freely, those lines of support have been substantially weakened, if not severed altogether. This book presents seminal anthropological works from that period by p'Bitek himself and by Frank Girling, who was researching among the Acholi when p'Bitek was a teenager. heard of gun sound, they were used to only lightning thunder sound. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Instead, the Acholi were integrated in the The settlement of the Acholi in their current territory is compared to the ethnic groups in the With colonial rule came a new hierarchy of chiefs, clerks, and policemen, all under the authority of a district commissioner. "At Home in the Village: Growing Up in Acholi." Acholi have played a pivotal role in the turbulent post-independence era. In contrast, the Acholi and other northern ethnic groups supplied much of the national manual labour and came to comprise a majority of the military, creating what some have called a "military ethnocracy". It was also during this period that the name Acholi was coined by the Arab traders, calling [23][24], The attempt to pacify the Northern Uganda was carried out recklessly with much brutality and unprofessionalism from the NRA soldiers and government. It does not correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information. "The Concept of Jok among the Acholi and Lango." From the Village to Entebbe: The Acholi of Northern Uganda and . PUBLISHED: 27/01/2023. In 2005, the new International Criminal Court in The Hague issued arrest warrants for Joseph Kony and other top LRA commanders. The PEPFAR Uganda 2023 Science Summit on HIV and TB: Following the Science and Sustaining the Gains as PEPFAR Turns Twenty This report is a record of the virtual summit organized by the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Uganda for its stakeholders; Uganda Ministry of Health (MoH) including its Public Health Fellowship Program (PHFP), implementing partners, and . Certain rwodi and Uganda Journal 19(1): 57-61. 26). InThe Roots of Ethnicity, Ronald R. Atkinson argues that although colonial rule and its aftermath have played a major role in shaping the particular manifestati. Religion of the Central Luo. For example, among Acholi, husbands pay a bride price to their wives fathers, and this payment supports the traditional belief that women are the property of the husband, since a payment was made for her. London: Oxford University Press. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/acholi. Milton Obote, the independence leader, relied heavily on the support of his fellow Luo-speakers - Acholi and Langi - in government. What attitudes towards and beliefs about language, linguistic competence and teaching languages do student teachers hold at the start of their teacher education.. How, It addresses the practices used for managing linguistic diversity in downstream relationships, particularly focusing on the role of language nodes at the, LINGUISTIC MEANING AND KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION IN AUTOMATIC UNDERSTANDING OF NATURAL LANGUAGE LINGUISTIC MEANING AND KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION IN AUTOMATIC UNDERSTANDING OF NATURAL LANGUAGE, Linguistic and Cognitive Measures in Arabic-Speaking English Linguistic and Cognitive Measures in Arabic-Speaking English Language Learners (ELLs) and monolingual children with and, Recently, Wang, Teng, and Chen (2015) conducted a study to examine students attitude toward the use of iPad in English Vocabulary Learning. The third group of spirits were those of unknown persons and dangerous beasts; these were hostile, personified as ghosts, believed to cause sickness and other misfortunes, and dealt with by means of spirit possession. As of September 2009, large numbers of Acholi people remain in camps as internally displaced persons. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. They also kept goats, sheep and cattle. Updates? Even in this . Uganda's current army, various local rebel groups (some headed by apocalyptic "prophets" such as Alice Lakwena), and heavily armed Karamojong raiders have all raped, looted, killed, and destroyed, making any kind of normal life in Acholi impossible. The Uma, F. K. (1971). Chiefs are chosen from one lineage. Political Organization. Before the late seventeenth century, Luo speakers were limited to only a few peripheral areas of Acholi. Girling (1960) notes that as late as 1950 there was still no system of individual land tenure in Acholi; however, such tenure has become increasingly common since independence. Social Organization. "The Evolution of Ethnicity among the Acholi of Uganda: The Pre-colonial Phase." Shilluk Acholi Following the Social Control. Domestic Unit. Boys and girls are typically socialized into distinct gender roles, and do household and other chores accordingly. In most chiefdoms, only members of designated lineages could make or repair royal drums. The activities of the LRA have been devastating within Acholiland (though they spread also to neighbouring districts and countries). Dholuo You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Colonial rule brought the penetration of a money economy into Acholi, along with the establishment of numerous rural and small-town trading centers and the two major urban centers of Gulu and Kitgum, where a range of local and imported goods are available. In addition to these six languages, some authors also classify Labwor (Ladefoged, A Study of the Acooli Language: Grammar and Vocabulary. But when Idi Amin overthrew Obotes first spell in power, and when Yoweri Musevini ousted Okello, the Acholi paid heavily for their allegiances. Orientation (February 23, 2023). Its current population is estimated to be around 2.155,000 individuals, or six percent of the total national population. Political Organization. comparably flat. In addition, the peace forums have worked to help establish the Amnesty Commission. Ceremonies. Lineage heads, assisted by lineage elders, organized both production (based on cooperative village-lineage labor) and reproduction (through the control of the material means and ideological rules of marriage). Extensive mission activity in Acholi by both Protestants and Catholics has attracted many followers since the second decade of the twentieth century. The term is derived from "Shuuli," first used by nineteenth-century ivory and slave traders who noted the similarity of Acholi Luo to the language of the previously encountered Shilluk or "Collo" of the southern Sudan (Crazzolara 1938, vii-viii). [22], In January 1986, the junta government of Gen. Tito Okello-Lutwa in Uganda was overthrown by Museveni and his NRA rebels. During this period of growing integration into the colonial trade routes, the Acholi chiefdoms According to the latest census, there are 1.47 million ethnic Acholi in Uganda, amounting to 4.4 per cent of the total population. