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5 reasons why columbus day should not be celebrated

He read books, studied the ocean, and made a name for himself. For the first time this year some calendars don't mention Columbus Day but says October 11 is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Some schools, cities, and institutions, such as the. Although many people have adopted Columbus day as "Indigenous People's Day," many people will not agree that we should also have a holiday . According to a census taken by Columbus' men, in 1496 there were more than 1 million natives on the island of Haiti. The reason Columbus set sail on his epic journey in the first place was because he raped the 13-year-old daughter of a Spanish Duchess. The statue of Christopher Columbus remains encased in a wooden box on Marconi Plaza Aug. 12, 2020, as the sun sets on the day the Philadelphia Art Commission voted to remove it and store it while the city deliberates on a new permanent home for the controversial monument. The things Columbus did such as capturing the Natives as slaves just made him the man of his time, saying everyone did this, and that he needed the help anyway. Why We Do Not Celebrate Columbus Day. Is Columbus' tomb in the Dominican Republic or Seville? History, in fact, is the story of conquest. And the D.C. City Council recently approved a measure to abolish Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day. As Columbus might have quipped, One good turn deserves another. Okay, he never said that, but his writings prove that he would not have been opposed to it in the least. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. While deprivations did occur, Columbus was quick to punish those under his command who committed unjust acts against local populations Columbus did not engage in the savage acts that have been pinned on him., In addition, Columbus strictly told the crew not to do things like maraud, or rape, and instead to treat the native people with respect. It was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that designated the second Monday of October (Columbus Day) as a national holiday in 1971. Columbus Day is one of America s oldest holidays. In a racially equal world, Columbus shouldn't be celebrated. The Columbus controversy can also help students see that history is still applicable today. Large Increase in U.S. Elliott Lassitter and John WirtOctober 26, 2017. This movement sees Columbus as a symbol of destruction, and thus not to be celebrated. A recent Marist Poll shows why: Those campaigning against Columbus Day are in the minority. But, again, no mainland United States. This criticism had quickly faded over time, and was replaced by a more pressing issue; the improper treatment towards indigenous people. Truth of Discovery Normally, the notion of discovery means encountering a place or an idea for the very first time.. Indigenous Peoples' Day now replaces Columbus Day in 14 states, the District of Columbia and more than 130 communities. He sailed to Iceland and Ireland in 1477, and to Madeira in 1478. While we are thankful for this land we call America, it . Columbus was definitely a brave and courageous (and lucky) captain, but his navigational skills left a lot to be desired. First, lets just put aside the paradox of discovering a land that already had a population of indigenous people. And Erickson was certainly as European as Columbus (at least in todays geographical terminology.) There are several reasons why Columbus Day has become controversial. Columbus inspired countless other explorers, both of his time and of modern time, to explore and make discoveries. Because thats public history. Destiny is currently enrolled in Columbia University's MFA Writing program. He thereby claimed the lifetime pension for himself, cheating the rightful claimant out of both glory and a significant amount of money. Fine, fine But he did discover America right? Chris went to Spain and Bart to France. Columbus Day, which is celebrated today in the USA and honours the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the New World, is an example of outdated and misguided history. Though it has its controversies, Columbus day should be celebrated. He would cut off the hands of people living in what now is Haiti for not bringing him enough gold every three months. And in general, we want to students to engage with controversy. Legal Statement. Unfortunately, many irksome doings lay deep under the surface. Here Are Some Reasons Why. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. Poll shows most Americans want to celebrate Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus may have been a daring adventurer but he is not someone we want our kids to think of as a hero or role model. If you still think Columbus Day is something worth celebrating, here are five other reasons why it isnt: After studying a handful of his favorite books, including the journals of Marco Polo, Columbus became convinced that it was possible to sail directly west to reach the Indies, as China, Japan and India were then known as in Europe. Some of my students entered high school aware of the problematic nature of Columbus but their thinking is, Well, Columbus is not important to study, because he didnt do anything. We have to push back on that. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Columbus Personified the American Spirit Columbus was a brilliant man in his own right. Surprisingly, this holiday was first celebrated by Italians of New York in 1866 honoring Columbus's Italian Heritage, but the official celebration in Spain did not . Both in an effort to secure funding for their expedition. Columbus tried to build and has transformed the America we have today. She is a national writer at Her Campus and the former editor-in-chief of Her Campus Rowan. We need students to understand that Columbus is important, even if he isnt someone to be celebrated. Many believe that they sailed even further south, maybe as far as New Brunswick. Always trying. He asked for 3 more days, and if land was not sighted, the crew could do with him as they wished. Despite not finding any of the places that his favorite books described (places in China, India and Japan), he convinced himself that they were just around the corner. Itd be ludicrous to say that Columbuswasnt guilty by association. It was first celebrated on October 12, 1792, when the New York Society of Tammany honored Columbus on the 300th anniversary of his first voyage. However, because Columbus brought disasters to the Native Americans, many people opposed the Columbus celebrations. And if you can, take some time to learn more about all the diversity that makes the Caribbean great. