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examples of democratic leaders in the bible

Would any have heeded Paul or the gospel as seriously as they did, had the trip to Rome gone quickly and smoothly? It was time for another word of encouragement. A theophany had taken place in Joshua 5:15: "The commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. Examples of democratic leaders. They invited Apollos into their home and spent time explaining the truth to him. (2) The Sovereignty of God and Mans Safety. The sovereignty of God is no excuse for careless or reckless living. If Paul had been right before, and his words had come to pass, he had even more important words to speak now, not from his own perception or judgment, but from the God whom he served. 31 What then shall we say to these things? Pauls leadership emerges on board the ship, on which he was headed toward Rome. Take aids, or drugs, for example. 558 The fourteenth night is reckoned from the time they left Fair Havens. A friend of mine, Jonathan Leath, wrote a book he titled You Only Lead One (YOLO). They did not know exactly where they were and they could not recognize anything familiar about the land, but they did resolve to run the ship aground in a bay which they could see ahead. When the ship is grounded and the passengers must swim for their lives, the soldiers plan to kill Paul, along with the other prisoners, to prevent any from escaping. There is no thus saith the Lord here, but Pauls words were worth heeding. In verses 27-29, Luke describes the ships approach to some body of land. Because of their very limited visibility, they might not see the land until it was too late. Progress was slow, due to wind conditions. Rather, he must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must love what is good. Verses 14-20 describe the sudden onslaught of the storm, the steadily deteriorating conditions, and the complete loss of hope of those on board. He must live a devout and disciplined life. He left this to God. All in all, it would be best to wait out the storm at sea. I have always looked upon the Apostle Paul as a godly man, a zealous servant of Jesus Christ, and a powerful preacher of the gospel. (1 Kings 18:27). Not once or twice the world has had to thank the great saints and mystics for providing timely help in moments of crisis when realistic, practical men of affairs were unable to supply it. Bruce, p. 475. 563 This seems to suggest that the charges against these prisoners were serious. The decision that faced these sailors is not an uncommon one, even in our day. What the ships crew intended to do was a cowardly thing. One church member compliments your Sunday morning message, the next complains about your quoting Carl Jung because he is not a Christian. He would later, on the island, work signs and wonders. It was still late at night, too dark to try to make shore until it was light. Everyone speaks their minds in team meetings. For some, your leadership responsibilities are limited to yourself and your home. Inclusive Meetings A weekly meeting provides the best illustrations of the democratic ideology. Paul was overruled. The passengers were not to lose hope, but to keep up their courage. As the song goes, More secure is no one ever, than the loved ones of the Savior. Read Chapter All Versions. He had God on his side. His God was in control of all things, including the sea. What has happened over the course of these events, so that a lowly prisoner, a man at the bottom of the ladder, so far as position and influence are concerned, is now the outstanding leader? 546 With the westerly winds which prevail in those seas, says James Smith, ships, particularly those of the ancients, unprovided with a compass and ill calculated to work to windward, would naturally stand to the north till they made the land of Asia Minor, which is peculiarly favourable for navigation by such vessels, because the coast is bold and safe, and the elevation of the mountains makes it visible at a great distance; it abounds in harbours, and the sinuosities of its shores and the westerly current would enable them, if the wind was at all off the land, to work to windward, at least as far as Cnidus, where these advantages ceased. What was required for this situation was Godly leadership. The storm threatens not only the life of Paul, but also the lives of all on board his ship. Petty criticism wears on the leader. These are examples of democratic leadership: All opinions are brought forward in team meetings. There are portions of Scripture that talk about the qualifications of a leader in the church. You can look at the qualities and simply see how you measure up. Pauls Bay is sheltered on the northwest by the island of Salmonetta, which is separated from the Maltese mainland by a narrow channel about a hundred yards wide. As peoples personalities are different, so are the leadership styles. Elijah had both. A centurion of the Augustan cohort by the name of Julius543 was placed in charge of the prisoners. No one followed Paul because he was a man of God, or even because they concluded the God was with him. Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Remember this applies whether you are leading one or many. If the leader becomes a wimp, he will lose his leadership role. He was nicknamed "son of encouragement" (Acts 4:36). This inside information was, I think, a factor in their plan to abandon ship. Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! Paul encourages all on board to eat, and they do. Resilience may be the cornerstone of effective leadership. Some are not as visible; all are useful. Leaders in this category encourage creativity while members are highly engaged. But he was wrong about the loss of passengers. The bottom line is that everyone leads in some fashion, be it great or small. They had to move quickly now to get off the ship and to swim to shore. It was a coasting vessel, which was to call at various ports of the province of Asia; at one of these Julius knew he would find a ship, preferably a grain ship, bound for Italy. F. F. Bruce, The Book of Acts, Revised Edition (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), p. 477. "He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. But Pauls concern here was not for himself, but for others. Gods power and His sovereign control are no pretext for carelessness or recklessness. Pauls leadership emerged in a time of crisis, in an hour of need, when no one else seemed to have any answers.565 Functional leadership (as opposed to formal leadership) emerges in times of need. It seems as thought they had left it in the sea, towed along behind, when the storm suddenly came upon them and swamped it. Gods mission for Paul was to go to Rome and there to preach the gospel. The most probable account is that they dropped a floating anchor or drift anchor, which was dragged astern at the end of a rope of suitable length so as to offer the maximum resistance every time the ship plunged down from the crest of a wave. Bruce, p. 486. 1. The Greater Syrtis was still a great distance away, but the wind might continue to blow for many days, and that was the direction in which it was blowing them. Time would prove Paul right. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. Had people ceased eating, in part perhaps, because they thought they were going to die anyway? All must abandon ship now. It is enough to discourage any pastor. Another example of a servant leader in the Bible is Stephen, who was known for his selfless love and care for others. What is the relationship between spiritual leadership and secular leadership? Scripture offers examples of both. And so Paul was correct, though not speaking at the moment with prophetic inspiration, authority, or inerrancy. Paul knew that he would reach Rome, but he also strongly sensed that the ship and some of its passengers would not. Several days before, Paul had told the passengers, who had lost all hope, that they would all be saved, although the ship would run aground (verses 21-26). They were not in control of the ship. God used this two-year delay of Felix and the bungling of Festus to bring Paul to the point where he would appeal to Caesar. Pay attention to the type of men they chose to handle this problem. The hour is hopeless. Your family. First, those who were considered the experts favored doing so. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? But more than this, God had already assured Paul that he would reach Rome. God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Pauls leadership emerged in a democratic society. We are told that the majority reached the decision to sail on, rather than to winter in Fair Havens. The solar date of the day of atonement in A.D. 59 thus accords well with Lukes implication that the Fast took place while they waited at Fair Havens. Bruce, p. 481. of 545 This seems to be the same Aristarchus mentioned in Acts 19:29; 20:4; Colossians 4:10 and Philemon 24. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, Verses 14-20: A Sudden Storm and Lost Hope, Verses 21-26: Pauls Night Visitation and Words of Encouragement, Verses 30-32: Sailors Stopped From Abandoning Ship, Verses 33-41: Pauls Encouragement and the Ships Grounding, Verses 42-44: Prisoners and Passengers Spared From Death. His leadership was built not so much on ancestry from the Jewish lineage as by faithfulness. The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Engage group members: The leader involves members and encourages them to involve others. Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all . Mordecais words influenced Esther to take an action that she would have otherwise not taken. Passing it with considerable difficulty, and apparently not being able to make port there, they finally were able to make port at a place known as Fair Havens,548 which was not far from the city of Lasea, where they could have spent the winter. The image of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples in John 13 is a striking one. But what are some of these purposes and promises? It was his responsibility to persuade her to use the position she had to make a difference. Most leadership gurus define leadership as 'influence'. Nobody said it would be easy. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? These people saw first hand the hope of the gospel in Paul, when all hope was lost. If there were but ten righteous in the city of Sodom, God would have spared the city for the sake of those righteous (Genesis 18:22-33). Paul tells the soldiers that the sailors must remain on board ship, if they themselves are to be saved. Their safety was relative, however. It may not come quickly. These are questions that we shall seek to answer in our study of Acts chapter 27. When Daniel was living in captivity in Babylon, he was obedient to the point of losing his life if necessary. They took bribes and perverted justice. Gods promise was fulfilled, just as Paul had said He would. Allow me to make one last observation here. He . While there are many examples of Godly leadership in the Bible, there are some you are probably more familiar with than others. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:28-39). 4. Pauls safety and deliverance was so certain that it was sufficient for others as well. Indeed, the fate of the ship was not exactly as Paul had warned, for there was no loss of life.551 He simply spoke as a seasoned traveler, an astute observer, and one who had experienced dangers at sea. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com. 552 A south wind having blown gently, in marked contrast to the violent northwest wind that they had faced so long. