2 meter telescope for sale
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) 2. Explore Scientific - Keys to the Universe Sale. It is common to find fast imaging Newtonian reflectors for sale as optical tube assemblies only, allowing the astro-imager to use his choice of equatorial mount. Sure, it looks impressive to friends, but it will have a tendency to gather dust. Using a moon filter is similar to wearing sunglasses to help you see better and protect your eyes from becoming overwhelmed with too much light. Equatorial mounts support deviceallows to use the parabolic antenna on an equatorial mount. A special system of rear tie rods increases the rigidity of the structure while minimizing the deformation of such a large diameter parabolic antenna. Nexdomes higher walls make entry easier andprovide more room for longer telescope tubescompared to conventional domes. Today your best telescope might be an 8" Dobsonian, but a year or two from now you may be looking for a Celestron EdgeHD telescope on an equatorial mount. Don't worry, this is not a test on your telescope knowledge! Check out our 2022 telescope buying guide here! Thanks toour SPIDER radio telescopes is now really possible to make radio astronomy at school because, unlike an optical telescope, they can, Is it possible to make amateur radio astronomy? It has a 2-pier asymmetrical mounting. Bays are a good addition to be used as workplace or storage. Digital & Analog PH Meter, Types : Portable, Table-Top & Hand-Held. No cheapo wood construction for these behemoths! Telescope for Adults & Beginner Astronomers - 80mm Aperture 600mm Fully Multi-Coated High Transmission Coatings with AZ Mount Tripod Phone Adapter, Carrying Bag, Wireless Control. It did have a Norman fullum, Optical Guidance Systems (OGS) regularly have pre-owned systems for sale on their website. We will go into each of the questions in greater detail further down the page, so scroll down if you need more information. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) As the name suggests, this telescope has a light-collecting area that's 30 meters, or 98.4 feet, across. Thanks to our patented technology, SPIDER 230C lets you use an equatorial mount (not included in this kit, must be added separately) with at least 50 Kg payload capacity, by creating a compact radio telescope for 1420 MHz radio astronomy! Whether you're using it for research or just for astrophotography, OPT has a wide selection of Ritchey Chretin telescopes for any application. It went into operation in 1970, and its early successes showed the excellent image quality and observing conditions at the top of Mauna Kea. I believe he has a 36" scope, likely a Dobsonian. Schmidt-Cassegrain and EdgeHD telescopes have a focal ratio of f/10. I don't know how much he sells a 40 inch but based on prices I've seen of his scopes in the past, it should be close to 100k$. Structure and enclosure materials are combined, resulting infewer parts. There is a great set of videos on youtube about this design. Simply put, while a refractor telescope uses lenses to gather light, reflectors use mirrors. The focal ratio is calculated by dividing the aperture (mm) of the primary mirror or lens into the focal length. A catadioptric telescope uses a combination of mirrors and lenses to gather and focus light. Over the 65-year period, telescopes have gradually gotten bigger and more powerful. RCs are not ideal for wide field deep sky work. The nonprofit TMT Observatory Corporation was founded in June 2003 by its partners: the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA), the University of California (UC), and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). 0 review(s) Read more. PlaneWave PW2000 2-Meter Telescope - Observatory Solutions PlaneWave 2-Meter Alt-Az Telescope System *Call for Pricing The PW2000 is a high-performance, complete 2-meter observatory-class telescope featuring a direct drive altitude-azimuth (Alt-Az) mounting system designed and engineered by PlaneWave. Because of this feature, you will be able to enjoy a clear and much sharper view. We . "text": "Yes, as with all reflector designs, RCs do need to be collimated and usually somewhat frequently. John Dobson and his base changed all that, and even today, Dobsonian telescopes still provide the most light-gathering dollar for dollar. OPT has a long history of catering to the telescope needs of professionals in the field of astronomy of all kinds, providing professional grade telescopes to the government, educational institutions, and private astronomers who require nothing less than optimal equipment. ", This way SPIDER MarkII radio telescopes provide unmatched performance by standard off-the-shelf antennas that are not designed for radio astronomy: better tracking and pointing precision, higher sensitivity, dedicated radio astronomy software, better engineering quality and great italian design! Without