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about Christopher Columbus: Master Double Agent and Portugals 007, about Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus, For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis, Sacred Marvels: 17 Cathedrals That Will Take Your Breath Away, In Pictures, Egyptologists Reveal a Lost Chamber in the Great Pyramid With Cosmic Rays, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World. Below are five reasons why Columbus Day celebrants can hold their head high in 2019 rather than kowtow to guilt-based politics. There were terrible diseases that got communicated to the natives, but he cant be blamed for that., 5. Listen I know almost everyone celebrated in history enslaved people. Very much like the lyrics of the famous She may be ancient Egypts most famous face, but the quest to find the eternal resting place of Queen Nefertiti has never been hotter. While there is only limited knowledge of what pre-Columbus America was like, it did feature war, slavery, torture and plenty of brutality. Even the Iroquoian peoples, located in present Northeast United States, often took slaves of other tribes. For this nation's over 5 million American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian citizens, Columbus' voyages to the so-called New World inaugurated a long history of exploitation, enslavement, eradication, and erasure (and he himself initiated and sanctioned such actions). It is true that the conquest of the Americas by Europeans, which starts with Columbus, was very ugly, and involved a lot of violence. Columbus was from a middle class family. Captivating History, Christopher Columbus: A Captivating Guide to the Life of an Italian Explorer and His Voyages to the Americas, Captivating History, 2020 Likewise, Thomas Jefferson, also a slave owner, should be remembered for writing one of the most brilliant documents in the history of mankind, the Declaration of Independence, which contributed greatly to the ending of slavery and segregation in the United States. Wrong, it was his younger brother Bartholomews. This was due to the impression that Columbus was attempting to spread Catholic influence. It doesn't make sense for the United States to recognize this supposed Christian with ashow more content Personally, I dont think we should celebrate Columbus Day. Columbuss men used native girls as young as nine or ten as their sex slaves. Columbus killed a tremendous amount of people (genocide), and got away with it because of better equipment, men and control. But heres the kicker. We need to set the record straight early on. She likes thrifting, romance novels, cooking shows, and can often be found binging documentaries. But Columbus couldnt deliver on the gold claim. But as I grew older, it became clear that history is murky. Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, What is Shambhala? Columbus Day's only silver lining may be found at historically significant sites throughout the Caribbean that connect us to history. This kept them from planting crops, leading to widespread starvation. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. As of September 2019, nine states (Alaska, Minnesota, Vermont, South Dakota, New Mexico, Oregon, Maine and Louisiana) have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day. We should honor George Washington, the Indispensable man, for his military bravado and skilled leadership as our first president, even though he owned slaves. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. If you dont like it, well kill you.) Besides that, there is ample evidence of Leif Erickson and his fellow Vikings landing in Newfoundland/Labrador around five centuries earlier. He shows the effect of willpower and perseverance. Zachary Mettler works as a staff writer and communications liaison for The Daily Citizen at Focus on the Family. The Andy Griffith Show Remains a Masterclass in Leadership and Life, Births in Japan Fall to Record Low Amid Catastrophic Population Decline, Foretelling Worlds Future. Howard Zinns A Peoples History of the United States includes horrific, detailed eyewitness accounts of how the Spanish explorers treated the Native Americans. Columbus day represents an exploration that lead to many discoveries and examples of leadership and control. I want to make sure we do justice to indigenous folks. Land was first spotted by Rodrigo de Triana, a lookout on the Pinta, and thereafter by its captain Martin Alonso Pinzo, who notified Columbus. There are still people who believe Christopher Columbus found America and that what he did was harmless because he was being a man of his time. I'm not the only Italian American on board with ditching the holiday. Marist shows that even with all of the attacks on Columbus, 57 percent of Americans believe it's. Columbus is often portrayed as a heroic figure who bravely discovered America, but this narrative ignores the fact that the Americas were already inhabited by millions of people before Columbus arrived. If we have a holiday honoring somebody, the question on everyones mind should be, Why are we honoring them? Its Cristoforo Colombo. One of the few facts Americans remember from history is "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 We need students to understand that Columbus is important, even if he isnt someone to be celebrated. The United States and several Latin American countries celebrate Columbus Day to recognize Christopher Columbus striking land in the Americas and the mixing of