avoidance in a sentence
However, the discount card will automatic, 171. What if that spirit went toward making people aware of how much more there is to Judaism than Zionism, Ouellette and his team specialize in teaching drivers advanced techniques for handling such things as skids, blowouts, unusual weather and collision, Four of the art dealers have pleaded guilty to sales-tax, Inevitability means unavoidability, and if you think about what avoiding means, then you realize that in a deterministic world there's lots of, The migraineurs we studied typically used the coping mechanisms of, They've clamped down on some traditional ways of tax, Then there might have been a unity with the law courts, and an, This result might reflect some type of neophobia, an, The reasons were that distrusting entrepreneurs would emphasize failure, Taxation law has on multiple occasions been changed to retrospectively disallow tax, This can be with condoms either alone or along with another birth control method or by the, Because of their widespread use in prepared and packaged foods, the, Subsumptive AI behavior within GeckoNav enables the CareBot to reach its target destination after engaging in obstacle. For virtually all animals, behavioral responses to odorants are essential for food localization, For example, mass regulation may be important only to flying, climbing, and cursorial animals, while, When the symptoms are minor a wrist splint worn mainly at night or anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and, Such activity is closer to tax avoision, where, Tilting its hat at the big-car market was this new model, long and svelte and promising much luxury and high tech, including crash, The term 'tax avoision' has come to be used to refer to those practices the speaker regards, not as dishonest evasion but, even so, as unacceptable tax, But those who worked with Charles in advertising say that his, The efforts to disconnect disaster aid from diplomacy for both Katrina and Bam could be viewed as being tit for tat in terms of the deliberate, Existential crisis in this reading is not an apprehension of reality, but a symptom of its, But this is an Italy that has grown significantly more hostile to tax, Finally, figures from the Inland Revenue provide clues as to the scale and prevalence of fraud in tax. 152. Therefore the regulation of the tax avoidance through the corporate personality is necessary. Additional benefits of dispersal from the natal area might be, Both enqueuing and dequeuing of packets is accomplished using decision making apparatus and congestion, Alcohol may trigger attacks during the period headaches occur, so, But all you are doing is demonstrating what an absolutely slippery concept tax, On the continental slope, submarine landslides and slope stability may require, Moreover, Lord Goff specifically rejected the compassionate, No red-and-black ringed prey have been observed at the site, so birds could not have learned specific, Suddenly I noticed that my hellos in Thai were returned with a wrinkled-up nose and, Advocates point out that the South had enormous space and could have adopted a Fabian strategy of battle, Apart from the lost paternity, other males may also decrease mating success by disrupted courtship or female, Political condemnation and praise in the name of art seem to be two sides of one coin representing a schoolmasterly, We hop, skip, jump around and over it, at least twice a day, familiar now, to the danger, adroit at, The Defendant is pleading a confession and, Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the, It should be noted at this point that tax, To this day, even if I simply think about being in such a situation, my stomach knots, my body tenses, and I go into, The purposes with which they are set on foot are profit, honour, or, Once this goal is accomplished, patients are encouraged to re-enter phobic situations to help extinguish the, In this demonstration, 30 vehicles exhibit unaligned collision, Individual patients may suffer considerably as a result of therapeutic nihilism resulting from overemphasis on risk, Does this make kiwis a passive-aggressive people, second only to the English in our, One such disorder is a phobia, which involves fear and, Due to the complex flow process, absence of lane markings and, We mutagenized a wild-type strain and sought animals that were defective in cultivation-temperature, Mongolian gerbil fathers' initial offspring, Like deer in the headlights of an oncoming car, manatees have poor, Every tax system is subject to some evasion and, The chancellor has already clamped down on tax, In doing so, the individual takes account of personalised needs, maximum tax, Tyco International's acquisition accounting and offshore tax, One of the contractual purposes is to prevent the, The maintenance of public confidence and patient safety includes the, We suggested a rigorous NASA-approved muscle-atrophy, This clause serves to emphasize the importance placed by the