why is my item not saying sold on depop

The support team responds promptly though. There are many legit buyers and sellers as with any other online marketplaces. It has the huge yellow SOLD text on top of it, but I have no notification in the app, no email from depop or PayPal. fly-butter Sold an item and it never listened as sold I sold an item about two weeks ago it is marked as deliverers on my app and I got the payment. You can add more pictures from different angles or even add more pictures to show details such as buttons, frills, etc. Though we know waiting isn't ideal, if you are an iPhone user using version 2.3 or above of Depop, this label . the app because if they are not, you will get refunded. Posting items also gets you more exposure on the Explore page! A legitimate seller should understand that it is not personal and should be comfortable to make their customers feel comfortable. For example, eBay charges a 10% final value fee and takes out PayPal fees for both the seller and the buyer whereas Depop only charges a 20% selling fee. 1) Pack the item using an envelope or parcel bag. Whether through selling fakes and other shady communication attempts. Manage Settings I just came across your post and love what you have to say! Depop is a fashion marketplace where users from all over the world come to discover unique fashion. Becky Chorlton, from Lymm, Cheshire, owns Becky's Bazaar, which focuses on selling vintage clothing items online. Double check you're not using any offensive, abusive, or prohibited terms in your description. Other sources of secondhand include markets, secondhand shops, rag houses, wholesalers or car boots. Where we often see is when you do message the seller, they have some type of explanation for the product. Im new to Depop. 2) Inform your buyer by sending them a message. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Ive managed to make my little Depop shop such a success that it was registered as a small business & had become a fantastic way for me to earn some extra money on the side. Clothing buyers can search keywords to find specific items, or they can follow particular sellers and see what theyve got on offer. Set up Depop Payments. In this article, I will tell you how to sell on Depop and make money online. There are times I will get back to back messages from these buyers However, I would like to take this moment to say I am a real human being not a bot and I dont scam anyone on Depop. Developed by Progression Studios. The message could even me *somewhat* normal, asking if the price firm and to msg with a phone number. This may be at the bottom of your screen next to a trash can icon. When I was a new seller, I cut deals on Depop on things I knew I could sell for more somewhere else just so I could build my sales on Depop and get my social proof via reviews. To connect your Paypal account, youll first need to go to your Depop profile. A Depop Safety Must: Depop Buyer Protection, How not to get scammed: Selling and Buying. How to sell I sold an item about half an hour ago and got a notification from depop and an email from PayPal saying I had received the money. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-box-4','ezslot_5',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-box-4-0'); The worst-case scenario is that you will be sending your item without getting anything back in return. Ive sold hundereds of packages on Depop and I conduct all my transactions via the app. Its social shopping concept has seen Depop . If a seller ever asks you to pay off the app, via a bank transfer or with PayPal but via friends and family, walk away from the deal. Every time a customer has had an issue with delivery it has not been my fault or USPS it has been the customers and it usually had to do with their delivery address information being wrong. xx I wrote a blog post on the photo editing tricks I use daily- Hope you find it helpful x, Your email address will not be published. However, if the seller is new, dont be afraid to buy from them and I can tell you why in a moment. Depop currently lacks its own payment system, meaning all purchases are done through Paypal. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1-0'); And then telling the seller to send the product elsewhere. We do this when a user is hasn't used the app for 28 days or more. Though we know waiting isn't ideal, if you are an iPhone user using version 2.3 or above of Depop, this label will expire in 30 days and when that happens both parties will be able to leave feedback. Learn more Is your listing on Depop no longer available? Finally, to list your item with Depop youll need 4 photos, a description, your location, a category for the item, hashtags, and the price. If youve bought off me on Depop before youll know that I add a personalised stamp to all of my envelopes & a note inside each one. THE BEST OF THIS WEEKS DUBLIN EVENTS- WEEK COMMENCING 12.08.19, THE BEST OF THIS WEEKS DUBLIN EVENTS- WEEK COMMENCING 05.08.19, THE BEST OF THIS WEEKS DUBLIN EVENTS- WEEK COMMENCING 29.07.19, THE BEST OF THIS WEEKS DUBLIN EVENTS- WEEK COMMENCING 22.07.19, THE