European and Native American Cultures. Well, the tough thing about labeling someone as good or bad is the definitions change with the times. This was a sign of things to come. But since the 1990s, a growing number of states have begun to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day - a holiday meant to honor the culture and history of the people living in the Americas both before and after Columbus' arrival. So before waving the US flag in celebration of a criminal who did not discover America, spare a thought for the millions of Native Americans who were murdered as a result of Christopher Columbus arrival on American soil. Mettler earned his Bachelors degree from William Jessup University and is an alumnus of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation. Columbus Day commemorates the landing of Columbus in the "New World" (on a small island off Florida) on October 12, 1492. Every year, on the second Monday in October, the people in the United States celebrate a national holiday in memory of Christopher Columbus, the one who discovered the new continent. These Natives are so nice, wed be crazy not to enslave them is one contentious quote by Christopher Columbus. If it wasn't for Columbus, the motivation for exploration and expansion wouldn't have become a priority because nobody knew about the Americas. Religion was heavily forced upon the Native American tribes, and the Europeans means of dealing with their obstacles run much more inhumane. First of all, Christopher Columbus isnt even his name. Equipping students to grapple with the complexities of the past and the controversies of today, By grappling with the question of who we celebrate, and why, history teachers can help students navigate the complexities of the past, Resurfacing the lessons of Ferguson, which continue to resonate today, From Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day, Theres definitely a trend toward questioning Columbus Day. (You may want to add this into the equation.). Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. What are some Facts about Christopher Columbus? This has started to cause a change, and many cities within America have taken on a remuneration for the controversial holiday. 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Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Growing up in St. Croix, I had a fairly typical U.S. education with fairly typical U.S. textbooks as far as I can remember. Turning points are powerful lenses through which students need to view our past. We dont want to expose young kids to graphic accounts of brutal treatment of Native Americans, but I think you want them to begin to question: What did this person do? We dont know exactly where this is, but its most likely one of the islands that make up modern-day Bahamas. Columbus Day Should Not Be Celebrated. Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. Although Columbus Day remains a national holiday, given the criticism surrounding the day, some states and cities have opted to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead. Furthermore, Columbus continued to enslave Natives and abuse their nation, damage their environment, and their rights as humans. (Not that the West solely had these ideas, but it put them in a package that wasnt generally available elsewhere.). Indeed, the promise of the West has delivered freedom and bounty such as humanity has never known. Columbus Day, the second Monday in October, is a nationally recognized holiday. In an era where we are fighting for racial equality celebrating false heroes is detrimental to progress. Most of the time when injustices occurred, Columbus wasnt even there. (He had plenty of different ships on subsequent voyages.). Cambridge, MA 02138, Challenges? 97 students ordered this very topic and got As I said in the beginning of this piece, Columbus did not discover what would become North America. Turning points are powerful lenses through which students need to view our past. -- Celebrate the spread of Western civilization. After his voyage to America, he became one of the most well known explorers of his time. A growing number of cities are no longer celebrating Columbus Day, swapping it for "Indigenous Peoples' Day.". But our work was to exasperate, ravage, kill, mangle and destroy; small wonder," -Bartolome Las Casas, 1527. As a direct result of Columbus discovery, indigenous Americans were enslaved, killed and oppressed to such a degree that a population of around 60 million in 1492, fell by 8090% in less than 150 years. This is where many of the peaceful natives were met with brutal deaths onboard, whether it be from disease or mistreatment from the handlers. Christopher Columbus, as it turned out, was responsible for widespread genocide; he permitted his men to rape, murder, mutilate and enslave indigenous people. All rights reserved. He was turned down from the Portuguese crown, Genoa crown, Venice crown, and English crown. He decimated the native population. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay. According to documents 6 " Christopher Columbus was the greatest, because he accomplished the most against the highest odds before Columbus ' time all European voyages had followed coastlines, or cross open seas to land previously known or at . Today's woke perspective condemns Columbus Day as an unworthy holiday. Aside from the despicable acts that Columbus and his people committed, there is plenty of evidence to show that Columbus was not the first foreigner to arrive on the continent anyway. And thats even if you discount the fact that native peoples lived in these places all along. hen, on his fourth, final voyage, he landed at present-day Panama. Columbus Undertook Adventure for God and Country, After Columbus returned to Spain from his first voyage to the Americas in 1493, he wrote this in his letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella: They manifest the greatest affection towards all of us, exchanging valuable things for trifles, content with the very least thing or nothing at all. Ironically, the District of Columbia is named after, you guessed it, Christopher Columbus. As a citizen, you need to be able to critically engage and reflect in a discourse around the public celebration and honoring of historical events and figures. But its hard for children to understand that someone who they were taught to idolize is a bad guy. Until his dying day Columbus maintained that the land he had discovered was Asia and not a new continent. Lately a lot of people have been putting down Western civilization, but its spread is one of the greatest things thats ever happened to humanity. Columbus couldn't be killed without angering the Italian court, so Queen Isabella sent him on a mission, hoping he wouldn't return. The tradition of observing Columbus Day dates back to the 18th century. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. The con for Columbus Day written by Elliot Lassitter. If it wasnt for Columbus, the motivation for exploration and expansion wouldnt have become a priority because nobody knew about the Americas. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort. . To begin, some people think Columbus is a hero because he found America, which is not true. For if we celebrate Columbus, we are celebrating a racist genocide, massive land robbery, barbaric slavery, serial rape and systemic torture. Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. It involves grappling with multiple perspectives, a fundamental skill for historians. Get in touch! However, his other two ships on his first voyage were the Santa Clara and the Gallega. Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? Columbus wanted to expand knowledge about the world and what more it consisted of by going across the ocean. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, University Overrules Student Senate Activists; Recognizes Conservative Club, A Mansion, Yemen, and Stories of Gods Goodness, Tennessee and Mississippi Pass Bills to Protect Children from Harmful Sex Change Procedures. Columbus made a total of four voyages to the Americas, visiting the following places (and sighting many others): Interestingly, Columbus never set foot in modern-day USA, nor anywhere else in North America. Columbus Day is one of the oldest holidays in the USA Observing Columbus Day started back in the 18th century. The natives were removed from their villages to work in gold mines and colonial plantations. Like most Americans, I learned in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Ingrained in my mind are the names of his ships: The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria. In this 2014 piece, " Columbus Day, or 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'? There are many examples in his writings where he gave instructions to this effect. Yet, despite all the gruesome sacrifice and slavery, some still wish to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. If the world was round, this was possible, he thought. Trusted by over 1 million students worldwide. . Within the Italian community, Columbus Day symbolizes the legacy of their ancestors who immigrated to America, overcame poverty, language barriers, and above all, discrimination. Its like me walking into your house (with my gang and all of us armed to the teeth) and saying, Wow, look what I found here, boys. Like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus is a historical figure who is celebrated as a mythical hero. Christopher Columbus wasnt American! Just as the country grapples with the meaning and problems of Confederate monuments, so too are schools, towns, and even whole states grappling with Columbus Day. Many are deciding to rename and refocus the holiday, choosing to call it Indigenous Peoples' Day to honor the people whose lives and cultures were irreparably damaged by the colonial conquest that the age of exploration ushered into being. Columbus Day was invented by the Knights of Columbus in the 1930s when they were looking for a role model for school age children. And most believe the idea came from their familys time in Iceland. Contrary to popular belief, Columbus Day is a celebration of diversity, not oppression. Its important to learn about what Columbus did to Native Americans because not everyone knows the truth about him and his treatment of the Natives. We may not like it, but its our shared heritage. ," Jake Flanagin explains why many are arguing it . They have no iron. What were his actual contributions? Those are important questions we want to ask as citizens. Columbus should not be celebrated, let alone given a day. I think history teachers have a responsibility to prepare students to comment critically and participate critically in the discourse about who we are honoring, who we are celebrating, and how we are doing it. One of the best parts of our humanity is that sense of discovery. Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. He should be remembered as the cruel and incompetent man he was who let his sailors rape and pillage the islands they landed on as they pleased. Two reasons why Columbus Day should not be celebrated is that we shouldnt have a day where we glorify someone who hurt and enslaved innocent people (Native Americans) and because he destroyed the tranquility in the slaves homes and land with genocide and abuse. Within a few decades, only a few hundred of an original native population of 300,000 remained. As these texts have become popular, and more history teachers have read them, more students have learned a more accurate account of Columbus from a younger age. Legal Statement. Usable Knowledge It is on public record, that Columbus rewarded his soldiers by giving them Native Americans to rape. You need to be able to deeply understand the profoundly problematic past of this great nation. Sure, he was addicted to opium, but a lot of people were at the time. Alaska is said not to celebrate the day because it falls too close to Alaska Day (Oct . Stupid but hopeful. Curious, politically homeless, always hopeful.

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5 reasons why columbus day should not be celebrated

5 reasons why columbus day should not be celebrated