uft paraprofessional per session rate
Requires a further look, but for now. columns: 1; .top-elements{ h1 { font-size: 3.5rem; } height: 70px; white-space: normal; .main--with-sidebar, content: "United Federation of Teachers"; a.content-heading__term, As a result of a hard-fought court battle won by the UFT in 2002, all per-session income is pensionable, so any extra hours that you put in during your final one or three years on the job (depending on your pension tier) will boost your pension allowance. @media (max-width: 500px) { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important; padding: 0; content: "United Federation of Teachers"; } } { } columns: 2; content: "\2022 " } .fsPreviousButton, .fsSubmitButton, .fsNextButton { display: inline; page-break-after: auto; page-break-before: auto; } - CG, 2022-1216 */ } .toolbar-vertical */ width: 100%; .main-content::before font-size: 2.5rem; */ color:#e93836; ****************** The Career Training Program (CTP) provides eligible UFT paraprofessionals with the opportunity to earn their first Bachelor's degree. padding-bottom: 3rem !important; .paragraph-sidebar p:last-child width:24rem; } .content-actions, Your unused per session sick time is transferred to your regular sick bank. - CG, 2022-1202 */ orphans: 2; .main-content a[href^="http:"]::after, margin-bottom:2rem; a[href^="mailto:"]::after { display: none !important; } height:auto !important; .footer, The latest release that included the menu performance updates, also messed up the display of this menu. */ } { margin: 1rem 0 1rem; white-space: normal; border-bottom: 2px solid #ddd; .clarchives li a { .pager__item { body, } Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users .pager__link, .pager__link:link, .pager__link:visited { The Second heading overlapped on phone sizes. padding: 3rem 0 3rem; /* { break-inside: avoid-column; height: auto; break-inside: avoid; .main-content::after color: #032e82; .main.main--with-sidebar, -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important; /* Chapter Leader Update: Hub Highlight. border: 2px solid #ddd; columns: 1; /* Ads were showing in the sidebar of NYT landing page, because it's an article. a[href$=".pdf"]::after, .slideshow { line-height: 100px; } /*Firefox*/ The wrapper styles need to be looked at. .clarchives ul { background-color: #d6dbee; padding-bottom: 3rem !important; */ */ width:inherit; position: static; text-align: center; font-size: 80%; } This still needs work. .main-content a.button::after, .main-content a.icon-button::after { On mobile, images still have float and margins attached on the sides when they should not. font-size: 4rem; } .sidebar-secondary, .embedded-entity.align-left, of Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Occupational & Physical Therapists and Audiologists, Smart 90 Walgreens/Duane Reade retail network, Talking with Children About Cancer: Support for school professionals, Notice to all Medicare-eligible SHIP members, SHIP premium notices for those not on automatic deduction, Staten Island Borough Office Representatives, Polishing Your Resume: Presenting Your Best Self, Suggestions for the Guidance Counselors Year-End Calendar. top: -0.1em .expand-image, .split h2 { .cta a, .cta h2, .cta *, .cta a.cta__link { color: #373737; } #block-uft-local-tasks, display: list-item; .clarchives ul { .node-type-uft_discounts .content-heading__heading { columns: 2; } column-gap: auto; display:none !important; /* margin: 3px 0px; @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 400px){ font-size: 80%; } a[href^="tel:"]::after, } top:3.4rem; } } .accordion-term::after .twocolumnlist ul { margin: 1rem 0 2rem; } */ text-align: center; a[href^="mailto:"]::after { display: none !important; } background-color: white; .clarchives ul { .main-content a[href^="http:"]::after, padding: 3rem; font-weight: bold; padding: 0.8rem 1rem; .clarchives ul { Example: Jane smith had completed 5 years of full-time work for the DOE. float: none; Upon completing two consecutive years of satisfactory service in the same activity, you gain retention rights, giving you priority for hiring in future years in the same activity. } } } ****************** margin-top:-1.6rem; margin-right: 0 !important; } display: block; p .category-leadership .featured-column .viewsreference--view-title { columns: 4; page-break-inside: avoid; } display: block; } margin: 1rem 0 2rem; margin-right: 0; /* ******** { .node-type-uft_discounts .content-heading__heading column-gap: auto; } color:#e93836; Fixes a padding issue on the bottom of Single Curated Featured Content blocks body, display: block; .hub-highlight .cta--contained .section-heading__heading{ font-size: 2.5rem; Fixes a padding issue on the bottom of Single Curated Featured Content blocks display: block; .main-content .split h1 { The average salary for a paraprofessional is $16.66 per hour in New York, NY. display: block; The latest release that included the menu performance updates, also messed up the display of this menu. .event__actions__item svg { .toolbar-vertical .account-menu-pilot .menu-navigable__sub-wrapper{ } ****************** */ } list-style: none; .main, .hero__page-heading .page-title__heading { ******** } .clarchives ul { } .trigger, height: auto; color: #032e82;} columns: 1; font-size: 2.5rem; ************ } /* Titles were enabled for UFT Discounts. -webkit-border-radius: 20px; break-inside: avoid; order: 99 !important; .main-content a[href^="https:"]::after { content: " (" attr(href) ") "; } TITLES TAX- LEVY RATES REIMBURSABLE RATES LINE NUMBER Principal (PR) $56.47 $68.33 2782 Supervisor (SU) $56.47 $68.33 2792 Teacher - Regular Grades $53.98 $65.32 3002 . page-break-before: auto; } /* NYT 2022-0908 issue posted. margin: 1rem 0 1rem; white-space: normal; } .split ul { .clarchives li a:before { On mobile, images still have float and margins attached on the sides when they should not. padding-bottom: 3rem !important; /* break-inside: avoid-column; columns: 2; In the event that the number of positions is reduced, those with the least seniority in the activity will be the first to lose their per-session positions. } .card--featured--single { So I added some color to the vendor name. Salaries are based on prior experience as well as academic coursework and degrees earned. color: #373737; } .hero__page-heading .page-title__heading { column-gap: 1rem; } Teachers can apply to become instructors or coaches of per-session activities that take place either before school, after school, on weekends or holidays, or in the summer. .split ul li { ************ height: auto; All rights reserved. .main-content a[href^="http:"]::after, Pedagogues accrue sick leave in the same per-session activity on the basis of one session per 20 consecutive sessions worked during the school year. .accordion-def.js-active { .main--with-sidebar, /* } .slideshow { /* word-break: break-all; flex: 0 0 auto; .main-content a.button, .main-content a.icon-button { white-space: normal; width: auto; Paraprofessionals. } .views-element-container Chapter Leader Archives Page } margin: 0; .accordion-term::after float: none; The five year longevity is in addition to the steps in the June 2008 pay chart. All rights reserved. Your chapter leader will notify your UFT district representative and the union's Victim Support Program (1-212-598-6853) of the incident. } */ Our website is undergoing maintenance. { line-height: inherit; A session is defined as two hours beyond the school day. 2023 United Federation of Teachers Close. .content-image--right, display: block; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; Force FAQ to print open } } } width:24rem; [CDATA[/* >