why did henry kill himself fnaf

The Missing Children Incident was an event that occurred at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and is mentioned in the first, second, and third games. All of them. His voice is deathly quiet. Endo-02, Endoplush, and the Auto:Shield chip are recomended, since they block the Alarm attack. They were salvaging tapes. Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. However, PJ Heywood, who voiced William Afton throughout the franchise, revealed on "The FNaF Show" that Cassette Man is Henry (seemingly without Scott Cawthons knowledge or consent), tying him to the. To drive deeper your point, Charlie mentioned that Henry's familiar life was his secret life, his guilty pleasure. FNaF: The Novel Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Being the mechanical genius that he was, Henry created the two springlock suits, one in which William would use in his killing sprees. Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. and our FNaF came onto the scene in 2014 with a simple premise: survive some scares perpetrated by increasingly creepy pizzeria animatronics.Five Nights at Freddy's' jumpscare-laden . Newport News Tennis Tournament, Though another incident happened in which an animatronic bit a night guards front head in an event known as The Bite of '87, causing the restaurant to close and the toy animatronics to be scrapped. It is Mentioned In The Silver Eyes. Unknown (Adult) His theory states that William may have built Ballora in his perspective of Mrs. Afton and Ballora's song. Henry Emily,Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. The Afton children were such sweet children, and they seemed to get along well. In the Completion Ending, after the work week ends, he interrupts Scrap Baby's monologue. He concocted a plan to trap the remaining four animatronics: Scrap Baby; Molten Freddy; William, who was permanently trapped inside the Spring Bonnie suit due to a springlock failure; and the Puppet, whom he trapped inside his creation made to capture it, Lefty. On November 2nd, 2019, during a Fox News segment about military dogs, a former US Navy SEAL Mike Ritland unexpectedly said "Epstein didn't kill himself" in a manner similar to the meme format. Its an alternative counterpart of Endo-02 from Five Nights at Freddy's 2 . SURVEY . When Charlie saw that it was holding a knife in its hand, she directly knew what it was and what it was built for. I thought Henry committed suicide after building Baby, but also Henry is clearly alive to burn all the animatronics. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Charles Calvin, originally known as Charlie, is the deuteragonist of the Henry Stickmin series. Choose to keep it, and you run the risk of certain negative consequences namelydeath should the item in question not be as docile as it first appeared. Formerly a troublesome teenager who constantly sought validation from his neglectful father, Michael has since reverted to a hollow shell of his former self following the death of his younger brother in the Bite of '83 -- an incident that Michael . He has so far, been seen by the reader as a character who is strong, intelligent and one who possesses many good qualities. William Afton shot and killed himself. As blatantly obvious in FNaF World Henry says Baby's name and she kills him but in the book we see an endoskeleton that could be Foxy's kill Henry but that's kind of what makes this confusing. Finally, he speaks to his daughter inside Lefty one last time, apologizing for not being able to save her on the day she died, and tells her that this time he will succeed in saving her by giving her the chance to pass on. Henry doesn't kill William (immediately, that is,) but he does cut him out of his life at this point, and . He also learned that the animatronics were haunted by William's victims, and his daughter haunted the animatronic he created to protect her, The Puppet. You can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic, and decrease its value. End tape. Because I know you deserve a second chance. Born in 1340 as the younger brother of the Black Prince . If Henry is dead by FNaF6, the tapes can be pre-recorded ones. Well mail you your things. William Afton, also known by his undercover name, Dave Miller is a major character and the determinant main antagonist of the Dayshift at Freddy's trilogy. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more, waiting for you after the smoke clears. In 1985, two years after Fredbear's closure, William continued to cause trouble for Henry by murdering five children at Freddy's, causing them to haunt the four animatronics, as well as the mysterious fifth Golden Freddy. He's clearly alive in the games, and if those are his instructions, then why wouldn't he follow them? Henry's plans to curb the power of the Church ended in failure. Answer (1 of 5): In the first game, a murderer known as William Afton kills children to gain something called remnant to make him immortal. Though another incident happened in which an animatronic bit a night guards front head in an event known as The Bite of '87, causing the restaurant to close and the toy animatronics to be scrapped. If you feel that it is becoming unstable, use the taser provided to you. From the 1970's up until late-1985, William Afton was fat and flushed with health. This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. William Destroyed the house to make Henry Mad. Okay, this is still FNaF based, so don't worry. Yes. With FNAF 6 having come out a few weeks ago, along with me having just finished reading the first book based on the franchise, 'The Silver Eyes', the long thought-upon story of haunted animatronics has been on my mind once more. Clara Afton. She tells him that the time her aunt took her out of school (which was the last time John saw Charlie) and went home, her aunt covered her eyes with her hand so she wouldn't see anything. In the end, when his plan came into fruition, he showed no care for his life, as he burned with the rest of the animatronics, feeling happy in the belief