BEST OF THIS WEEKS DUBLIN EVENTS- WEEK COMMENCING 15.07.19. Lots of sellers will have a wide range of clothes in various sizes, including plus-size. 6. Its important to use words that potential buyers might search when looking for an item like yours. NOTE: Prior all purchases on Depop were made via PayPal now this has recently changed, stay tuned more on that letter! ago. Depop is safe to buy from! So they open a dispute and win. The first of these Depop fees are 10% of your total sale, which includes the shipping costs. Once you have your PayPal account set up, you can connect it to your Depop account. If someone likes a few items that Ive posted Ill also DM them to offer them a discount on the combined items which theyll often take me up on so dont be afraid to reach out to people if they seem interested but havent contacted you directly ( just dont be over eager, 1 message is enough!). Once your item sells, make sure to finish the deal by sending it to your buyer in a timely manner. Will the buyer see this? After Making a Sale. Help! Apr-22-2015 12:43 PM. There may be an issue with your internet connection, try to check out with just WiFi, or just mobile data Buying from an international seller? Once youve done that, youll be prompted to share a logo or picture that represents what your brand is. Set up your profile. One that's full of inspiration and creativity. P eer-to-peer app Depop was founded in 2011 to help people sell pre-loved clothes and to allow shoppers a circular way to indulge their love of fashion. If possible, use words that allow the buyer to imagine what the item might look or feel like. Your item title should be creative and original to stand out from the other items on Depop. Once the transaction has been completed, you should receive a notification telling you that your item was sold. No matter what your reason is We have been selling online for over a decade and want to bring you some of the best information and reviews to help with your business. We have done trades in the past without any issues. exist so I block them and move on. Its usually a bundle sale set up so that a buyer can purchase a few items at a discounted price while the seller has to only a pay a small Depop fee as the sales are based on items prices (the buyer also has buyer protection too as they paid through the app) I couldnt be sure of each individual item youre inquiring about but this is often the case. There are 2 main places where you can do this, which is their app or website. There there can be no back and forth about from the seller that it was not sent Now that your shop account is done youre ready to create your first listing. Decluttering with Depop helps reduce the carbon footprint of your item. Wherever you sign up, youll need to provide a phone number and an email address make sure you enter a valid email address, because this is how well send you notifications and other communications. Has this happened to anyone else? Now that youve created your first listing and officially opened up your Depop shop, youre ready to start churning out sales! Designer. Add accurate keywords that buyers might search to find your item, like the brand name or the style. Do you have tips for editing photos? As a legit seller, you can still get scammed on Depop. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. I recently got an email to get early access and I have gotten a Well there you have it, my 5 top tips for getting your stock moving on Depop. A 10% Depop fee is charged on the total transaction amount (including shipping costs). Make an impact By selling on Depop you're keeping items in the circular economy and helping reduce fashion waste. Top Tips for Selling on Poshmark (no experience needed), List of eBay Best Sellers: What to Sell Right Now, How to find Etsy best sellers and start an online business. Thats the feeling you get, I know I get it when some customers hit me up on the DM, like I can tell from jump they are a bug a boo, that is going to get on my nerves. Yes, USPS Regional Boxes Are Discontinued. I simply put a thumb tac in a white wall & hang clothes on it to photograph them in broad day light. Depop, a London startup that has built an app for individuals to post and sell (and mainly resell) items to groups of followers by way of its own and third-party social feeds, has closed a. Sellers who post items frequently are seen more by potential buyers which allows them to gain more followers and a larger fan base. Your email address will not be published. If I sell an item for cash in a meetup, can Depop still take the commission since the item is marked as sold? The sellers wouldn't last long due to the reviews they would get, the customer who got scammed would blast the bad seller and yes of course Depop could shut down the shop and start a new one, but that's a lot of effort also. Youll have to now take 4 photos of the item youre planning on selling. If you're looking to ship using USPS Regional boxes, you will no longer have the option to send them at Regional Rates. How to Delete a Depop Listing or Mark As Sold, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtoicqzxvwE, Xa