counterweights the radio telescope would be completely biased towards the front (because of the weight of the primary reflector and LNA + feedhorn group with support rods) and therefore could not properly point and track objects in the sky. All Rights Reserved. Field-of-View: 132ft at 1,000 yards. The focal length is the distance, usually measured in millimeters, between the primary mirror or lens and the point at which the image comes to focus. Las Cumbres has had 1m optics sets available for about $150K. oooo - I don't know what their price is on the 32" RC, but that thing is super-sexy! I am doing research with a 0.4m SCT and an old camera, and while I can do useful work, there's always something interesting that's about a magnitude too faint for my system (or I can detect it but not with enough SNR to get good data). On the lower end, this is primarily because the telescope will come with lower-end components, such as the focuser. For example, a 9.25" SCT weighs just 20 pounds and is only 22" long, making it fairly easy to hoist onto an equatorial mount if you so choose. We're always here for you. lukzer HD Monocular Space Telescope Astronomical 90X Re. Information and conditions subject to change without notice. Even if it's cloudy or you can't get outside at night, you can still listen to the Perseid meteor shower using a simple FM radio setup or by building a radio telescope at home. This makes them a great choice for the imager who wants a plug-and-play telescope right out of the box. If you plan to use one for viewing you will generally need to use a diagonal with your eyepiece because of the angle of the telescope when looking at the night sky. My Account; My Wishlist; My Cart; Checkout; Register; Log In; Home / Domes; Shop By. Big aperture, bigger attitude, wi. How big of a payload are you carrying? They are also not as good as other telescopes like SCTs for planetary imaging due to their lower contrast as explained above, but you can still absolutely use one for capturing the planets just at reduced contrast." 0 out of 5. The SPIDER 230C compact radio telescope uses the WEB230-5 antenna, a mesh 2.3-meter diameter parabolic antenna designed to offer a larger diameter with lower overall weight. Sign up for OPT news, exclusive offers, and updates on the latest gear! This largest amateur telescope comes with a two-inch Crayford-style focuser that features all-metal bearings. It all depends on what interests you most and which compromises you are willing to make (or NOT). JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Telescope popularity changes over time, and so the most popular telescope in 2021 may not be the most popular telescope in 2022. The result is the magnification provided in your particular telescope or one with the same focal length. Are you sure you would be limited by 0.6 rather than 1.0 meter? All Rights Reserved. They are also not as good as other telescopes like SCTs for planetary imaging due to their lower contrast as explained above, but you can still absolutely use one for capturing the planets just at reduced contrast. Crayford-Style Focuser. Our inventory is updated daily and ready to ship worldwide today. $795.00. We deliver from Sydney to anywhere Australia-wide including Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and even New Zealand. 48 Contiguous States: Free ground shipping for all shipments over $100 unless otherwise indicated. . Pointing Accuracy:Better than 10 arcsecond RMS with PointXP ModelPointing Precision:2 arcsecondTracking Accuracy:<1 arcsecond error over 10 minute periodSystem Natural Frequency:10 Hz or greaterField De-Rotator Accuracy:< 3 microns of peak to peak error at 35mm off-axis over 1 hour of tracking (18 arc sec), Radius of Curvature:n/aOptical Diameter: 2,000 mmOuter Diameter:n/aCore Diameter:n/aMaterial:Fused SilicaThickness:n/aWeight: estimated1050 lbCell:n/a, Radius of curvature:n/aOptical Diameter:n/aMaterial:Fused SilicaWeight: n/aCell: n/a, Optical Major Diameter:n/aOptical Minor Diameter: n/aMaterial:Fused SilicaThickness: n/a, High-quality 5-10 minute unguided exposures, Fast Primary Mirror Focal-length for overall compact design, Can be housed in dome as small as 9 Meters, Primary Mirror Focal Ratio between f/2.3 and f/2.5 (TBD, in development), Available in Ritchey-Chretien (approx. The Sun is one of the most interesting radio sources in the sky and solar radio emission can be studied by using SPIDER radio telescopes. With a 70 mm image circle, the RC700 is designed to excel at imaging on large-format CCD cameras. My domes were built in 1971 and 1980. The mount is controlled by our RadioUniversePRO software through the ASCOM platform so if you want to use your mount, please verify that it comes with an available ASCOM driver updated for ASCOM Platform 6. Sort By: View as: Astro-Physics 110mm f6 StarFire GTX (110GTX) Astro-Physics 92mm F6.65 Stowaway (92F665) $3,750.00 Astro-Physics 254mm F14.