that the nightmare would finally end, Henry would be with his daughter in the afterlife, and William would be sent to hell where he belongs. Clara Afton had a mental breakdown that she never recovered from. (The Fourth Closet) Henry Stein vs. Micheal Afton is a What-If? William Destroyed the house to make Henry Mad. It is shown in the TSE graphic novel to be a Foxy endoskeleton closely resembling the "does it hurt" animatronic but interestingly enough doesn't have its mask. And he robbed them of the only thing that they had. Leaving william to fend for himself. Shuaiby's Livestream Suicide refers to a livestreamed video in which a young man identified by the online handle Shuaiby appears to commit suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. He addresses the franchisee, speaking of how there was a way out for him, but that he knows that he would rather die with the rest of the animatronics. It is your job to complete the Maintenance Checklist before claiming it as salvage. He helped Afton design the Freddy Fazbear gang. He died on July 10th, 1559. He can't "sleep" until all of the souls are freed and everything is destroyed. According to the novel, William Afton originally owned Fredbear's Family Diner and Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaalongside Charlie's father, Henry. William was arrested, and Henry stopped opening Fazbear locations. But looking into her fathers eyes, she couldn't say it. He set some kind of trap. William would kill kids at Fredbear's and Henry would kill kids at Freddy's so that Freddy's could never overtake them. He killed Paul and Henry and then killed himself. After defeating Chica's Magic Rainbow, the pixelated grey character expresses sorrow for his actions to the player, eventually being killed by his own creation, Baby . He is seen as a leader amongst the group. Circus Baby is described as "Elegant and feminine", her walk . note. He is the oldest child of William Afton, and the older brother of Elizabeth and C.C. {{{2}}}. Ink Bendy is the main antagonist of the Bendy franchise, and a failed attempt at creating the studio's popular mascot Bendy in real life in an attempt to bring cartoon characters to reality by Joey Drew, who turned out defective along with several other physical cartoon characters due to lacking a soul. June 5, 2022 . I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, but I'm afraid you've been misinformed. Charlie described him as being happy during the time of Fredbears, he let everyone be a part of the diner. FNAF. Tales from the Pizzaplex: Submechanophobia, Tales from the Pizzaplex: The Bobbiedots Conclusion, Five Nights at Freddy's: The Fourth Closet, Suicide Bot's description, being an animatronic endoskeleton with only a mask covering its face, issimilar to Ennard from. The game franchise which either has people still fascinated, bored or none-the-wiser. Michael Afton. In the first game, we learn that the animatronics are piloted by the restless spirits of murdered children. Henry kills himself, only bringing old tapes to his grave. == Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator What happened in 1987? I'm sure that he was standing outside to ensure that because they've been able to escape before. This child, possibly named Cassidy . He has glassy, dead blue eyes, brown hair and fair . Post author By ; Post date gladiator strawberry with blueberries and spinach smoothie king; wyatt's cafe menu . Once that is done, fight Security. Henry Stein vs. Micheal Afton is a What-If? June 13, 2012 -- intro: After watching Martin Scorsese's 1990 gangster epic "Goodfellas," which depicted the life of Henry Hill, the famed mobster turned FBI informant, you may think you know . 3 yr. ago Henry killed himself in the books, however the books are a seperate canon to the games. Thomas Becket was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral Credit: Alamy. Its never specified, but judging from William's smile in the Foxy Go Go Go minigame, he loves killing children. Take That, Audience! The four knights responsible for his murder were excommunicated and in 1174 Henry walked barefoot to Canterbury Cathedral in penance. On November 2nd, 2019, during a Fox News segment about military dogs, a former US Navy SEAL Mike Ritland unexpectedly said "Epstein didn't kill himself" in a manner similar to the meme format. I'm sorry on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours. In the first game, we learn that the animatronics are piloted by the restless spirits of murdered children. At first glance, Henry Emily may seem to be rather soft-spoken, stoic, and near emotionless. It is described as an endoskeleton with two fox-like ear (similar to Endo-02) and a knife to stab Henry. Then, someday, after many decades have passed and no one remembers, fill it with every kind of flammable thing and burn it to the ground, standing close guard to put a bullet into anything that emerges from the rubble, no matter what, or who, it looks like." You can use it three times without damaging the hardware. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Appearance Altough it is more likely that the Yellow Guy is Afton himself. This child, possibly named Cassidy . It is also thought that he was competing with Henry and wanted some level of notoriety. I guess we're all hurt.emotionally.Terrence with Chris and Fredbear in Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Terrence Afton (or simply Terrence) is the older brother of Chris, the younger brother of Vincent the 3rd and Michael and the deuteragonist of the 1997 animated Disney film, Five Nights at Freddy's 4. He Built A Robot To Kill Himself. The explanation Purple Man or William Afton killed the 5 youngsters continues to be unknown; Scott Cawthon has made no pronouncements on why William Afton killed the youngsters in FNAF, nevertheless it seems to be more than likely out of stress over the loss of a kid, or as a residual experiment. why did sobel court martial winters; 701 n lincoln st, elkhorn, wi 53121. marion jones husband, obadele thompson; why did jolene blalock quit; why