Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! Broyles und Naomi S. Baron, eine Sprachwissenschaftlerin der American University, sagten, dass der gesprochene Dialog in einem spannenden Film nicht gut funktionieren würde.

The phrase is normally misquoted as "Houston, we have a problem" as in the movie Apollo 13: "Houston, we have a problem". The phrase is considered to be one of the most famous understatment in history, from it probably its humorous usage afterwards: I note, as a minor bit of factual infill, that the astronauts addressed their transmissions from outer space to "Houston" because NASA's manned spacecraft center was in the metropolitan Houston area (actually, southeast of most of Houston in the vicinity of Clear Lake City, Texas). „Houston, wir haben ein Problem!“ ist ein bekanntes, aber nicht ganz korrekt wiedergegebenes Zitat, das am 13. Does testing on Internet Explorer still make sense in 2020? Can the unexpected validity of the literal meaning of a phrase on top of the usual figurative sense be considered a pun? like "Houston, we have a problem" from the movie "Apollo 13": Talk about a huge understatement, Jim Lovell's famous quote aboard Apollo 13 after an Oxygen tank exploded of simply "Houston, we've had a problem" is probably the most famous space quote ever. ', Lovell: 'Houston, we've had a problem.

That's why I chose to ask the meaning and origin itself and thought that people would automatically reveal related anecdotes they might have in mind. [5], Das Rohrsystem des Tanks wurde ebenfalls durch die Explosion beschädigt und die drei alkalischen Brennstoffzellen konnten daher nur wenige Stunden arbeiten. “Houston, we may have a problem here” - Meaning? Bekannt wurde das Zitat in der leicht abgewandelten (und so im Film Apollo 13 verwendeten) Formulierung „Houston, we have a problem.“ (deutsch: „Houston, wir haben ein Problem.“). The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense, Swigert: 'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It only takes a minute to sign up. People will see it as Author Name with your public flash cards. NASA's flight command center, renamed the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in 1973, was the home base for "mission control" on all of the space missions, though the spacecraft were actually launched from Capre Canaveral (aka Cape Kennedy), Florida.
Are there any antenna that can create disk like lobes?

(cliché) A phrase used to indicate a major problem; often humorously used for reporting any kind of problem. Does hillbilly slang fall under a type of English language and if not, what is it referred as if anything? Now used humorously to report any kind of problem. The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense ("Houston, we've had a problem here" ) that was used by the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base. (And millions of people still alive observed the original event "live" and can clearly remember it.). @sumelic Yes, that sounds like a nice idea but I felt that the wiki page had little information in it. Besides, it's not uncommon to get some other/additional interesting facts about such 'obvious' things in this community. How do airlines replace a pilot at the last minute if they're unable to fly? rev 2020.9.23.37661, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. April 1970 von der Besatzung der Apollo 13 an die NASA - Missions-Überwachungszentrale im Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston (Texas) gerichtet wurde.
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The phrase is normally misquoted as "Houston, we have a problem" as in the movie Apollo 13: "Houston, we have a problem". The phrase is considered to be one of the most famous understatment in history, from it probably its humorous usage afterwards: I note, as a minor bit of factual infill, that the astronauts addressed their transmissions from outer space to "Houston" because NASA's manned spacecraft center was in the metropolitan Houston area (actually, southeast of most of Houston in the vicinity of Clear Lake City, Texas). „Houston, wir haben ein Problem!“ ist ein bekanntes, aber nicht ganz korrekt wiedergegebenes Zitat, das am 13. Does testing on Internet Explorer still make sense in 2020? Can the unexpected validity of the literal meaning of a phrase on top of the usual figurative sense be considered a pun? like "Houston, we have a problem" from the movie "Apollo 13": Talk about a huge understatement, Jim Lovell's famous quote aboard Apollo 13 after an Oxygen tank exploded of simply "Houston, we've had a problem" is probably the most famous space quote ever. ', Lovell: 'Houston, we've had a problem.

That's why I chose to ask the meaning and origin itself and thought that people would automatically reveal related anecdotes they might have in mind. [5], Das Rohrsystem des Tanks wurde ebenfalls durch die Explosion beschädigt und die drei alkalischen Brennstoffzellen konnten daher nur wenige Stunden arbeiten. “Houston, we may have a problem here” - Meaning? Bekannt wurde das Zitat in der leicht abgewandelten (und so im Film Apollo 13 verwendeten) Formulierung „Houston, we have a problem.“ (deutsch: „Houston, wir haben ein Problem.“). The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense, Swigert: 'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It only takes a minute to sign up. People will see it as Author Name with your public flash cards. NASA's flight command center, renamed the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in 1973, was the home base for "mission control" on all of the space missions, though the spacecraft were actually launched from Capre Canaveral (aka Cape Kennedy), Florida.
Are there any antenna that can create disk like lobes?

