can you swim at kalalau beach
Within the valley itself, there are many things to see and do. The sea can appear calm here at times (like summer) making it seem safe to swim. You will find this beach after a 11 mile hike along the Kalalau Trail on the Napali Coast. People hear about the difficult hike to a beautiful beach, and ask how to get to that place without all the effort. We chose to get our permits from the office closest to the airport immediately upon arriving in Kauai. All rights reserved. Just like the signs around Hawaii will advise you, when in doubt, dont go out. Simply drive up to Waimea Canyon through Kokee all the way to the end of the road. The Beach There is nothing worse than getting to camp and realizing there is a hole in your tent or your water filter is not working. During winter months, dangerous conditions include high surf and strong currents. he camping permits go fast, so its wise to get one a year or more in advance. } There are people who dump their opala (rubbish) back there and don't take it out - but the vast majority of them are not the illegal campers who "live" out there - but as "KauaiHiker" mentions - hunters and other folks who don't take care of the land they supposedly love. } The first 2 miles of the trail, from Hena State Park to Hanakapiai Beach, make a popular day hike. If you are lucky enough to witness this, they are not in distress, and should not be approached or bothered. The Kalalau Trail is a 22-mile out-and-back coastal hike located on the northwest side of the island of Kauai. Those of us that didnt have sunglasses wore their swimming goggles to keep the sand out of their eyes. Humpback whales pass by Kauai in the winter time and we were able to see several on our hike. The public beach in Cedar Key is free to use and offers a quaint spot to relax by the waves. To get a camping permit, visit . Maybe this site can answer your question. It can be ankle deep only to plunge down to the depths with no warning. (Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. Get answers to your questions about Kauai. and our The trail narrows to a couple of feet in some sections with a sheer cliff on one side and a steep drop to the Pacific on the other. Favorite Kauai Restaurants (updated November 2017), How to Eat Vegan on the Garden Isle of Kauai. She said that even the babies were quiet. Click on the Boating Na Pali link to see a list of boating companies that have permits to land - perhaps they would do a private charter: Beaches Kalalau beach is the obvious highlight. For experienced swimmers knowledgeable in local sea conditions, nearshore waters offer limited opportunities for swimming and body surfing. I would like to spend one night at the Kalalau beach, but honestly, I don't feel like walking the 11 mile trail, so does anyone know if I can arrange a boat there that would pick me up the next day? Kiahuna Beach This remote wilderness area is accessible on foot (or by boat) only. These illegal residents and some overnight campers can sometimes leave mounds of trash behind in this otherwise beautiful and isolated area. Fuji Beach Apply for your permit about 6-12 months in advance. [OAHU] UPDATED 2/28/23: Kaena Point State Park Mokuleia Section The vehicle access road will continue to beCLOSED due to heavy rains and saturated road conditions. When you come out of the arch you see what looks like an alien planet.(Update 9/14/15: Thisarea was destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015.). But because there is no legal camping in Kalalau valley, people usually say they camped "at" Kalalau beach to make the distinction. After selecting the date and time of your visit, youll be able to select the number of entry or parking vouchers required. Heres the other thing it makes for an awesome photo. } document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Fine"; At the end of the beach is a point where you can swim or kayak around to Honopu - another amazing beach that has been in a number of movies. What are good threads to read to help me plan my trip? There are few coveted spots between the trail and the beach, but most are under the trees inland of the trail, but only about 50 feet from the sand. Having a rock roll through your tent or crack you on the noggin may negatively impact your trip. We tried to soak it in as much as possible knowing that it would be quite some time before we would ever return. } The most spectacular being over 1,000 feet tall! Go through an awesome archway to find a fresh waterfall and pool to bath in. . In fact, Hanakoa is a hanging valley without a beach the stream exhausts itself over cliffs at the oceans edge. function showform(raid){ In the early days, a similar foot trail linked traditional Hawaiian settlements along the rugged coastline. This beach is the end of the walkable coastline. The first section of the Kalalau Trail stretches from the trailhead located at Kee Beach at Haena State Park to Hanakapiai valley. } Also, there are strong rip and alongshore currents, which may be difficult to spot, even if the ocean appears calm. selectedVal = '1'; (808) 274-3444. From Kalalau Beach, you can swim around the corner to Honop Beach, which is even more spectacular than Kalalau. Both green sea turtles and monk seals haul out on the beaches during the day to rest and warm themselves in the sun. At Kalalau beach, you hike as far as possible on the beach, and then ideally go under a cave arch and arrive on the last