did henry kill himself fnaf. A demon-like entity of the Cycle, Ink Bendy is a large threat to anyone in this ink world . To 21st century eyes it certainly appears there was some sort of relationship tangle among Billy Howard, Paul Wharton and Henry Bolte, with a sailor thrown in for good measure. After his escape from West Mesa Penitentiary, Henry's life quickly changes, and he becomes somewhat of a well-known criminal after his successful theft of the Tunisian Diamond. Privacy Policy. || Official Discord Server: will be updated soon, Press J to jump to the feed. Attack. SURVEY . Congratulations on completing the week. UCN - willhell and mikepurg happen at the same time! But not yet. I guess we're all hurt.emotionally.Terrence with Chris and Fredbear in Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Terrence Afton (or simply Terrence) is the older brother of Chris, the younger brother of Vincent the 3rd and Michael and the deuteragonist of the 1997 animated Disney film, Five Nights at Freddy's 4. formal vs informal powers of the president, jon francetic and dr jessica age difference, Ole Smoky Peanut Butter Whiskey Drink Recipes, hermione is remus and sirius daughter fanfiction, example of biography qualitative research, interesting facts about daniel and the lions' den. https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:CassetteManIntro.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Part2A.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Part2C.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Prompt1.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Prompt2.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Prompt3.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Prompt4.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Prompt5.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Complete.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:FFPSEnd.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Nowhere_to_Run.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Tape03.ogg, https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dave_2linerB.ogg, Henry Emily was initially known as Cassette Man in Pizzeria Simulator's credits. 8.2k plays . Family Members View All Result . It is unknown if she possesses Ballora, but some believe Ballora represents her, by one of MatPat's theories. It keeps me awake at night. After his first business Fredbears Family Diner gets abandoned because his son was killed there, his wife leaves him, his second restaurant Freddy's has five children murdered there, and he is accused of the murderers, Charlotte's dad Henry kills himself. Aliases If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. After having left his old workplace for 30 years, a letter from his old friend and ex-business partner, Joey Drew, takes Henry . 10 Qs . The boy is Henry, the snake is William, and the kittens are their collective five children: Michael, Cassidy, Elizabeth, Sammy, and Charlie, the last of whom is killed by William. To hide the bodies, he stuffs the children into the animatronic mascots of the restaurant. His real name was only hinted at in the Insanity Ending, as the audio tape playing through the office monitor is called "HRY223". While the choice being Sammy is the puppet as the first known victim of William Afton, there is a bit that would point to this theory. How would he know everything was destroyed if he died in the fire? Lucas received the death penalty, but Texas . Born in 1519, the future Henry II married Catherine de Medici in 1533 when they were both 14 years old. ? why did henry kill himself fnaf - christopher brooks obituary march 2019 - christopher brooks obituary march 2019 - He is the head of the Pizzeria and passes his instructions through tape recordings. *Low pitched ringing sound* Document resultsBegin audio prompt in 3, 2, 1. In a sense, Henry would posthumously humiliate his nemesis, just like how he had bested him before. Green But Becket restyled himself as a serious cleric when Henry made him Archbishop of Canterbury after Theobald died in 1161. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Junnyper . The afton children ran for their lives. Now that doesn't . Is henry possessing something??? Begin audio prompt in three, two, one. William proceeds to grab the wires, electrucing himself, laughing crazily, before cooking himself alive, and dying. I could make myself sleep. Being the mechanical genius that he was, Henry created the two springlock suits, one in which William would use in his killing sprees. Henry Stein, a former traditional animator, gets a strange note from an old friend, Joey Drew, that invites him to their old workplace. Shuaiby's Livestream Suicide refers to a livestreamed video in which a young man identified by the online handle Shuaiby appears to commit suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. Henry Stein vs. Micheal Afton is a What-If? cuz he mean :/. But she saw everything. In the book he is portrayed the same way, it's possible purple guy is a pyscho path. Remember, use your company-issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive. Bendy and the Ink Machine vs. Five Nights at Freddy's! He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the animatronics. Because I know you deserve a second chance. William Afton is the main antagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's novel trilogy.He is the archenemy of Charlotte "Charlie" Emily.. 13. End communication. Just as he's about to leave, he sees Jack and laughs at him after he asks for help. They were salvaging tapes. This is usually seen in the character of the hero of the story. Henry then created tapes and left them. Here is a guide to all the endings in FNaF World. With FNAF 6 having come out a few weeks ago, along with me having just finished reading the first book based on the franchise, 'The Silver Eyes', the long thought-upon story of haunted animatronics has been on my mind once more.

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why did henry kill himself fnaf

why did henry kill himself fnaf