hoc nh du bn mt mt hng trn Depop, Menghapus Daftar Barang (Listing) di Depop. With those on lower incomes relying on secondhand clothing options, these markups have essentially gentrified affordable shopping. Join. I wish sellers would realize this. scammy Depop is, remember that Depop is a peer to peer platform and the users Try listing your item using only WiFi or mobile data. When uploading an item for sale, you have the option of adding tags to describe the product so that it shows up more on search results. Trading can be a great way to swap items with someone without spending a lot of money. i have no messages or comments, and am a bit confused. Listen to The Offbeat Life podcast and read our blog! Here Customize your Bio Sellers then resell them on Depop. Here are some of the top questions that we get asked about selling clothes on Depop. This isnt by any means an exhaustive list but use it to get inspired by the types of clothing you can sell from your own wardrobe. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Thanks. As someone whos sold on Depop for 3 years now and on Ebay for many years before that Ive developed quite a knowledge on how to sell ( and buy!) The option to create your first listing should appear once youve created your shop. much everyone starts at 0 when they join and then its up to Depop is my step by step process that I use as a seller to make sure I do not get I enjoy giving out likes, I feel its a great way to support other shops and get their items seen but it doesnt mean I want to buy the item. It just reeks of desperation. It must've been cuz I mentioned the BBB.. First, youll want to visit Depops sign-up page and input your phone number to receive a code. W for me today after 10 incompetent depop support representatives finally got someone to review my account suspension. Next, youll be prompted to connect your social media to your shop before you can continue. If the reason for the refund is invalid then youll be in the clear. Depop is the perfect solution for this problem. For example, if you are in the US, the standard Paypal fee is around 3.49% + $0.49. Ive never had any issues conducting business in this upfront way. However, please do not include things like AS IS or words/phrases in all caps since this is considered yelling on Depop. Like with the setup process, youll need to select the camera icon to continue. Why can't I check out? Maybe you have upcycled or reworked clothes that need homes. Scammers are creative and they certainly have to be because people catch on to them. If someone is able to do this, that means there are better deals that they know. Beckerman, who has his own store on Depop, said the idea for the app came from an early realisation that "there was going to be a new generation of people who were most acquainted with using. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Refunding is something that anyone wanting to learn how to sell on Depop should know about. There is no repeat business when a seller scams, so most of the people are legit sellers. Another scam we often see, especially when it comes to sellers that sell fakes, is asking to be messaged first before buying. All this talk about scam and you would think thats all there is to Depop, but I assure you its not. @tomsthreadz, Depop seller since March 2021. Write comprehensive description that includes all relevant keywords. Here are some tips you need to be aware of so that you do not get scammed on Depop. So one of my items that I just listed says it's sold, but it's not. This is an idea i am thinking of using due to my lack of available items. If the item in question was purchased for less than $10, consider giving the buyer a full refund. I went into my depop account and the item that has sold doesn't have the sold writing across it, has this happened to anyone else? If youre buying or selling a $10 shirt or sweater, it is unlikely that you will deal with scammers. The fact that Depop only allows four photos and a video that many sellers hardly use doesnt help. I havent noticed this in other shops. Thank you! Because there is no sales tax through Depop what is the process for reporting on taxes and other legalities? app. PayPal especially doesnt play that mess with scamming and is very sensitive to this kind of thing! in that condition. Want to make a little extra cash while clearing out your unwanted clothes? Youll also need to choose a strong password. barrierif scamming is your concern to decrease the chances of a scam on Depop 5. If you use standard shipping, it is recommended that sellers ship within 1 week after receiving payment. Since deleting listings from your Depop account also deletes all the comments and reviews from that listing, you might decide that you want to keep it around. Then buyers can browse your shop and if they see something they like, they can make a purchase. I saw some Authenticj Luxury Items which are set price at 1 or $1 then next to it is Sold label. Offer a discount or free shipping. 