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain (254F145MC) $22,000.00 Astro-Physics We do recommend you choose a telescope, however, that has a sturdy, easy to use mount and optics that are big enough to see an array of objects. ..but for $100k, I suspect you're gonna be pushing to get 1m, probably only half that.. (a mount to hold something that size will be $100k alone)..but good luck. The bigger the optics, the bigger and heavier the telescope. SPIDER MarkII radio telescope is the result of 10 years in research by PrimaLuceLab engineering team that designs, develops, assembles and tests in-house all our radio telescopes. Because a catadioptric telescope is so portable and lightweight for its aperture, the mount that supports it does not have to be Herculean and you will not need a ladder to reach the eyepiece when the telescope is pointed high overhead. 0 out of 5. or Best Offer. "@type": "Question", The eyepiece provides a particular magnification when paired with a telescope, therefore most amateur astronomers use a variety of eyepieces to change magnification for different types of objects. We will match any online price that we confirm as valid. An alternative is to try folding down the rubber eyecup of the eyepiece when viewing with glasses. We reserve the right to verify a competitor's advertised price and the availability of the item. The MRT, and really any radio telescope project like this, is essentially made up of two separate systems: one that provides the motorized aiming of the dish, and the receiver that actually. From my research, many 1M telescopes are $250,000+. "name": "Do Ritchey Chretin Telescopes need to be collimated? To request a unit, send an e-mail to supersid_at_radio-astronomy_dot_org. The Ritchey-Chretien is a favorite of advanced astro-imagers due to it's wide, flat field of view and it's accommodation of large sensors, The folded optical path of the RC telescope shortens the tube length for more portability, Coma and spherical aberrations are corrected on the Ritchey-Chretien for better images, The Ritchey-Chretien has a flat focal plane for sharp focus across the field, The Ritchey-Chretien has the highest cost per inch of aperture, Most RC's are large and require high-end, big equatorial mounts. You can purchase quality instruments in any of the standard telescope types, each offering performance and features that far exceed those available on standard scopes intended for general night sky viewing. Conducting classical astronomical research. There is no such thing as a "best telescope", only the best telescope for you at this point in your astronomy adventure. Our internal team of trained technicians is also able to install SPIDER MarkII at your location, all around the World! 4.2 out of 5 stars 8,535. We will be glad to help. For a refractor or a Newtonian reflector, the focal length gives a good indication of how long the tube is. Since we create SPIDER MarkII radio telescopes in our factory in Italy, you can take advantage of thedirect relation with the us that are the real radio telescope manufacturer. In general, the activities that many schools develop in astronomy are usually made with optical telescopes because instruments for other electromagnetic spectrum bands are considered too expensive or difficult to use. Full alutomated and remote controllable observatories in variaty of sizes. System requirements areWindows 10/11 (suggested: 64 bit version), screen resolution at least 1920 x 1080,RAM memory 4 GB (suggested: 8 GB), processor i3 (suggested: i5 or i7). Example: 2500 mm divided by 254 mm (10") equals an f/ratio of 9.84, which is usually rounded off, in this case to f/10. The Best Dedicated Astronomy Cameras for Beginners, Astronomik OIII 12nm CCD Filter - T-Threads, Pegasus Astro Dual Motor Focus Controller, 10 Micron 12kg (26.45lbs) Stainless Steel Counterweight- GM 2000, { Light gathered from a primary mirror, located at the bottom of the telescope tube assembly, is reflected to a small secondary mirror that is angled perfectly so as to direct the beam of light into the observer's eye via an eyepiece. Price. Telescope with 2 lenses Edu-science telescope 50-600 with X2 lens. The RC700 is a complete observatory class telescope and direct-drive alt-azimuth mounting system, designed and engineered by PlaneWave. These are the largest optical/IR telescopes in the world. RadioUniversePRO lets you save recorded data in graphical format as visualized on the user interface but you can also save raw data in FITS format compatible with NASA FITS Viewer, this way you can quickly open and view their data and export them to process with other softwares. Subaru is an 8.2-meter optical-infrared telescope at the summit of Maunakea, Hawaii, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Institutes of Natural Sciences. Things like dust, pollen, air currents, temperature, dew