how much does canterbury school cost
With this payment schedule, Tuition Refund Plan (TRP) insurance is optional. We offer a range of tuition called "Variable Tuition". In July, the remaining 80% of the tuition is due. Financial aid funds are limited. Financial Aid is not available for our Lower School program, grades Pre-K3 – 4. Admission Fax: (860) 350-1120 If funds become available at a later time (as funds are released from families on financial aid who leave the school or who do not qualify for continued assistance), they will be awarded to applicants who qualify. A nonrefundable 20% deposit of the tuition is due no later than February 15. Phone: (860) 210-3833 A financial aid application file is considered complete when the Admission Office has received the Parents' Financial Statement and all supporting documentation. Would you find it helpful to have this kind of information for the school? There is a $300 per child annual service charge when selecting the Monthly Payment Plan.
Email:, Accident Insurance (Domestic Students) $138 Optional, Health Insurance (International Students) $2,090 Optional, Tuition Refund Insurance 2.1% of Net Tuition Optional, Smart Tuition Enrollment Fee (Domestic Families on Monthly Payment Plan) $85, 101 Aspetuck Avenue New Milford, CT 06776. St Joseph High School Photo - St Joseph High School, Trumbull CT. South Kent School Photo - Computer Aided Design classroom.
The average private school tuition in Connecticut is approximately $25,428 per year (2020-21). The Children's Tree Montessori School Photo - The mathematics materials developed by Maria Montessori leads the child through progressive, sequenced activities, emphasizing concepts while preparing the child for abstraction. View their 2020 profile to find tuition cost, acceptance rates, reviews and more. Presently, the total cost amounts to over $80,000 per student annually; the difference is made up through the School’s endowment along with annual contributions from alumni, parents and friends. The private school with the lowest tuition is Litchfield Montessori School… As you will learn through the admission process, families find great value in the Canterbury community and experience, as well as in the ways we educate our students and prepare them for the future.
PK3 - Grade 8 are required. You will be relieved of a monthly payment in the month of February when deposits are due. Tuition Refund Plan (TRP) insurance is required with this payment schedule. Think you can't afford a Canterbury education? This fee helps subsidize device costs for course materials including e-books and workbooks, as well as the costs associated with the use of school-owned technology equipment. To this end, the financial aid program at Canterbury School is designed to help make a Canterbury education accessible to qualified students who could not otherwise afford the cost of attending. How much does Canterbury School pay? Founded in 1915 and guided by our Catholic heritage, the School prides itself on creating a community based on its Five Values: Honesty, Respect, Compassion, Spirituality, and Self-Reliance. Canterbury is committed to enrolling qualified candidates from all socioeconomic backgrounds and accordingly offers a strong financial aid program based on each family’s demonstrated need. A nonrefundable 20% deposit of the tuition is due no later than February 15. A Parent’s Guide to Private School Entrance Exams, Connecticut Private Schools By Tuition Cost, 5 Features Every Private High School Should Have, Connecticut Experiential Learning Center (CELC) Middle School Photo - Outdoor Education at Meigs Point Nature Center. We believe that economic diversity enriches the educational opportunities for all our families. Also covered are filtering, bandwidth, traffic management and internet security.
You will encounter COOP, HSPT and TACHS if you are applying to some Roman Catholic high schools.
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