4 8 I definitely really liked every bit of it and i also have you bookmarked to look Stemmed from the idea of swapping clothes with friends, it has transformed into something much bigger and is totally made for today's world. Anyone else had this issue? Some sellers specialise only in designer items, while others will mix these in with a blend of vintage and secondhand. It will take a while before PayPal receives a cleared payment from that buyer's bank account, then once PayPal is satisfied then PayPal cred. Check the following: Your connection. buyer perspective you could also video record and document your unboxing of the I had a international customer in the EU (which has certain rules about returns, etc) return a package to me due to buyers remorse. Thanks! color or style) of all listings on Depop to return an initial set of results. Make sure you have only used 5 or less hashtags in your item description. Depop will send you an email saying that they have transferred the money into your PayPal account. I was very pleased to find this website. I went into my depop account and the item that has sold doesnt have the sold writing across it, has this happened to anyone else? A good description that gives a lot of info to the buyer can increase your chance of selling your item. What should people do in that situation? Read our guide on how to create a username and bio for your profile here. Accessories & beauty products are laid on an inexpensive faux sheepskin Ikea rug. To sign up on the app, youll need to download Depop from the App Store or Google Play. When Harri, 26, from south London, was saving up to move house. From art to jewelry, you can list a wide range of items on Depop here are some examples, which you can start selling now. Depop nor any other online marketplaces want scams or scammers on their app. Option 1. What makes the Depop fashion community unique is how vibrant, eclectic and diverse it is. Dont redirect shipments. For example, instead of writing I am selling this bag, you should write something more along the lines of This vintage bag is soft and perfect for carrying around during the day!. I could delete it but I'm just wondering is anyone knows what's up. That said, a little bit of effort with your photography on Depop goes a long way. The lesson here is dont deviate from conducting sales legitimately through the app, no matter someones story. I have a high priced item or have a general sense that I am dealing with a How to use Depop Hashtags to make real bank! 19K views 2 years ago OMAHA Sometimes you might need to mark an item as sold on depop and in this video I show you how to via the app! Pretty into spells. Next, you need to guard As it stands, the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to landfills, producing 25 billion pounds of waste per year in the US alone. Say that. Hi how long does it usually take to sell something on depo? Then start sorting through potential stock for your own shop, and youll find that its easy to get started with just a few items. After youve input your phone number youll be sent a 6 digit code that you need to enter to continue this process. Transparency is the key to success when conducting business online! This post was very helpful! is no repeat business when a seller scams, so most of the people are legit It is one thing to say if something is inspired-by and disclosing the information. I go to car boot sales to find designer clothes I can sell for three times the price on Depop - here's my top tips for bagging a bargain Becky Chorlton, from Lymm, Cheshire, sells vintage clothes . This is so you can send and receive payments. Plus you dont want to have to wait for weeks to get your item if you can help it, right?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-banner-1-0'); Scammers exist as both buyers and sellers. Im really confused, maybe you have multiple sizes? A Forbes article even states that in 2018, Depop users were on track to sell $460 million so a 10% cut of that I is pretty good for a niche reselling app. 2. Before you can start selling on this app, you should familiarize yourself with the fees that Depop charges to its sellers per item. one of my items have been marked as sold but i have no idea who bought it. Make sure you price your items competitively. Like a lot of people I read online about Is Depop a scam? so I knew that I needed to prove myself as a legit and trustworthy seller from jump. The use of tags and freedom to create an individual. Whenever Let us know in the comments below. second hand goods online. Describe your item in a way that will make it stand out among all the other items on Depop. The first and perhaps the most obvious scam come from private messages. You can also check the transaction on the Depop website by clicking on your active listings. I know people can be fake sometimes online, but you can get a general idea of their responsiveness, attentiveness, etc. Write a clear and informative description for your item, including details about size, fabric and condition. However, trading is definitely a method to get scammed on Depop. Depop is experiencing steady growth and have raised 62M in Series C funding to expand its US base and tech presence. few sales via Depop payments. I recently registered as a small business but still learning the logistics. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer. Thankfully, When we brought up the fact that the dress she sold was a fake, she apologized saying she is selling for someone else. I use a Depop shipping label so that the tracking # will automatically update in the app and the customer can see their tracking status, Depending on the circumstances I may video record me, packaging my shipment, If I am not hand delivering my USPS packages to a USPS worker then I usually video record me dropping off my packages at USPS that way I have proof that the package is within USPS hands. The sellers wouldnt last long due to the reviews they would get, the Next, youll need to choose your username. For example, if youre selling a handbag, you can write something like I made this purse from an old dress and two plastic bags!. REMINDER: ALL DEPOP USERNAMES MUST BE HIDDEN. For vintage clothing or clothing without tags, add the measurements for the item to help buyers know how it will fit. I have a paypal receipt and it's in my Depop purchase history so I know it's gone through. The main photo of the product is very important, so please use a picture that shows off the best sides of the items that you are listing. Hey Kat I have a question. It's easier than. I have never had to use any of my footage but its my insurance to protect After refunding the buyer, report them to eBay, block them from bidding on your future items, and consider this a $10 investment to ensure you never have to deal with them again. Pay only through the app. If you ship on your own, rather than using Depops shipping, make sure you enter the tracking information on both Depop AND PayPal to protect yourself. 2 Go to your profile page. My only question for you as a seller for Depop which pay-pal account do you prefer personal or business? 5) Take clear photographs You really don't have to be a professional photographer to sell on Depop. Selling your unwanted clothes is a great way to put a little extra cash in your pocket, and scaling up your business can turn that into a regular source of income. x, Hey Kat, I think youre right to be worried & I would report the seller to Depop & cancel the payment on Paypal xx. Meanwhile, the buyer never receives what they paid for. No clue what's going on. Remember that great photos are key to grabbing a buyers attention. Any yellow tones that come through on these white background are then removed with the whitening feature on the photo editing app FaceTune this adds more work but the pieces are far more likely to sell. Here are the exact steps to follow to create your account on their app: The process for the website should be similar and you can easily follow their steps to create and start listing right away. when reselling. You will need to message the seller and ask them to contact PayPal to resolve this Network issues. If the item is already marked as sold, you won't see the option to mark it again. All you have to do is take pictures of the item, add details such as its size and material, and finally put a price on it. Jacklyn Wells runs her. The biggest difference between the apps is probably their user bases: Anything that's big on Instagram will likely do well with Depop's audience ( 90% of users are under 26 ), whereas items. To improve the experience of buying and selling on Depop were currently in the process of introducing more ways to pay along with PayPal. If this option isn't visible to you, scroll down until you find it. % of people told us that this article helped them. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. So the seller unknowingly sends the product to the address of the scammer, having been paid. For example, we wrote about our experience of buying a fake Reformation dress from a seller in Australia. Tap Settings > Selling > PayPal account. Preloved. And will Depop charge me a fee for this ? Start listing. Also, tags such as like, similar, and best offer are not allowed. , If you are an Android user, at the moment you are still unable to leave feedback, but we are working on it! Once youre logged in, select the Sell button on the top right of the page. Absolutely youll find clothes in all sizes on Depop. A legitimate account could be hacked. Please note that transaction fees may vary based on your location and PayPal account setup. I think selling in small batches can actually work better than overwhelming people with a large upload so just sell what you can when you can x. I link the stock on my Insta stories with a swipe up to my depop or, put a post on my insta telling people in the caption that the stock is up and add a link to my depop in my bio x, thank you for this website, its very helpful! by Stiletto Socialite | Jan 6, 2020 | Depop, Last Updated on December 13, 2020 by Stiletto Socialite. FIND YOUR STYLE Whatever your vibe - you'll find someone on Depop who gets it.

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why is my item not saying sold on depop

why is my item not saying sold on depop