point and weather conditions all affect what you see through your telescope. Ad posted 15 days ago Save this ad 4 images; Telescope, for child The operational goals of the 2.4-meter telescope facility include:. For researchers, the Ritchey Chretin design is one of the best options out there. } However, if you want to use your telescope as a spotting scope during the daytime and look at the Moon and planets at night, we would recommend a solid alt-azimuth mount instead. Similarly, a telescope for an adult should be sturdy, move easily, and have quality optics that are big enough to see their items of interest. If you want to know more about RadioUniversePRO radio astronomy software for SPIDER radio telescope, click here to read the article. current atmospheric conditions. With NexDome IF you manage to break a part or section, we will send you only that part without any hassels and you still have your observatory running. f/9), prime-focus, or afocal optical designs. If you want to see as deeply into space as possible, you will want to buy the biggest telescope you can comfortably use. NexStar 90SLT Computerized Telescope Learn More TOP SELLER NexStar 4SE Computerized Telescope Learn More FREE SHIPPING NexStar 5SE Computerized Telescope Learn More TOP SELLER NexStar 6SE Computerized Telescope Learn More TOP SELLER NexStar 8SE Computerized Telescope Learn More FREE SHIPPING NexStar Evolution 6 Telescope Learn More TOP SELLER Maksutov-Cassegrain are great for visual use or planetary imaging, the views will be full of contrast with a darker background sky due to their long focal lengths. You can use a telescope like you would a. zhizuka Telescope Zoom 90X HD Focus Astronomical Refrac. Share. Remember, the best telescope is the one you will use! Depends on what you mean by "research-grade". 2018-2023 All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited, even partial. . Add to List. The actual telescope you buy is also a consideration if you want to do deep-sky astro-imaging, but it will help narrow down your choices if you consider the 5th and last question first: Most people have no idea how much they will need to spend to buy a decent telescope that will let them observe most everything they are interested in. To choose a reflector that is right for you, consider its aperture (diameter of the primary mirror), the focal length, which dictates how long the telescope tube will be, and what type of mount you require. 2023 OPT Telescopes. Our equatorial mounts support device (patented) allows you to install the WEB230-5 antenna on any equatorial mount (with Losmandy dovetail and load capacity of at least 50 kg, ie. Some lucky amateur astronomers have a backyard or land available to install a personal observatory so they can leave the telescope set up yet protected from the elements. High Point can help you navigate that scenario if you plan to house your scope. We will match any online price that we confirm as valid. Smaller aperture RC telescopes are available for amateur astronomers who wish to work with an instrument that was designed for astro-imaging, including this inexpensive entry-level Ritchey-Chretien, the Apertura 6" f/9 Ritchey-Chretien OTA telescope. Celestron EdgeHD telescopes are also compatible with the optional Fastar system, which turns the scope's f/10 system into a super-fast f/2 imaging powerhouse. H142-One 1420 MHz radio astronomy receiver, 50 MHz instantaneous bandwidth radiometer and 1024 channels spectrometer to be installed in the control room on a standard 19 rack or on a table. We are proud to supply a wide range of the very finest telescopes in the industry, both in terms of sheer size of aperture and in terms of optical quality and craftsmanship. You might be better off dropping $30K on a backside thinned CCD or CMOS camera + filters for a 0.5m telescope; that can get you from 60% quantum efficiency to 90% which is 1.5X improvement in sensitivity. } The Best Dedicated Astronomy Cameras for Beginners, Astronomik OIII 12nm CCD Filter - T-Threads, Pegasus Astro Dual Motor Focus Controller, 10 Micron 12kg (26.45lbs) Stainless Steel Counterweight- GM 2000. These are just a few of the high end manufacturers we carry. The UH 2.2-meter telescope (center) was the first large telescope on Mauna Kea. No, it is not safe to look at the Sun through your telescope UNLESS you are using a dedicated solar telescope with built-in filtering or you have a quality solar filter properly installed over the front aperture a regular telescope! Focal Length: The focal length is the distance, given in millimeters, from the primary mirror to the point where the light rays come together in focus. I have a property in Arizona that i've been considering using to build an observatory I am very interested in purchasing a 1 Meter telescope. You do not have to worry about using different softwares, RadioUniversePRO is your intuitive control and data