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easiest languages to learn for persian speakers

Youll also need to familiarise yourself with unfamiliar compound words like jordntter, which means peanuts, but translates to dirt nuts, or kofngare, which means bumper, but translates to cow catcher., Romanian is a language you might not have expected to see on this list. Whether its their sentence structure or vocabulary, they are simply easier to master than some other languages. Gaelic has two common types: Scottish and Irish. But whether you learn a new language in a quick and easy way also depends on your learning source. . The language is also full of idioms and homophones which, without prior experience, can also be very confusing. More tutorials, interactive lessons, and activities are found via ANU Persian Online, an official portal with many educational options. That being said, it is more than doable and there are a wealth of resources out there if you choose to learn this beautiful, song-like language. But even if youre not familiar with any other similar language, Portuguese will be relatively easy to learn. But yes, Swahili is also categorized as a less demanding language to learn. However, it's a different story in the United States. It technically belongs to the Uralic family, just like Hungarian and Sami (the indigenous language of Lapland). This is because there may be similar cognates and some loan words that you will recognize. We have mentioned Arabic many times already as the Arabic script is used in many different languages. Although its considered fairly easy, mastering Norwegian takes time. Because of its Latin roots, Romanian does share some cognates with the English language, and because of its phonetic form, pronunciations are easier to get to grips with. Finnish is an interesting language to feature on this list because most people may assume that it would belong to the Indo-European family. On the bright side, it is phonetic, which means it is spelled how it is said and vice-versa. Persian is one of the Iranian languages, having been spoken in Iran for hundreds of years. Swedish is spoken by somewhere around 10 million people, and while most of them live in Sweden, a small minority can be found in Finland, where Swedish is also a national language., Swedish is on the easier side for English speakers to learn, because again, its a Germanic language. You already know more than youre aware of in terms of vocabulary too. According to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), linguists, and learners, all the languages we mentioned today are fairly easy to learn. In addition to this, they also feature hard and soft sounds for each of the consonants, meaning that pronunciation can be difficult to get to grips with. Some writing systems require writing from right to left, as opposed to the left to right method that Germanic languages (English, German, etc.) Arabic is a Semitic language and is thus in no way similar to Persian. So, how easy or difficult a language might be for you to learn will depend not only on the language itself, but also on which languages youre already fluent in, or at least familiar with.Remember, how long it will take you to learn a language is influenced by many different factors. This is because the grammar, pronunciation, and even writing of Hindi is very difficult to get to grips with as it is so unfamiliar. Advertisements. Contents 1. This dialect was very similar to Semitic languages and actually used Aramaic script for its alphabet. Many languages are similar to other languages. So if youre curious about the easiest languages to learn, Ive got 10 great suggestions to help you out. Should you go for a more widely spoken language like Spanish or Mandarin, a politically relevant one like Russian, or one you can Both Thai and Chinese are tonal languages. The language of ancient Persia has gone through many changes to become the modern day language were now familiar with. It is easier to learn Kurdish and other similar languages in the Iranian language family after studying Persian (Farsi). This location of spoken Persian in Iran is where another term is used for the language. Georgian script is unicase, meaning there are no capital letters and it runs from left to right. Check out our article on the best way to learn a new language here. It is similar in many ways to other languages that native English speakers find easier to learn, such as Spanish and French. The Hindi language is a relatively challenging one and takes hours to perfect to even an intermediate level. Read up on the cultures associated with the languages to see which sound most fun to learn about. 120 words, extremely simple grammar. Similarly, demy has lessons from native Farsi speakers that allow you to fluently speak and understand the language. From online lessons to books, here is a full discussion of where to look for help when you want to learn this new language. With Swahili speakers spread over 14 countries, Swahili is the most widely spoken language in Africa. Indonesian sentence structure is also similar to English and its grammatical rules are fairly simple. Learning a new language takes time, regardless of its difficulty. Similar to the Rosetta Stone, the inscription features three languages for the same text, including Old Persian, Babylonian, and Elamite, and gives historians and linguists a great look into what the original dialect of Persia was like. The very easiest for you to learn, though, is the one