evil quartermaster
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Card text: Battlecry Add a Lackey to your hand.
So apart from tempo/aggro warrior, the general consensus has always been that it's not worth running lackey-generators without significant lackey synergy (either explicitly, e.g. Not bad but compared to everything else it feels weak. Yeah I don’t see this making tempo/lackey warrior into a viable deck. Heistbaron Togwaggle made a Sinister Deal with Dark Pharaoh Tekahn. Tempo Warrior kondrash 2 days ago. Gain 3 Armor. Well, I very much understand that combining the utility and cost of two cards into one makes the new card significantly better than either of the old ones (see Frightened Flunky versus Frostwolf Grunt + I Know a Guy), but I think in the context of tempo warrior, this card is far less versatile than the lance and represents an immediate tempo loss (you pay 3 mana for a 2 mana body), as opposed to the lance which gives you the ability to remove the opponents' early minions and therefore usually represents some sort of tempo gain. Magic Carpet). Card text: Battlecry: Add a Lackey to your hand. +2 armor is much safer. The Galakrond invoke is fantastic but the tradeoff is that you take damage when trading minions, so you need armor to compensate which is exactly why this card is so great. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It also curves perfectly into devoted maniac so you almost always have a 5 dmg removal which will likely not harm you at all because you have armor from Quartermaster.
both consistent and easy to use. Im not a whale and can't afford highlander mage even in my wildest dreams. Cookies help us deliver our services.
Deck Code: AAECAQcKze8Cs/wCoIADkocDqosD360D6LADh7EDn7cDxcADCv8HnfACgYcD6IkD9agD2K0D2a0D/q4Dqq8D0q8DAA==.
1 Shield Slam 2 CORE; 1 … however, with the power creep lately, it might not be enough!! I played a lot with it at Legend. Just wanted to say that i freaking love this card.
Getting a spell or a dragon from the lackeys can also be game winning. Decks with EVIL Quartermaster. Draconic Lackey. They had an EVIL Quartermaster forge the Livewire Lance in order to Improve Morale. So, would you run this new card? You might argue that Druid is an exception because unoptimised Token Druid lists sometimes used to run EVIL Cable Rat.
XD. now isnt that crazy!!?? This is illogical: warriors do not run the lance because they need to generate lackeys to synergise with other cards in their deck. Well, would you run a River Crocolisk in tempo warrior? Rarity: Common. Warlocks do/did because of EVIL Recruiter and I guess Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, and because Magic Carpet Zoo absolutely loves/loved to flood the board with tiny, super-efficient tokens. He trained for a whole year to become quarter-master. 97. Would you run a warrior copy of Sinister Deal except the lackey is random, not discovered? Three more, and he'll be a full-master. Card type: Minion. now with a 3 rd lackey generator, plus the neutral makes 4. thats plenty for a midrange deck.
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