pesticide applicator training manual pdf
Core and Commodity manuals: University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals 1-800-287-0279 or 207-581-3880 Regulations manual: BPC 207-287-2731 Regulations study manual will be mailed once exam application is received. Employers should notify the Board of Pesticides Control about termination of licensed personnel so they can be removed from the company/agency applicator list. The UW PAT Program will be hosting training through Zoom, but unfortunately, the test will not be connected to the training at this time. (exam fees are waived for governmental examinees), Master-level applicants must also successfully complete a test on pesticide regulations and pass an oral examination conducted by the BPC staff. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. 0000005087 00000 n
*Required of all custom applicator companies other than sole proprietors with no other employees or companies which perform all applications solely on or within a premises which they own or lease (i.e., golf courses or wood treating establishments and boat yards). The Virginia Tech Pesticide Programs website offers you information sources on pesticides, pesticide safety, pest management, educational opportunities, and related services. There are many sound reasons for having a license when using pesticides in any situation described here. Website: Bureau of Agrichemical Management
Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. If you have previously purchased training materials and need access to an online temporary certification exam, please contact the UW-PAT program and we will enroll you. 0000000595 00000 n
Core exams are offered through county offices of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension (UMCE). %PDF-1.2
National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual; National Aerial Applicator’s Manual (PDF) (134 pp, 4.8 MB, About PDF) National Right-of-Way Herbicide Applicator Test Plan and Training Syllabus (PDF) (50 pp, 1.8 MB, About PDF) (2010) National Soil Fumigation Manual (PDF) (128 pp, 10.3 MB, About PDF) (2012) Online tests provided a temporary certification that will expire on Oct 31st, 2020. University of Maine Cooperative Extension
In Maine, pesticide licenses fall under three major categories: agricultural basic applicators, for pesticide use in agriculture or the production of other commodities using only general use pesticides; private applicators, for restricted and limited use pesticide application in agriculture or the production of other commodities; and commercial applicators, for any individual who uses any pesticides in public places (such as golf courses, campgrounds, apartment houses, hospitals and nursing homes) on a "for-hire" basis (for services such as lawn care, water damage restoration or mold remediation) or as a government employee. The following links exit the site Exit.
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