you're most excited to learn. Its one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with around 534 million speakers scattered all around the globe. So, if youre looking for an easy foreign language to learn, youve come to the right place. The main reason why English speakers find it quite easy to learn is the large number of cognates. For example, the word order in Swedish is also SVO. Language families are languages that are grouped because they are related in some way through descent. Cognates are when a similar-sounding word has an identical meaning. Rosetta Stone is a well-established course but isnt suitable for everybody. This is where, to keep the sounds in harmony, suffixes are added to words. For this reason, many native English speakers may find that these languages are a little easier to learn than a language such as Chinese Mandarin or Arabic. Now that you have an understanding of the history behind the Persian language, the influence it carries, and some basic Persian structure, let me go over some general tips for learning the language. Spanish 6. What is the easiest language to learn for French speakers? Languages that are more closely related to English share certain qualities and characteristics that make them easier for English speakers to pick up. The Greek victory inspired various revolts staged by Greek cities under Persian control, and while the Persian army was still recovering, the Empire lost much of its Baltic holdings, including Macedonia as a whole. With a good teacher or reliable Italian online lessons, youll learn how to order pizza in Italian in no time. 28 Easiest Languages for English Speakers to Learn, Ranked. The original Persia is most commonly associated with the area of the Middle East and Gulf countries now known as Iran, though its ancient influence did extend beyond those constraints. The stress placed upon words and sounds is also important. As you likely expected, Arabic uses Arabic script. You may come across a challenge or two, like mastering Portuguese pronunciation and nasal sounds. Danish 3. With Farsi being such a surprisingly easy language to learn, why not start your journey into its grammar, inflections, and wider Persian culture today. Many popular world languages have very different grammatical structures to English. Lastly, brush up on your Colloquial Persian with Abdi Rafiees 3rd edition copy of this classic conversational sourcebook. The reason it is so simple to pick up is because of the similarities it shares with English. Speak aloud to yourself or record yourself doing it using your smartphone, computer, or a recording device. Hungarian is a language with a reputation for being notoriously difficult to learn. And it is extremely phonetic. Nevertheless the language is a beautiful one, steeped in history. Or, for a more step-based lesson book, try Learn Persian (Farsi) Step by Step: Level One Beginner (Steps 1 to 10) by Fruzan Seifi, available in both kindle formats and physical copies. Its the most closely related to English out of all the languages in this list. For example, everyday German words like Wasser, (water) Apfel, (apple) and Fisch (fish) are very similar to their English equivalents. There are many shared cognates between the two languages, making the words easy to recognize and pronounce, as well as having simple ways of creating tenses and possessives. And another 17 percent can speak more than two languages. However, this doesnt mean learning one language will make you able to speak the other. For example, a writer targeting the Japanese market might learn Japanese . Spanish is considered relatively easy for English speakers: it has 1000s of similar words (fant stico!) For an immersive Farsi language experience, download StoryTime in Farsi or Farsi Speaking Kids, but be prepared for a more advanced level of language learning without direct English translations. You may even know some Spanish from high school, meaning you have some basic knowledge to build upon. The Complete Modern Persian (Farsi) Beginner to Intermediate Course by Narguess Farzad is a go-to resource for learning the language from a book. They also read and write right to left, which is unfamiliar for most native English speakers. For instance, Et tois? (And you?) You might be surprised to find out that Finnish is a very unique language. In addition, there are many English words in French vocabulary . With the languages on this list, you should be able to get started identifying your low-hanging linguistic fruits. It will take you a little longer to understand the Italian spelling system, but its actually very consistent. To support such a diverse and ancient culture, the Persian language was able to develop over the course of centuries, into the version we have today, and that is spoken in places like modern-day Iran. Nowadays, Latin script is used, which is why native English speakers find it a little easier. All Rights Reserved. For average native Turkish speakers, is it less difficult to learn/pronounce other non-Turkic agglutinative languages like Korean and Japanese or the languages of the neighbors with whom the Oghuz Turks have historically interacted frequently, like Armenian, Arabic, Farsi, Bulgarian, and Greek Up until now, all the languages we have discussed have had estimated learning times of 600 hours or less. Just like Spanish, Portuguese has an advantage of exposure. Just like Norwegian, Swedish, and English, Dutch is a Germanic language. This family contains sub-groups of languages, namely the Germanic languages, the Romance languages (Spanish, French, and Portuguese among others), and Balto-Slavic languages (Prussian, Russian, Czech, Latvian, and more) to name but a few. Thanks to the similarities to the English language, you already know quite a lot. Though Persia does not exist as a nation today, per-say, it does live on in the Middle Eastern countries that were created because of it. Romanian 3 Moderate languages to Learn 1. and the grammar, pronunciation and spelling is simpler than in many other languages. Though Persian expansion arrived at a standstill after a failed attempt to colonize Greece during the Greco-Persian Wars following the Ionian Revolt of 499 BC, the Persian defeat at Marathon, and Dariuss death, his successor was still determined to continue the legacy of previous kings. 