acquisition interface with the radio telescope. If you already have an equatorial mount (the one used with optical telescopes) with at least50 kg load capacity and Losmandy dovetail clamp (like an EQ8), thanks to the products developed by Radio2Space, you can turn your telescope into an amateurradio telescope, and start your amateur radio astronomy program without the need to have extensive knowledge of radio techniques. They are priced low compared to other telescopes of the same size, are easy to use, and help you learn the night sky. It is simple enough to make adjustments in both axes (north/south, east/west) as celestial objects shift position due to the earth's rotation. To figure out the magnification, simply divide the focal length of the eyepiece into the focal length of the telescope. These telescopes can almost align themselves and then find thousands of objects with the push of a few buttons. All observing is done with the telescope East of the polar axis; the telescope can no longer be used West of the pier. Developed specifically for SPIDER radio telescopes, the H-FEED feedhorn is designed for optimal illumination of the primary reflector, allowing for high gain while reducing side lobes and the spillover effect, thus obtaining the best possible performance from the 2.3 meter parabolic antenna. This makes sense if you think about all of the components of a good astro-imaging telescope: optical quality, optical size, mount precision, and electronics that will support precise tracking of the object while the photograph is being taken. We carry Davidson Optronics, Meade, Space Technology Laboratories, Ealing, Barnes Engineering, Keuffel & Esser, Gaertner Scientific, and Edmund. RC telescopes are usually best for imaging because of their lower contrast compared to most other telescope designs. AMOS telescopes include a 1.6 meter telescope, an 80 centimeter Beam/Director Tracker, and a 60 centimeter Laser Beam Director. You might luck out on a university that's upgrading an older 0.8m Boller & Chivens telescope. Any laser collimator should work, but we recommend getting one that matches the size of your focuser, which is 2" in most cases. Up until that time, telescopes required a heavy equatorial mount that produced a financial or weight barrier for some otherwise enthusiastic budding astronomers. This should be a very interesting thread to watch, which i will be doing. We manage the entire order process through delivery and installation, troubleshooting any issues that may arise. 21950,00VAT excludedCONTACT US TO ORDER. While you can buy a manual equatorial mount and add dual-axis motors and a hand controller for astrophotography, these days most people prefer the computerized equatorial mount, like the Celestron Advanced VX Mount. Antique Telescope for Sale This 11 inch clear aperture (F 17.5) Warner & Swasey Refracting Telescope has been housed in a 20.375 foot diameter Observa-DOME at our facility for the past 30 years. Get a Dobsonian telescope if you want a lot of aperture for less money and don't care about motors and electronics! SPIDER 230C comes with RadioUniversePRO that is the most advanced software ever developed for real radio astronomy with compact radio telescopes: it gives you all the power to control the different components of your radio telescope with an immediate and easy-to-use interface. Ritchey Chretins, or RCs for short, utilize a two-mirror design to bring an image into focus, and are therefore categorized as reflector telescopes. Deggendorf Institute of Technology is a university in Bavaria, I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy, Email: [emailprotected] Phone: +39 0434 1696106 Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 9:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 18:00, Incentives to support Innovative Startups. What type of 1 meter scope? If you know your budget and have clear research goals in mind - I would look for a system that achieves those goals as well as possible for the given budget. Most large Ritchey-Chretien telescopes have an open truss tube design rather than a closed tube to decrease the weight of the optical tube as a whole. Reflector telescopes are commonly called Newtonian Reflectors, or simply a Newtonian in deference to their inventor, Sir Isaac Newton. CAGE Code: 639A3, Quality new & used scientific equipment, in-stock & ready to ship. It's no wonder that Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes are one of the most popular designs in the world! The main mirror comprises 492 smaller hexagonal mirrors - it . Projection dome (2,5 to 3.5 Meter) From: . The 8-meter telescope has 16 times the light-collecting area of the 2-meter telescope. The PW1000 is a complete 1-meter observatory-class telescope featuring a direct drive altitude-azimuth (Alt-Az) mounting system designed and engineered by PlaneWave. The H142-One receiver has spectrometer with 