(cliché) A phrase used to indicate a major problem; often humorously used for reporting any kind of problem. Does hillbilly slang fall under a type of English language and if not, what is it referred as if anything? Now used humorously to report any kind of problem. The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense ("Houston, we've had a problem here" ) that was used by the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base. (And millions of people still alive observed the original event "live" and can clearly remember it.). @sumelic Yes, that sounds like a nice idea but I felt that the wiki page had little information in it. Besides, it's not uncommon to get some other/additional interesting facts about such 'obvious' things in this community. How do airlines replace a pilot at the last minute if they're unable to fly? rev 2020.9.23.37661, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. April 1970 von der Besatzung der Apollo 13 an die NASA - Missions-Überwachungszentrale im Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston (Texas) gerichtet wurde.
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houston, we have a problem meaning

We've had a main B bus undervolt.' Yes, I'd like to receive Word of the Day emails from

Privacy Policy. [3] Daraufhin trat die Crew per Funk laut NASA-Protokoll mit den folgenden Worten mit dem Capsule Communicator Jack R. Lousma im Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center auf der Erde in Kontakt: Im Tonmitschnitt und nach den Schilderungen von James „Jim“ Lovell lautete das korrekte, initiale Zitat von Kapselpilot John „Jack“ Swigert jedoch „Okay, Houston, we’ve had a problem here“ (deutsch: „Okay, Houston, wir hatten hier ein Problem“). By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Changing car locks to newer ones for security? Beim Rückflug veränderte sich der Kurs durch eine kurze Brennphase des Landemotors im Mondmodul geringfügig, sodass die Flugbahn nach der Mondumlaufbahn wieder zur Erde zurückführte. Combine that with the can of gasoline, and Houston, we have a problem. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. However, I feel that the wiki page has little information in it. The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense (" Houston, we've had a problem here ") that was used by the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base. Challenger Shuttle: could the crew have survived?
Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! Broyles und Naomi S. Baron, eine Sprachwissenschaftlerin der American University, sagten, dass der gesprochene Dialog in einem spannenden Film nicht gut funktionieren würde.

The phrase is normally misquoted as "Houston, we have a problem" as in the movie Apollo 13: "Houston, we have a problem". The phrase is considered to be one of the most famous understatment in history, from it probably its humorous usage afterwards: I note, as a minor bit of factual infill, that the astronauts addressed their transmissions from outer space to "Houston" because NASA's manned spacecraft center was in the metropolitan Houston area (actually, southeast of most of Houston in the vicinity of Clear Lake City, Texas). „Houston, wir haben ein Problem!“ ist ein bekanntes, aber nicht ganz korrekt wiedergegebenes Zitat, das am 13. Does testing on Internet Explorer still make sense in 2020? Can the unexpected validity of the literal meaning of a phrase on top of the usual figurative sense be considered a pun? like "Houston, we have a problem" from the movie "Apollo 13": Talk about a huge understatement, Jim Lovell's famous quote aboard Apollo 13 after an Oxygen tank exploded of simply "Houston, we've had a problem" is probably the most famous space quote ever. ', Lovell: 'Houston, we've had a problem.

That's why I chose to ask the meaning and origin itself and thought that people would automatically reveal related anecdotes they might have in mind. [5], Das Rohrsystem des Tanks wurde ebenfalls durch die Explosion beschädigt und die drei alkalischen Brennstoffzellen konnten daher nur wenige Stunden arbeiten. “Houston, we may have a problem here” - Meaning? Bekannt wurde das Zitat in der leicht abgewandelten (und so im Film Apollo 13 verwendeten) Formulierung „Houston, we have a problem.“ (deutsch: „Houston, wir haben ein Problem.“). The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense, Swigert: 'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It only takes a minute to sign up. People will see it as Author Name with your public flash cards. NASA's flight command center, renamed the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in 1973, was the home base for "mission control" on all of the space missions, though the spacecraft were actually launched from Capre Canaveral (aka Cape Kennedy), Florida.
Are there any antenna that can create disk like lobes?

(cliché) A phrase used to indicate a major problem; often humorously used for reporting any kind of problem. Does hillbilly slang fall under a type of English language and if not, what is it referred as if anything? Now used humorously to report any kind of problem. The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense ("Houston, we've had a problem here" ) that was used by the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base. (And millions of people still alive observed the original event "live" and can clearly remember it.). @sumelic Yes, that sounds like a nice idea but I felt that the wiki page had little information in it. Besides, it's not uncommon to get some other/additional interesting facts about such 'obvious' things in this community. How do airlines replace a pilot at the last minute if they're unable to fly? rev 2020.9.23.37661, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. April 1970 von der Besatzung der Apollo 13 an die NASA - Missions-Überwachungszentrale im Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston (Texas) gerichtet wurde.

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