15 Spanish Pick Up Lines That Wont Let You Down! This will help you to work out whether a particular language is right for you or whether you may want to start with the one that is more similar to your native language. However, did you know that Arabic is also a language in its own right? It is something you can keep on developing over time and once you have learned a second language, you will have an appetite for learning more, which will become even easier when you have more languages under your belt! It was only during Alexander the Greats 330 BC campaigns into Persia that the states began to fall apart, and the Empire of the Persians finally disintegrated into the control of other political and dynastic factions, like the Ptolemies. Italian and English use a similar sentence structure in most cases, and fortunately, the pronunciation is quite logical. If you prefer warmer countries, youll be happy to hear that Spanish is also on the list of the easiest language to learn. Amharic Amharic is the first language of Amharas, an ethnic group from the Highlands of Ethiopia. Since they share roots, theyre mutually intelligible to some extentsome sources say 60-70% in daily conversations. Therefore, from a linguistic perspective, Norwegian and English have quite a lot in common. It is a beautiful language from a country steeped in history and, as such, many of the traditional ways of speaking still stand. Although it can be a bit daunting, Swahili grammar is actually very straightforward. Another superb option is Persian Learning with your host, Majid, who goes over everything you need to know about the language. Follow our tips in the section above to help you learn your chosen language a little quicker, and always keep in mind that good things take time. Passionate multilinguist. People may not be aware that Romanian is one of the Latin languages because its not as popular as the other more commonly learned ones like Spanish and Italian. Thats why Norwegian words like morgen, glass, and papir sound so familiar. The total number of learned Farsi speakers and native Farsi speakers alike equals about 62% of the population of Iran, or over 30 million people. Afrikaans is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn because--like many of the languages on this list--it's part of the Germanic language family. independence high school football; fadi sattouf vivant; what animal is like a flying squirrel; james justin injury news; If you want to learn Persian online, there are many great options available to you right at your fingertips. Secondly, Indonesian is a phonetic language, so most words are pronounced the same way theyre spelled. After all, thanks to exposure and wide reach of Spanish, English speakers wont find it very unfamiliar. Portuguese vs Spanish How Similar Are They? In terms of learning hours, it is thought that it takes you around 575 to 600 hours to learn Spanish to an intermediate level (this is more than enough to converse fluently in the language). In the 11th century, the Norman invasion of England led . If you are interesting in learning Korean, it is worth looking at the Rocket Korean language course, part of the Rocket Languages series. Learn more at www.rosettastone.com and start your first lesson today! That's why the US Foreign Service Institute - the guys who train diplomats - rank Spanish as one of the fastest languages to learn for English . The multi-state system set up by Cyrus continued, including tax districts, infrastructure, communications, and transportation, all important to sustain such a massive expanse. Whilst Turkish has used the Latin script for almost 100 years, it is still a very difficult language to grasp for English speakers because of the sheer volume of learning and memorization of grammatical rules required. Hungarian belongs to the language family known as Uralic (this also includes Finnish). In comparison, a language that is not in your language family may be more difficult to get to grips with. Even if it is just ten minutes a day, it is enough to keep what you have learned fresh in your mind. Grammar and tones This means you will have to work hard to memorize the way words are written. The Turkish language features an unfathomable 30 verb tenses compared to just 3 in English! Their words also tend to have more syllables than English words. One aspect of German that English-speakers do tend to struggle with is the pronunciation, especially when it comes to longer compound words like Fremdschmen (cringe) or Verschlimmbessern (to worsen or exacerbate)., But while German might not be quite as easy for English-speakers to grasp as Dutch or Norwegian, it is an extremely useful language to