beach. With swim fins and snorkels in hand, we prepared for a long swim to a secluded beach. Its illegal to dock a boat or even a kayak on the beach but you can swim to it. Hena SP now requires advanced reservations for entry except for those with valid camping permits for the Npali Coast SWP. } { Summer weather (May to October) normally brings steady tradewinds and occasional showers while winter weather (October to May) is less predictable. Advance reservations are now required for all vehicles, walk-in entry, and shuttle riders visiting Hena State Park, as well as for day hikers accessing the Kalalau Trail. They live here because the valley is difficult to access and offers solitude and isolation. Heres what they saw. Because I have law enforcement friends with the DLNR who fly in with helos, and clean the place up, as the permanent reisidents run off to hide in the jungle. Kee Beach (pronounced Keh-AY) is located at the end of the road. It is protected from the deeper ocean by one one of the longest reefs in Kauai. milwkid9090's first answer is still the best. In addition, there is a shallow sand bar that runs parallel to the beach but in spots the ocean floor abruptly drops to levels above your head. This was my favorite part of the trip. Originally built in the late 1800s, the trail serves as one of the only ways to access the beautiful Napali Coast via land. jebett, this isn't Hanakapae Beach the OP is talking about. Call at 888-409-2702 during business hours which are 7 AM to 7 PM HST. You'll need to purchase a camping pass for a stay in Kalalau, and they sell out months ahead of time. Cookie Notice In-order to access the Npali Coast State Wilderness Park as well as the Kalalau Trail, visitors have to go through Hena SP. Those with Npali Coast SWP Camping Permits do not need to make a Hena SP park entry reservation. The strong current would help by pushing them the whole way. You do not need to hike the entire trail to get a sense of what its about. Learn more >, ADVERTISE: For most backpackers in good condition, hiking the 11 miles will take a full day. At the beach, you may see topless sunbathers or a naked surfer. image = 'qw'+rnid + i; function noshow(star_img,rnid) Waterfalls-There are a number of waterfalls in the valley. The cliffs of the Na Pali Coast look prehistoric in this area. This is the real Kalalau Valley Lookout. document.getElementById('rat').value="3"; After this walk, I believe I now know what acupuncture feels like. High surf pounds the shore creating extremely turbulent waters. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Each of these offshoots has unique waterfalls and swimming spots. If your time on Kauai is limited you should definitely see it on one of our tours, whether you visit the valley or not. We pulled in around 7 AM the morning of our hike and were rewarded with a good parking spot close to the trailhead. Touching a manatee is punishable under the Manatee Sanctuary Act, with a fine of up to $500 and/or a jail term of up to 60 days. more. If you look closely at the photo above, you can see them in the water. Sponsored Content >. It is the responsibility of the reader to use common sense and good judgment by interpreting and using the information to safely enjoy any outdoor activities. [OAHU] UPDATED 3/2/23: Puu o Mahuka Heiau State Monument IsCLOSED due to high winds and heavy rain. We left our snorkel equipment in the trunk of our rental car and took a swim at the end of our hike. Other inhabitants of the valley include feral goats. = 'none'; We came upon a young woman hiking fully nude who seemed completely at ease in her birthday suit. Except that theres an ocean next to you. } Tunnels Beach, Anahola Beach (Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. Here are a few examples of what you can expect: Pools-There are two main pool areas for some refreshing swimming. After selecting your trip dates, you may experience a bit of sticker shock during the payment portion of the permit process. After leaving Hanakoa valley, the trail enters drier, more open land which offers little shade from the midday sun. Video Shows Tourists Almost Lose Kids To Huge Waves at The Eddie While Ignoring Lifeguard Pleas To Get Back, Heres How To Visit Niihau, Hawaiis Forbidden Island, The 17 Most Underrated Honeymoon Destinations in the US, The 13 Best Places To Go Hiking in Hawaii, The Worlds Most Dangerous Footpath Is Now Totally Safe To Hike, Abiqua Falls Is a Secret Waterfall Hidden Deep in the Oregon Forest, Best Hikes With Stunning Views in the Ozark Mountains, 7 Easy Hikes on Oahu, Hawaii, That Are Perfect for Kids. Within the valley is a group of people who have discarded the creature comforts of modern society in favor of a lifestyle based on the land. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Poor"; document.getElementById('rat').value="1"; Checking gear ahead of time could eliminate a real hassle on the trail and is worth the effort.