forms nmsu
… Directions to Facilities & Services, Click the logo to access the AiM System to submit a service (work) order, Facilities and ServicesWork Order Phone: 575.646.7114Email:, © 2016 New Mexico State University - Board of Regents, AiM 8.X Shop Employee User Guide-Spanish Version, Message From the Associate Vice President, Project Development and Engineering Forms, FS Purchase Requisition Form Instructions, FS Purchase Order Requisition Form Instructions, Travel and Training Approval Form/Return from Travel, Workers' Compensation Supervisor Investigation Report. Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Fax: (575) 646-7855
PO Box 30001 MSC 3545
2850 Weddell Dr.
Hot Works Permit Tag must be obtained from the NMSU Fire Department during business hours.
I-9 and Returning to Campus On March 19, 2020 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) relaxed rules regarding the physical presence requirements associated with Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) . A 24-hour notice is required prior to work starting and shall be completed before starting any open flame soldering, welding, cutting, open flame, spark producing, or any other hot work operation (including grinding) performed outside the designated shop areas at NMSU. All documents that require signatures must have a wet signature. Purpose: This form is used to provide OGC and SPA justification narratives for any expenditure which may be indirect costs allowed on the award by the agency.
Change of Admission Semester PDF Word FOR New graduate students PURPOSE To defer a … Sponsored Projects Accounting Phone: 575-646-1675 Fax Number: 575-646-1676 E-mail: Physical Location: 1050 Stewart| E1200B Mailing: MSC SPA, Box 30002 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8002 © 2016 New Mexico State University - Board of Regents. After the form has been filled out electronically, print the document, sign, and scan to your computer. Purpose: To request a new index/FOAPAL Accounting String Responsible department: Accounting and Financial Reporting. NMSU Police Department, © 2016 New Mexico State University - Board of Regents, NMSU Commercial Kitchen Automatic Fire Suppression Worksheet, NMSU Deviation from Adoptive Code and Standards, NMSU Emergency Communications System Sup Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Initiating Device Supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Interconnected Systems Supplementary Record of Completion, NMSU Interface Component Supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Mass Notification System Supplemental Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Notification Appliance Power Panel Supplementary Record of Completion, NMSU Notification Appliance Sup Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Power Systems Supplemental Record of Completion, NMSU System Record of Inspection and Testing, NMSU Emergency Communications Sup Record of Completion, NMSU Fire Pump Monthly and Semi-Annual Test, NMSU Fire Pump Routine Inspection Checklist, NMSU Automatic Sprinkler Inspection of Wet Pipe, NMSU FD Fire Sprinkler Inspection, Testing and Maintenance, NMSU Fire Standpipe Inspection, Testing and Maintenance. NMSU signs agreement to work with Sodexo for campus enhancement initiatives. NMSU; Office of the Provost; Forms; Forms. Office Hours
Comments or Suggestions:
Purpose: Form should be used by colleges/departments to report final expenses on sponsored awards. Physical Location 1530 Wells Mailing Address MSC 3545 / PO Box 30001 Las Cruces, NM 88003 Directions to Facilities & Services NMSU Commercial Kitchen Automatic Fire Suppression Worksheet; Backup Generator Set. HR Forms & Documents; NMSU IRB & Human Subjects Research; Maestro online review system for IRB review and approval; NMSU Phone Directory; Pivot funding and opportunity research web tool. Las Cruces, NM 88003, NMSU Policy Manual
Purpose: To request access to NMSU’s Cognos Reporting Portal. NMSU Genset Weekly Inspection Log; NMSU Genset Monthly Inspection Log; Fire Alarm Systems. For NMSU Auto Loss, use Notice of Claim: NMSU Automobile Loss Form. Facilities and Services
2800 Sonoma Ranch Boulevard Las Cruces, NM 88011-1656 DASR Building, Room 101 H .
All documents that require signatures must have a wet signature. Mailing Address
To access the documents/forms below please: Purpose: The Cost Share Close Out form should be completed when a new fund or a change to an existing fund is being made. Tweets by @NMSUinsider
To obtain current information and standard language for required syllabi content about academic misconduct and ADA, To obtain standard language on course-specific content (General Education & Viewing a Wider World), To create a customized syllabus that includes options 1 & 2 above.
NMSU; Human Resource Services; Form I-9 and E-Verify Compliance; Form I-9 and E-Verify Compliance . New Mexico State University
Request for NMSU main campus college or department representatives to add, drop, or … Here are instructions on how to fill out the Impairment tag. The job site shall be physically inspected and the hot work permit signed (approved) by a NMSU Fire Department representative prior to beginning the operation. Documents can now be submitted online through your myNMSU account.
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