learn, as its spoken by more than 100 million people throughout Central Europe, including in Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg.. There is also a welcome lack of verb conjugation, which is great news for learners, especially since this means that the sentence structure stays simple and short. It is a vibrant, fluid, and ancient language, that ignites passion and intrigue in researchers, teachers, and those who want to learn how to speak it. It shares quite a bit of vocabulary with English, and unlike some Germanic languages, the pronunciation of most Norwegian words is fairly straightforward., For the most part, the sentence structure is also quite comparable to English, although not identical. Both the script and vocabulary system of this dialect is far from the modern version, with small, wedge-like lettering and a fusional language syntax system that mirrored other languages like Latin in using genders and noun cases. Though it might seem like a complex and daunting language to delve into, particularly with the different alphabet that it uses and the right-to-left reading and writing method employed, if you take some time, it can be a rewarding and surprisingly simple process! Continue with Recommended Cookies. However, for someone who has a tonal native language such as Thai, they may find it easier to learn other tonal languages an example of this is Vietnamese. For this reason, they have had a lot of influence on English, particularly American English. The sounds they use are also very different from English and can leave you feeling tongue-tied. In fact, you probably already know how to order so much more. Malay and Indonesian 10. This truly simplifies the entire language, as every subject is referred to with the same pronoun , pronounced ou or . This is because you have less chance of being able to interact with other speakers as you go about your daily life, and also because the language may incorporate cultural concepts that you are not familiar with. This was the empire of Cyrus the Great, of Darius and Xerxes, and of the elite forces who fought the 300 Spartans within the pass of Thermopylae during the Greco-Persian Wars. So you've decided to learn a language. Some tonal languages may be particularly difficult for English speakers, as this is not something that they are used to. , Pimsleur Spanish Review Repetitive But Effective. Brief history of Persia and the Persian language, University of Londons SOAS Language Center, Complete Modern Persian (Farsi) Beginner to Intermediate Course, Learn Persian (Farsi) Step by Step: Level One Beginner (Steps 1 to 10). There are three writing systems, kanji, katakana, and hiragana. Here are the top 7 languages for Arabic speakers to study. This is especially important if the language you are learning is a tonal one. There are many Mandarin Chinese language resources available online. Listen to samples from a couple of languages you've been interested in. However, when you have that down, the rest will come relatively easily, especially since there are so few of them (No, really! That means most learners wont find many words they cant get their mouth around! Depending on where in the States you are, you may find that you are surrounded by Italian speakers thanks to the mass Italian immigration to places such as New York in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Dutch 2. If you want to expand your language vocabulary, you should definitely give it a try. how long it will take you to learn a language, Download our freeSpanish essentials eBook to help you get started, Download our easy, visualItalian essentials eBook and get a head start, Download our free French essentials eBook to accompany your studies, Download our free German essentials eBook to see the similarities. In fact, everything from the pronunciation to the vocabulary may vary, depending on which type of Portuguese you are learning. Even so, French does share many similarities with English, especially when it comes to the vocabulary. You would not be alone in assuming that it would be a Slavic language given its proximity to Russia and other Slavic countries. Russian is the largest of all of the languages in the Slavic family and is spoken widely in the country and around the world. Spanish also uses the same alphabet as English, and many of the words are pronounced just as they are spelled., Another benefit of Spanish for English speakers is that the sentence structure is not only similar to English, but its also not as strict as it is in English, which means there are often multiple ways a sentence can be put together.. This app Although this may come as a surprise, learning Indonesian is considered relatively easy for English speakers. Ask yourself some questions: Why is it important to you that you embark on this learning journey? In addition, Swahili, Farsi (Persian), Pashto and Kurdish are languages that an Arabic speaker can get the hang of without much effort. For example, the word frolic meaning to play and move around cheerfully (e.g. Although estimates vary greatly, Swahili is thought to be spoken as a native language by around 16 million people, and as a second language by up to 80 million people., In fact, if youve watched the Disney classic The Lion King youll already be familiar with a number of Swahili words such as rafiki (friend) and simba (lion).

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easiest languages to learn for persian speakers

easiest languages to learn for persian speakers