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. In a democracy leaders. She had entered the election the previous year following the death of her husband, the incumbent governor who was campaigning for a second term. They took down the sail, which would have been ripped to shreds by the winds, and lashed down the rudders, which would have been broken up as they were smashed against the ship by the waves. If they were to have the strength necessary to make it to shore, they would need to start the day with a good meal. I know it sounds more like mother or a TV commercial, but Paul was dealing with a very practical necessity. If the prisoners were to make it to land, the soldiers would have to release them. About midnight on the fourteenth day, the sailors determined that land was nearing because the depth of the sea below had diminished from twenty fathoms to fifteen. The encouraging news that Paul was about to tell them was that he was both right and wrong when he had warned them not to sail. Many of the great democratic leaders in history are today cult object and recognition, as an example to follow in the fight for more just, peaceful and orderly societies.. I do not think that Pauls words were meant as a typical I told you so so much as they were spoken to motivate his peers to listen to him now. Flee to safety today. Lets examine some of these, because whether you lead one, a few, or many we all have to lead. Paul and a number of other prisoners were put aboard an Adramyttian ship,542 which was setting sail for ports along the coast of Asia. (The term Augustan, i.e., His Imperial Majestys, was a title of honor bestowed on several cohorts of auxiliary troops.) He must have a strong belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with wholesome teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong (Titus 1:9). The short version is that there was a plot to destroy the Jews, and Mordecai got wind of the plot. If there was ever a time for Christians to emerge as leaders, it is now. Clearly the answer is yes. Verse Concepts. Doing so would be certain death, for the larger vessel offered more protection, so long as it held together. 1 Timothy 3:5. So, says Luke, they lowered the instrument, not being more specific perhaps because he did not know, or did not remember, the technical name for whatever it was that was lowered. They all waited for the morning light. Why not get better at it? 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. There was some level of favoritism going on. Peter: Leaders recover from failure. He was obscure in comparison to other great Old Testament heroes, but faithfulness separated him from mediocrity. The approaching land brought a new temptation to the sailors, who better than anyone else knew they were coming upon land.559. I read in the paper the other day that when faced with the decision as to whether he should change to an alternate airport or press on to the original destination, the pilot of a commercial airliner left the choice with his passengers. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. This proposal pleased the whole group. One more detail about the future was revealed by Paul: the ship must run aground on a certain, but unnamed, island. There were no petty thieves on board this ship. The sovereignty of God means not only that God is able to intervene supernaturally, but that He is also able to work naturally, through human instruments (like the Roman soldiers, and in our story, like the centurion, in Pauls behalf). He portrays Paul in many roles throughout Acts, but here he shows him standing out as the practical man in a critical emergency--keeping his head when all about him are losing theirs. The first 8 verses of the chapter take Paul from Caesarea to a harbor named Fair Havens, not far from the city of Lasea. Romans 13:1-3 ESV / 3 helpful votesNot Helpful. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013).South African political leader victim of the racial policies of Apartheid that segregated black and white, in favor of the former. You are currently impersonating {{userSessionData.email}}. Thankfully if God has called you to leadership, he will take the time to help you grow into it. He would build the walls on faith. The name of this leadership style is derived from the word "democracy," which means "run by the people." Democratic leaders welcome and value others' input, rely heavily on team participation, and facilitate discussions that enable multiple members of their group to weigh in on decisions. They intended to put all the prisoners to death,563 thus eliminating the risk of an escape. The smaller boat, was much more easily handled, and would have been the logical choice when trying to make shore, especially in such circumstances. This channel is the place between two seas. Here the ship, in Smiths words, would strike a bottom of mud graduating into tenacious clay, into which the fore part would fix itself and be held fast, whilst the stern was exposed to the worst of the waves. After the long battering which the ship had endured for the past two weeks, its exposed part could not take this further punishment, and it quickly disintegrated. Bruce, p. 494. Isnt it true that men do those things which they know to be risky, partly for the love of the risk, and often due to some small gain they wish, prompted by a false sense of assurance, and by the hope for some small gain? Given all these factors, the ship set sail from Fair Havens. There will come a time, however, when God will take His own to the full and final safety of heaven. The angel of God told Paul not to be afraid, which would indicate that he was afraid. Then the passengers would have a better chance to reach shore. In 1925 Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman to serve as a governor in the United States when she was inaugurated in Wyoming. {I have been} on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from {my} countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren (2 Corinthians 11:25-26). 4 The United States is one. 7 Best Democratic Leadership Examples to Know 1. As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. There are many different styles and forms of leadership. Paul was not striving to be a leader here, but simply trying to be of help. The non-swimmers could wait a little longer, perhaps for the ship to further break up, and then clinging to some piece of floating wreckage, paddle their way to shore. To sail on, therefore, was a foolish decision in Pauls opinion, and thus he discouraged it as strongly as he could, but to no avail. Their actions revealed that they did not believe Pauls words of assurance, that all would be saved, though the ship would be grounded and destroyed. Paul spoke up, cautioning them about sailing on any further, and warning them that if they pressed on this would result in the loss of lives and property. Finally, in the following chapter, there will be the snake bite, from which Paul will be spared as well. Did Paul pray for their meal, as well as his own? Unsaved men do not have the answers. While Paul had not lost hope, as had his shipmates, he must have been afraid. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Examples of democratic leaders A few specific examples of leaders who have demonstrated this style of leadership include: Former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi, demonstrated how much she valued her team members by writing personalized letters to their parents. Born a Cypriot and reared a Levite, he linked the Hellenistic world and the Jerusalem church. He must live wisely and be just. This necessitated sailing close to the coast of Cyprus, which, to some degree, sheltered them from the contrary winds (verse 4). Whatever dangers might arise, He will protect His people, in accordance with His purposes and promises. A crucial decision had to be made at Fair Havens.549 Sailing was not safe in the winter, due to wind conditions and seasonal storms. He turned to the centurion and the soldiers and gave them what were really orders: Unless these men remain in the ship, you yourselves cannot be saved (verse 31). Some call it a tough mind and a tender heart. He did get disgusted. I see people working for a place a leadership, rather than working to serve others, and letting leadership develop or not on its own. He is the author ofThe Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. Think of it. Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain. Examples of Democratic Leadership More than half of the countries in the world with populations over 500,000 people use a democratic leadership style. Now they were ready for the days activities. He was not the captain of the ship, nor one of the soldiers. Here is one passage that talks about the qualifications of a leader. They were not men who manipulated people or their circumstances in order to further their own power or position. Democratic Leadership Examples President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was famously democratic in his leadership style, once said that "leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well." When the ship was far out at sea, and no one knowing how far they might be from land, abandoning ship was no temptation. The ships crew tried to hug the shore of Crete, until they could reach Phoenix, a harbor not all that distant. Great leaders wash their people's feet. For others it extends beyond the walls of your home possibly into your community, your job, or even your ministry. Nevertheless, they decided to press on to a better harbor. Thus, he did not expect a miracle, nor did he even ask for one. Since leadership happens inside and outside the church, these examples are good wherever you lead. Let us, like Paul, have a word from God for such needy times as ours. 550 As they waited for a change of wind at Fair Havens, it soon became clear that they could not complete the voyage to Italy before the onset of winter. Pauls skillfulness and leadership gave the gospel a credibility it would not have otherwise have had in the eyes of these people. These prisoners were (pardon me for this) twice pardoned.. I could talk about David, Moses, or Nehemiah, but I want to talk about three lesser-known leaders who make great examples of Godly leadership in the Bible. The Fast is the day of atonement (Yom Kippur), which falls on Tishri 10. 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7 that the proof of your faith, {being} more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, 9 obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls (1 Peter 1:3-9). This journey began on an Adramyttian ship, which took them as far as Myra, where they boarded an Alexandrian ship, headed for Italy. As the journey to Rome continues, there are yet to be more signs and wonders accomplished through the hands of Paul (see 28:3-10). The meeting's facilitator will be acting democratically if they actively seek out the team's thoughts and opinions and encourage them to voice them. Did he do anything? Imagine this, they would have Paul to thank for their deliverance. After all, a number of the passengers could not even swim (see verses 43-44). Their arrival had not been without difficulty, but things were only to go from bad to worse. God does not jump through our hoops and thus Paul never presumed that he had Gods power on tap to use when and how he chose. The storm caught the ship in its force, and so they could do nothing but allow the ship to be driven along by it. A late night visitation by an angel of God and Pauls words of encouragement to his shipmates is reported in verses 21-26. Here are some examples of their leadership. The reason this type of leadership was necessary is because they were not just passing out food; they were solving a potentially bigger problem. Your community. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. los lderes demcratas (41) dirigentes socialdemcratas (18) lderes democrticos (15) lderes demcratas (13) demcratas (8) If elected in free elections, the usurpers of power are usually democratic leaders. 4. Christianity is not a fair weather religion. He spoke prophetically of the fate of the ship and its passengers. What are some examples of democratic leadership? He was both blessed and disgraced almost in the same breath. The sovereignty of God will then result in the overthrow of His enemies and in the judgment of the wicked. 2:2). He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Proud member But we can still have hope, even when we are afraid. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house. Now, no one had the use of this boat. {For I am} confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).

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examples of democratic leaders in the bible

examples of democratic leaders in the bible