explain how early years settings are inspected to check their delivery of the eyfs
If any of the children are eligible for the early years pupil premium or subject to a child protection plan or child in need plan, at least one of them must be included in the sample of those tracked. <> They will also update Ofsted’s database with information gathered during the inspection. The notification call will also give clarity to what the inspector will want to see on the day of inspection. <> ;[\ �9�"h��� " -��u�#�z0�_� 8���8B4>ڋ�^��ҿ�����i�'��*�? Learn how your comment data is processed. Don’t panic! A new phrase and focus in the Education Inspection Framework for early years inspection is what Ofsted refer to as cultural capital. 3 0 obj :&���������&���A:WICY�%���ڑt�◑ eM��h5���&I��$%ο���4����j��GϑQUtw�1��ji�h������}46�'� De�oM�ͩ���͂�a����� […] [This summary was first published at earlyyearshub.co.uk] […], By adding a comment you agree to the storage and handling of your data by this website. You will be asked to display the notice that tells parents that your setting is being inspected at the start of the inspection. confirming the accuracy of, or any changes to, the information about the setting, opportunities to discuss the settings evaluation of the quality of the provision, checking staff qualifications and recording them, talking to the children and practitioners about the activities provided, talking to parents to gain their views on the quality of care and education provided, observing the interactions between practitioners and children, gauging children’s levels of understanding and their engagement in learning, talking to practitioners about their assessment of what children know and can do and how they are building on it, observing care routines and how they are used to support children’s personal development, evaluating the practitioners’ knowledge of the statutory early years curriculum, the practitioner’s knowledge of each child, the progress check for any children aged two, the impact of any early years pupil premium funding on the children’s development, the quality of support for any children with SEND, the discussions held with each child’s key person and how they decide what to teach, how well children are developing in the prime and specific areas of learning that help them to be ready for their next stage of education, including school. Where the expectations in the ‘Inspecting safeguarding in the early years, education and skills settings’ differ from those set out in the EYFS, settings should follow the EYFS requirements. You might want to talk them through the settings health and safety procedures too, such as fire or emergency evacuation. How will EY’s reflect these changes through policy and practice. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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