<. Start early as it gets warm and the trail is challenging enough without afternoon sun the entire time. [KAUAI] Kkee State Park - Beginning TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2023, road repair work will be conducted along Kkee Road between the meadow/lodge area and the first Kalalau Lookout. else if(star_img=='4'){ Share your great experiences with me, please? Use extreme caution, especially during wet weather. Please check the Kalalau trail safety concerns before you go hiking. See Hapuna site for updates. Cory and Troy picked them off the rocks in between waves. Anini Beach is a gorgeous blue lagoon with golden sand and shallow water along the north shore of Kauai. You can camp on the Kalaau Beach. Now you can sit back and enjoy yet another epic sunset. ny.src="../../../reviews/images/blank.gif"; Youll be on the sandy shoreline of the world famous Na Pali Coast. Gardens-As stated earlier, there are several gardens in the valley that are a source of food for those staying there. Nonetheless, you'll find beach areas with calm waters to swim and even snorkel without any issues. Well, if you are Ben Stiller, I'd imagine it would be pretty easy to find someone to pick you up out there! function form_visible(){ On the third day of a recent camping trip in Kalalau, Kauai, we woke up early and walked to the end of Kalalau Beach. This system helps protect the land from overuse and degradation. function mark(star_img,rid) Start the hike as early as possible so you're ahead of the day hikers and have ample time to finish the hike before dark. Law enforcement often helicopter in to check permits. return; NOTE: A valid camping permit is required for anyone hiking beyond Hanakapiai Valley. Honopu Beach now requires swimming a good 300 or more yards to access the beach.). Published on 10/07/2018 by Kauai Beach Scoop. This is because the valley and beach are literally surrounded by steep rock walls, so unless you feel inspired to do some lead climbing, or swim back (not recommended- see the hazards section), you pretty much have to enter and leave the way you came. See Polipoli site for updates. [HAWAII] UPDATED 1/20/23: Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area WATER OFFLINE in the park, facilities impacted. Pack a water filtration system such as those sold by Sawyer, Katadyn, or Steripen. And eventually, our companions returned from their adventure.(Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. Most prefer life in the valley to the busy day-to-day life on the outside where the simple pleasures of living off the land are nearly impossible. Nearby there is a waterfall, that can be used to rinse off or bathe in. Weather Report says Rain, Should I panic? Parking is limited to two parking lots and you will not want to park streetside if you are leaving your car overnight, as you may receive a ticket. A few people have made Kalalau Valley their permanent home, even though it is not legal. And they probably only do this in the summer, when the surf and currents are safe to swim ashore. The hike to the beach is two miles and takes 2 hours. The trail is one of the most difficult in the Hawaiian Islands, which limits visitors to the beach. On the north end of the valley is New beach (or Summer beach) the sand collects in the summer to make a nice stretch of beach, but in the winter the swell washes it all away. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML=" "; No camping is permitted there, but that is only what we read on the signage. selectedText = 'Fine'; #3. During the winter months, huge waves crash against the cliffs. Kee is protected by a reef that makes it a safe place for snorkeling and swimming. There is no reef to break the waves, so this beach nearly always has high surf year round. There are two inexpensive campsites near the trailhead, Haena Beach Park (closed Monday nights) and Hanalei Beach Park (open Friday and Saturday only). document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Excellent"; else if(star_img=='5'){ The Kalalau Trail is an in-and-out trail, meaning you have to return the way you came. There are no lifeguards at Kalalau Beach, and you're an 11-mile hike from help. For a nonresident of Hawaii, permits at the time of writing cost $20 per person/per night. Make reservations at Kalalau Beach Na Pali Coast. This camp is located on a section of the trail that is densely forested, so space is limited and crowded. Beginning at Ke`e Beach and ending at Kalalau Valley, this challenging but rewarding hike, earned the Sierra Club's rating of "9" out of "10" in degree of difficulty. If you visit these side trips, make sure to factor the additional miles into your hiking plan. A well-chosen campsite can save you from a bad night of sleep or worse. There was not a peep out of the couple thousand passengers on the deck. var image; ), At the end of the beach theres a massive rock that looks like it fell from high above.(Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. 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See more from this series: This story was last modified on September 14, 2015. Poke may be delicious, but raw fish does not keep well in a backpack. Swimming is not recommended at Hanakapiai Beach due to dangerous rip currents and wave patterns. There is a helipad in the valley, but it is usually only used by law enforcement. Down below you'll see a light and lots of limbs strewn along the . Haena Beach This remarkably beautiful beach has been the scene To learn about the cookies we use and information about your preferences and opt-out choices, please review our Privacy Policy