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). It was not until 1995 that a constitutional reform recognized such cultural leaders, but they have not been fully restored to previous powers, as so much of society has changed. Sign up to Minority rights Group International's newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news and publications. latest redrawing of the administrative divisions, it contains seven districts; Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Okot p'Bitek (1971). In September 1996, the Ugandan government moved hundreds of thousands of Acholi from the Gulu district into camps, ostensibly for their protection. ETHNONYMS: Ebantfu ba kwa Ngwane (the people of Ngwane), emaSwati, emaSwazi, Swati The Acholi are the descendants of a variety of Luo-speaking peoples who are believed to have migrated three or four centuries ago from adjacent areas of what is now South Sudan into what is now the Acholi district of Uganda. During the colonial period, political leadership in Acholi was contested among those with traditional leadership qualifications and others who benefited from the new dispensation, including collaborators with the British and those who managed to obtain Western education. T(h)uri Kumam London: James Currey. of mutual intelligibility amongst each other, they were at times interpreted as a dialectal cluster Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. morphed into Chuuli, before finally becoming Acholi as it was applicated with the pronoun . "Some Notes on Acholi Religious Ceremonies." Dances and other activities surrounding spirit possession seem to have been originally introduced from Bunyoro in the early nineteenth century and then became more wide-spread during the tumultuous years of the latter part of that century. The Acholi dialect is a Western Nilotic language, classified as Luo (or Lwo). other parts of Uganda, where hundreds of thousands of peoplemany Payera chiefdom and in 1911 they established here the Gulu township (Whitmire, 2013, pp. These rebellions sprung up in defiance and from disapproval of the conduct and legitimacy of the new NRA government. (1991). became more frequent, more deadly, and more widely spread. This complex process was helped along by two major droughts, probably during the 1720s and c. 1790, which promoted larger-scale political leadership that held the promise of greater stability and security, and by the formation of neighboring identities against which members of an emergent Acholi could compete, compare, and define themselves. Graduating Essay, Department of History, Makerere University (Kampala). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". supported them at first also regretted their support after seeing the sufferings of Acholi in 3 vols. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Both Protestant and Catholic missionaries were active in Acholi from early colonial rule, providing written Luo religious, educational, and historical texts and producing a local educated elite, all of which fostered the further development of an Acholi identity within the colonial context of "tribal" culture, consciousness, and politics. One illustration of this is the various spirit-possession-based millennial (and military) movements that have been prominent in Acholi during the extremely difficult period of the late 1980s and early 1990s, most famously the Holy Spirit Movement of Alice Lakwena. aimed at achieving clearly-defined political goals, which typically benefit the interests of their members. The Southern Lwoo language group Even bride-wealth marriages are now often mainly nuclear-family affairs, and other alternatives to traditional marriage are common. When conflict did Bride-wealth has varied over time but has usually included iron objects, domestic animals, and, in the twentieth century, money. Kinship Terminology. [17] Most of the LRA returnees, numbering 12,000, underwent nyono tong gweno ('stepping on the egg') after returning to their home villages, to help restore them to home. Traditionally, lineage heads and elders were the most knowledgeable aboutand involved withthe lineage and chiefdom jogi, although rwodi also had a role to play in ceremonies involving the latter. expression of difference, but one of a common political ideology and identity (Whitmire, 2013, second term, Acholi soldiers played key roles in the massive conflict in Apart from hundreds of thousands of deaths and tens of thousands being abducted, Conflict. Customary leadership of the Acholi was severely affected by the long conflict in Northern Uganda, when many Acholi people lived in IDP camps for as long as 20 years. The state is a form of human association distinguished from other social groups by its purpose, the establishment of order and security; its methods, the laws and their enforcement; its territory, the area of jurisdiction or geographic boundaries; and finally by its sovereignty . Comprising less than 5 percent of the country's population, during the early years of independence the Acholi constituted more than 15 percent of the police force and fully a third of the army. 2.4. Idi Amin (197179) the Acholi were severely persecuted and their men systematically executed for their past association with the colonial army and for their support of Pres. ETHNONYMS: Balumbila, Batoka, Batonga, Bawe, Toka prefix a- denoting the 1st Person Singular (Whitmire, 2013, p. 51). Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Traditionally, a young man was dependent upon his lineage head and elders both for permission to marry and for the material goods required for bride-wealth; elders of the woman's lineage were also much involved in the discussions and negotiations surrounding the marriage. The chiefs traditionally came from one clan, and each chiefdom had several villages made up of different patrilineal clans. Although polygyny has often been presented as an ideal, limited means have always made it rare in practice. [10] Peace talks beginning in 2005 promised some relief to these people, and some camps were closed in 2007 as security in the north improved. The main point of contact centralised kingdom but instead organised themselves as a collection of smaller chiefdoms. [12] These camps had some of the highest mortality rates in the world, with an estimated 1,000 people dying per week at one point. The Age-set spokesmen handled affairs involving interclan cooperation. "Acholi Soon after, the NRM started pacifying the northern region, which is home to several ethnics, including the Acholi and Lango. Industrial Arts. Linguistic Affiliation. to the land by Kuturia caused a lot of death in the sub-region of Acholi. (p. 34). A new sociopolitical orderand the basis of an Acholi identitywas established when chiefly institutions and ideology were introduced into Acholi by Luo-speaking Paluo from the neighboring kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara.
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