contracting parties on the, A finding of neglect can spur the need for action, and thus contribute to the, The picture that emerges is of an efficient industry committed to the, His speciality had become tax evasion, the illegal cousin of tax, One of the reasons for the film's authenticity is its almost complete, Principles associated with classicism include order, proportion, balance, harmony, decorum, and, In every walk of life, on the roads, in restaurants, in tax, The office said bank secrecy did not stop the investigation of tax, He had three offshore companies registered in the Isle of Man for legitimate tax, No tax was withheld, and according to Webb he believed this to be a legitimate tax, And reductions in income tax levied would reduce the national sport of, This exception does not apply to advice concerning listed transactions or dealing with the principal purpose of tax, Sound tax reforms entail effective broadening of the tax base at all levels of government, including through checking evasion and, The world's super-rich elites are using tax, He loves figurative language, and uses it when describing these relationships, perhaps as a sort of, Without the ordinary user being able to make reasonable decisions about risk, Vata personalities tend toward hypochondria, and Kaphas are known as masters of the art of, Surprise in war is achieved by doing the unexpected and the, The last budget contained measures designed to prevent future, Unlike Western art, Islamic miniatures feature a limited use of light and shade and an, The Government has been accused of fostering a tax, I realise, of course, that honesty is a thoroughly dangerous habit, but the, While individual Americans struggle every year with tax compliance, large companies spend billions on tax, It's a language that offers a safety valve against a discourse that oscillates uneasily between a strangulated, Eventually the constant mild nourishing tonification, combined with strict, In this study, however, we discovered that the, It does so by deciding the alternative expressions of appetitive and, Toy breeds tend to lose their teeth at an early age but the, In addition, new tax rates kicked in on higher income individuals thanks to the fiscal cliff, Among matrilineal societies, respect for one's mother's brother is marked by the use of polite language and physical, Light is important for plant growth and morphogenesis, affecting germination, seedling development, shade. Learn the definition of the word "avoidance" and how to use avoidance in a sentence. The act of avoiding or shunning; keeping clear of. Tax avoidance concerns have historically been one of the reasons that European countries with a civil law system have been reluctant to adopt trusts. 3. One basic advantage of organization planning is, 176. 3. The paper contrasts euphemisms of both English and Chinese from the perspective of communication functions including, 161. Both Guldner and Stafford see greater conflict, 173. The Field Audit and Investigation Unit is responsible for conducting field audits and investigations on businesses and individuals with a view to combating tax evasion and, 159. Example sentences with the word avoidance.avoidance example sentences. Its symptoms normally include re-experience of the traumatic event, That leads to a vicious cycle of ever more complex, However, he has been criticised over his perceived inaction on enacting policies set forth by the OECD to combat tax, With these policies, Osborne has claimed to be at the forefront of combating tax, The Alternative Minimum Tax was developed to reduce the impact of certain tax, Canada also uses Foreign Accrual Property Income rules to obviate certain types of tax, The obvious way to do this is to frame tax rules so that there is a smaller scope for, Attitudes may vary depending on the steps taken in the, More generally, any term of tax law has a vague penumbra, and is a potential source of tax, Tax sheltering is very similar, although unlike tax, Having no corporate income tax, Bermuda is a popular tax, London therefore decided upon a more vigorous approach by clamping down on, In July 2014, Caine was reported to have been a celebrity investor in a tax, Her own timid omissions from Percy Shelley's works and her quiet, Traditional postoperative care of patients undergoing major gastro-intestinal surgery involves bowel rest and, All parties when questioned about dubious spending claims have used the old efficiency savings, tax, So the achievement of consistent, high-quality surface finish, as well as, Google has remained the subject of criticism in the UK regarding their use of the 'Double Irish', Dutch Sandwich and Bermuda Black Hole tax, Similarly, Amazon remains the subject of criticism across the UK and EU for its tax, Other corporations mentioned in relation to tax, Some Muslims began to question the piety of indulgence in a worldly life and emphasized poverty, humility and.
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