Jenelyn, Reanne and I are not strong swimmers so we stayed back. Theres one section of the beach that gets super windy. Camping on Kauai anywhere other than designated camping areas is considered illegal. Be sure to purify your water as it most likely contains leptospirosis, a bacteria from urine. Is there something we should watch for? That means rogue waves can crash onto the beach at any moment. var b = document.getElementById('t0'); The Kalalau Trail is one of the adventurous hiking trails in the world. While the crew was away we explored the rock garden and wet cave over here. And it actually appears that theres a third part to this boulder behind it. You can walk into them to explore and take cover from the wind. I think they do it on their regular tour, so the boat is full alreayd. Sometimes they even rise completely out of the water in a jump known as a breach. The trail is part of the N Pali Coast State Park which gets its name from the Hawaiian term for high cliff, na pali. DROWNINGS OCCUR HERE REGULARLY! When we got to the end of the beach, Seth, Jen, Jen, Cory and Troy put on some fins and swam out. So if you're afraid of heights, you may not like this trail, especially around the middle of it. Tradewind showers are more frequent during the night and early morning. There may be a boat with the Swedish Bikini Team, and they usually have the best refreshments on board. document.write(""); | Web usage privacy. Side note, if you are not a member you can still eat at their outdoor walk-up food counter and it is probably the cheapest meal on the island. else if(star_img=='2'){ Do not loiter beneath the waterfall or near cliff faces as there is a constant danger of falling rocks. Its worth while to bring a way to store water, as the water source is a good trek from the designated camp areas. The 11-mile trail is graded but almost never level as it crosses above towering sea cliffs and through lush tropical valleys. While the Kalalau Beach at the end of the trail is considered safe for swimming, the first beach you encounter on the trail, Hanakapiai Beach, is not. var el = document.getElementById('sf'); You just need to be a strong swimmer to get to it. var n = document.getElementById('n'+rid); Portions of the trail in this section are very narrow and the dropoff on the ocean side is severe. If you look on Nate Yuens blog post on the cave, you can see that sometimes people make more elaborate designs with the rocks. Swimming is possible on Kalalau Beach, but not without dangers. As a bonus, a couple of guys were selling drinks beachside out of freshly opened coconuts. The Kalalau Valley sits roughly halfway down the coast. It's better to enjoy the beach, the scenery and its caves while taking a refreshing shower in the natural waterfall. It is not legal to get out of or land a motorized boat on the beach, however, it is done illegally. selectedText = 'Very Good'; Should I split my stay between 2 locations on Kauai? Shopping is limited on Kauai and it is best to bring as many specialty items as possible with you on your flight such as your tent, sleeping bag, and trekking poles. Waimea Beach. } A short swim around the bend will take you to the secluded Honopu Beach. When it rains, which on Kauai is all of the time, portions of the trail get muddy and sloppy. ny.src="../../../reviews/images/star.gif"; (Update 9/14/15: This sea cave was destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. List of properly permitted vacation rentals, not condos - 8/15/2017, Weather Questions start here Pls/Best Time of Year to Visit Kauai, How to make reservations at Haena State Park / Ke'e Beach. Year-round residents like green sea turtles, dolphin, albatross birds, and endangered Hawaiian monk seals also live off the coast. document.getElementById('rat').value="5"; Print your permits ahead of time and carry them with you on the trail. Thus, the only way to reach it is to swim. Keep driving until the road absolutely ends at a circular parking lot. Kalalau Beach into Kalalau ValleyLocated near the end of the main trail, this valley trail passes through stone terraces that were used in the agriculture of taro and ends at a series of small waterfalls with swimming holes complete with a rope swing. You can prepare for this by carrying a satellite beacon device which pings a distress signal if you are injured. document.getElementById('rat').value="2"; As you travel north, prices go up and options are more limited. The faces are sheer and you can see that boulders continuously break off.(Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. Anyone proceeding beyond Hanakpai MUST possess a valid camping permit. This special spot is beautiful at sunset. This cave is no longer accessible.). The trailhead can be found at the very end of the road on the northern side of the island at Ke'e Beach. Anini Beach. Use extreme caution when swimming atthis beach. It's even more difficult to get on a boat to leave the valley in a surge of surf. It can be recognized by the relatively recent landslide and house-sized boulder near the beach. Unreal Hawaii is not affiliated with the state of Hawaii. In the early morning wedecided to go for a nice open water swim,fins are an absolute must! Wild goats are often seen along the trail route. Kalalau beach is about 1 mile long with plenty of trails heading back to the valley. Since the trail is quite long, most people who visit Kalalau Beach plan to stay overnight. Law enforcement also drops in to clean the valley up a bit. If you've already made it this far and won't be hiking all the way to Kalalau Beach, you might as well take the 2-mile detour (each way) to Hanakapiai Falls. We would attempt to see what was beyond the beach on the following day. *Clicking this link will redirect you to another website. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Excellent"; This 2-mile long day hike (4 miles round trip) is moderately challenging and doesn't require extreme abilities, therefore almost anybody in a decent physical . Carrying trekking poles was also immensely helpful in balancing on the more slippery portions. Permits can only be picked up in person at several locations listed on their site. There are designated camping areas, however it seems you can camp anywhere, as its not typically enforced. Swimming is possible on Kalalau Beach, but not without dangers. These stacked rocks are all over the place in the cave. ), ^ Top of page | Home | Search | Archives, Unreal Hawaii is a digital magazine for people that love the Hawaii outdoors. The 5-6 feet of warm water make Anini the best swimming location on the island. Npali Coast SWP camping permits are available here >, Overnight parking is available at Hena SP via Overnight Parking Reservation. A maximum stay of 5 nights is allowed in Npali Coast State Park. You'll look up the giant walls of the valley, gaze upon waterfalls and you'll be greeted by abundant wild fruit trees. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Good"; - 8:00p.m. field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); Our Terms and Conditions, which contain an arbitration provision, may be viewed here. They were up there within a few seconds. There are plenty of other tucked-away beaches in Kauai that are not quite as hard to get to as this one, which we didn't list here because the effort-reward quotient isn't quite right. There is the main Kalalau trail, as well as several offshoots to waterfalls and swimming holes. We watched goats kick rocks down onto campsites near these signs. driving distance from Poipu to North Shore, The Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas. The massive arch, the empty beach, a waterfall and a sun bathing monk seal. We didnt walk go in the water so it might go back much farther actually. You need to filter your water on the trail. Upon entry to Haena SP, simply show staff your valid camping permit. Plan your trip accordingly. UPDATED 2/22/23: Kalalau Trail has REOPENED. I suppose they woud pick you up as well, but you'd have to talk to them. And don't be fooled by the first Kalalau Lookout sign. The shelters are within a complex of old agricultural terraces where Hawaiians once planted taro. For experienced hikers in excellent shape, allow for a long day (8+ hours) to complete the round trip from Hena State Park to Hanakoa. and the farthest you can drive on the north shore. Copyright 2023, State of Hawaii. Makana Charters
else if(i=='3'){ The vast majority of Kalalau Beachgoers hike the Kalalau Trail 11 miles one-way to this stunning destination. During the winter and spring conditions are especially dangerous. Top Ten Ways to Protect Hawaiian Monk Seals/Dolphin protection, Geography, Geology, History and Culture of Kaua'i. Which, in consideration, is less than you would be paying for a beach-side hotel room. And blueflamingo, I wouldn't hike it either. Hanalei Pier image = 'qw'+rnid + i; and when you get to the main Kalalau Beach, the wind will have died down some. Anini Beach. But I will gladly be corrected if proven wrong. Listen to weather and surf forecasts on local radio or check the surf report. Other waterfalls will be along the journey, offering a much appreciated cold shower. Youll want a shirt or wrap to cover yourself from the stinging sand. Anini Beach is an oddity on Polihale Beach is spectacular by all measures of comparison and almost every description of this beach requires the use of a superlative. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In the summer, the caves offer shelter from the sun and wind. The Kalalau Trail on N Pali's stunning Hawaiian coast is one of the most challenging treks in the world. 3. Queen's Bath is VERY DANGEROUS! We are interested in making the ~1/4mi swim to Honopu Beach. My husband and I recently got passes to camp on Kalalau Beach the second weekend in October. The mud is slippery and may slow down your hiking time. I also can't imagine a boat company traveling the coast to land there and retrieve campers and do it safely and at a profit. Camp fires seem to be allowed (nearly every site has a pit) and there are pit toilets to use in two locations. countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; Those without camping permits for Kalalau Valley are therefore prohibited from attempting the entire 22-mile round trip hike in a day. Even amongst the gorgeous sights and sounds along the entire coastline, one area stands out above the rest. And then Jenelyn took it up another notch. Shaded campsites are available beneath the trees behind the beach. Yes, there are illegal campers there, some of them do leave trash. The ocean engulfs the beach and carves caves into the young rock. Both of these excursions depart Nassau at 8:00 a.m. sharp and return from The Exumas between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. You may not be able to use your cell phone to call for help in an emergency. if(i=='1'){ Your feet will be sore, but beachside camping with ample space makes it worth the extra walking. While the crew . From the beach, the valley extends 2 miles inland, with the high plateau of Kokee State park looking down upon it. #30. There are no facilities on the beach, except for composting toilets. As you walk down the beach youll encounter several caves.
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