1024 channels (61 KHz spectral resolution) that are displayed and processed in real time by the control software supplied with the radio telescope. Any laser collimator should work, but we recommend getting one that matches the size of your focuser, which is 2\" in most cases. A panorama of the Milky Way from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. View full details Heritage 150 Tabletop Dobsonian $310.00 In 1668, Sir Isaac Newton invented the first reflector telescope. D Which of the following best describes the development of astronomical telescopes over the past 65 years? As you can see, there really is no one best telescope! I can detect down to 20th mag in 5 minutes with a conventional CCD and no filters but at a SNR that's just above my noise floor. Today's best UK deals. "@type": "FAQPage", The observatory contains two historically important telescopes: the 100-inch (2.5 m) Hooker telescope, which was the largest aperture telescope in the world from its completion in 1917 to 1949, and the 60 . We achieved our main goal which was a well priced, strong, inexpensive to ship, easily assembled and professional looking observatory by developing a modular design which addresses all our criteria. 0 review(s) Read more. Start Chat If this is how you imagine using your new telescope, then you want to buy a telescope that is easy and fast to set up and break down. We have configured and installed a variety of different brands and styles of observatories and telescope systems. NEXDOME 2.2M - 8' OBSERVATORY - DOME & RING. Refracting telescopes come in a variety of optical sizes, from the super portable inexpensive 50 mm to about 150 mm, or approximately 6". Building a mirror this large is challenging, even for use on the ground. For instance, a Celestron 8" f/10 NexStar SE Schmidt-Cassegrain OTA is just 17" long and weighs 12.5 pounds! Although professional-grade refracting telescopes are available, most astronomers prefer reflecting telescopes. This puts the focus point right about where your glasses meet the eyepiece, and will make a huge difference in your viewing comfort. These simple movements make an alt-azimuth mount a great choice if you want to use your refractor or catadioptric telescope for observing in the daytime as well as at night. If someone dreams of looking at galaxies, shoot for at least a 4-5" telescope Bigger is better and will increase the detail as well as the number of deep sky objects one can see, but of course more aperture increases the price and the size/weight of the telescope system. NEXDOME 2.2M - 8' COMPLETE OBSERVATORY Your Price: USD $3,395.00 Part Number: NEX22 Choose Options Description Images shows the observatory with OPTIONAL bay. There are several characteristics you will want to pay attention to when buying a telescope, including Aperture: An old adage about choosing the best telescope goes like this: "Buy the biggest telescope you can afford that you can set up by yourself and will use" While there is obviously a bit more to it than that, this is wise advice because it is a fact that the bigger the diameter of the primary optics, the more you will see. Add to List. The focal ratio can be calculated if you have the focal length and aperture. Most of us won't be able to realize the dream of an observatory, but for those who have the means and the land available, it is a wonderful way to start observing at a moment's notice and never have to set up your telescope again. Posted by Adam in Cameras, Camcorders & Studio Equipment, Telescopes in South Woodham Ferrers. 11 TR Tasco Lens Barlow 2X Coated Telescope Eyepiece Reflector Metal Japan $34.99 $5.30 shipping or Best Offer Tasco Beginner Telescope Microscope Specialty Combo Kit 49T 50x50mm 15" Tripod (3) $45.97 $12.65 shipping SPONSORED Tasco 70x 800mm Spacestation Telescope #49070800 $99.00 $24.00 shipping SPONSORED Astronomers are hopeful the $1.4-billion Thirty Meter Telescope will help them study the earliest moments of the universe after the Big Bang as well as identify more planets outside our solar system. You can use a telescope to do some or ALL of the pursuits listed above. } Why are refracting telescopes not ideal for professional astronomy. We recommend the Apertura AD 8" Dobsonian for its quality and included accessories. First and foremost is the quality of the image it delivers. For this reason, if you're planning to use your RC for high quality deep sky astrophotography, plan to spend more on a quality RC. with 3dcart Start An Online Business. While there are some exceptions to the rule, achromatic refractors use two lenses in their design, and while they are economical, achromats are only capable of focusing two out of three wavelengths of light. The Obsession 15" UC features the same quality craftsmanship and award winning design as found on our renown 20, 25, 30 and 36 inch telescopes.
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