nefertiti mummy
To continue reading login or create an account. The mummy was found in 1898 and is believed to be of Queen Nefertiti, but this was never proven. DNA tests against two fetuses found among the treasures of Tutankhamun’s tomb so far indicate that one of the bodies is the mother but archaeologists have yet to confirm if this is Queen Ankhsenamun. This article was taken from the September 2016 issue of BBC History Revealed magazine. The theory has received criticism from other historians, but it does demonstrate the enduring fascination with Nefertiti and finding her mummy. The face of Queen Nefertiti, who may have been King Tutankhamun's biological mother, will be revealed on the Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown, which airs Wednesday night. Tutankhamun: who’s afraid of the pharaoh’s curse. In 2015, British Egyptologist Dr Nicholas Reeves made headlines by announcing his belief that Nefertiti was buried in a secret chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Photo courtesy of Travel Channel. Donald Trump promises a woman will fill Supreme Court seat: Who are the frontrunners? By entering your details, you are agreeing to HistoryExtra terms and conditions. The mummy's face was digitally mapped to make an accurate facial construction for the bust. You have 4 free articles remaining this month, Sign-up to our daily newsletter for more articles like this + access to 5 extra articles.
It is possible that the unfinished annex of the Royal Tomb was intended for her use.
This mummy was found on the floor of a side room in the tomb, and it was in a very poor condition. Since Nefertiti lived far before the time of photography there is no way to know the exact skin tone of the ancient queen, although the most famous bust depicting the queen, which was believed to be created in 1345 B.C., depicts a darker monarch. Some historians believe Nefertiti has already been found and currently lies in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. You will shortly receive a receipt for your purchase via email.
Our best wishes for a productive day. Recently, Zahi Hawass has announced the start of the National Project for the Study of Royal Mummies. Firstly, the mouth has been damaged and an arm removed, which could suggest desecration for her sacrilegious involvement in the cult of Aten.
You have successfully linked your account! and may have even ruled Egypt herself after her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten, died. The mummy was found in 1898 and is believed to be of Queen Nefertiti, but this was never proven. “Using modern DNA techniques, we are examining the two female queen mummies found in KV 21 because one of them, the headless one, might possibly be of Ankhesenamun due to the preliminary studies. Many soon took to Twitter in anger over the artist's decision to make Nefertiti so fair-skinned. Dr Hawass, who was the head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities from 2002-2011 added: “I did excavate on the other side of the wall [in Tutankhamun’s tomb] two months ago to find out if there is an extension but really I do not think at all that there is anything connected with this tomb. The mummy's face was digitally mapped to make an accurate facial construction for the bust. On his own website Dr Hawass said that if DNA analysis definitively identifies Nefertiti’s mummy that Egypt would commission CT scans of the head that would “reveal the most complete and accurate image of the queen”. One shabtiis known to have been made for her. The DNA researc… Then, paleoartist Elisabeth Daynes recreated the Queen's face on the bust, a painstaking process that took around 500 hours of work, a statement on the television show reported. The official website for BBC History Magazine, BBC History Revealed and BBC World Histories Magazine, This Ancient Egyptian queen became famous after the discovery of her bust, but her tomb has never been found… or at least, not officially. By comparing the bust with historical images of Nefertiti, the researchers were able to show that the "Younger Lady" mummy was indeed the famous queen.
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