iinet pay by phone
General Details for configuring iiNetPhoneVoIP SIP Domain: Server: Enter your VoIP phone number (remove any formatting such as spaces and dashes)Password: Enter your special VoIP password (not the same as connection password). To access your iiNet Toolbox, log in using the username and password you created when signing up to your iiNet service. iiNet provides customers with ample ways to contact their customer support through phone, email, and online. For business customers with sales enquiries, the sales team is available weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm. In addition, you have the option to make additional prepayment for usage that is not within the included value for your plan (“Additional Prepayment”) up to the amount of the Additional Prepayment or the balance of it from time to time. iiNet residential customers can get in touch with iiNet customer support by calling 13 19 17, during the week from 8 am to 11 pm, or on the weekends from 8:30 am to 8 pm. $1.98 limit applies to landline destinations only. Billing support for business customers can be called by dialling 13 86 89 during the week from 8 am to 9 pm, or weekends from 9 am to 5:30 pm. When entering your phone number into your VoIP device always include your area code and do not enter any spaces or punctuation. You must pay the monthly recurring charges in advance. The phone number for the iiNet head office is +61 132 258, which is open between the hours of 8 am and 10 pm during the week. iiNet technical support is available 24/7 for residential customers and can be reached by dialling 13 22 58 or through email at For any postal correspondence, letters may be sent to the iiNet head office: Attn: iiNet Support For any business customer enquiries related to technical support, the, For business customers with questions or concerns with billing, the, For technical support, residential customers can email, For any questions or concerns related to billing, residential customers can email, Business customers looking to reach out to the iiNet sales team can email, iiNet tech support and billing can both be emailed at, For any support with domains and hosting, email, Residential customers may also email sales for assistance subscribing to broadband by emailing. iiNet also offers its online customer platform Toolbox, which can be used to pay bills, check broadband usage, or check phone records. With iiNet Toolbox you can manage all aspects of your iiNet account. Are you looking to switch mobile or broadband plans? The details in this FAQ cover iiNet's VoIP product, as well as the iiTalk package provided as part of the Naked DSL service. This page is NOT officially supported by iiNet and is provided by the community to assist in setting up VoIP. Phone & Mobile. Gretchen graduated from Suffolk University in Boston in 2016 with a degree in international relations and philosophy, before moving to Spain to teach English. 2. The iiStore is closed on Sundays and public holidays. Residential customers can also contact iiNet billing support via email at Customer relations can be reached via fax at 1300 785 632 or via email at NOTES:1.
UDP 5060: From UDP 35000-44999: From UDP CPE Port: The port your CPE uses for RTP, eg 8000-8001 or 5061 or 16384 for Netcomm V300 firmware v04. The Perth iiNet iiStore is located at Ground Floor, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA 6008 and is open between 8:30 am and 5 pm weekdays, as well as 9 am to 5 pm Saturday. Connect better with iiNet's award-winning service.
View all of our awards. Mobile. To contact iiNet for billing, residential customers can dial billing support at 13 22 58 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 10 pm or weekends 9 am to 6 pm. Otherwise, customers can call the following numbers to reach the specific help they need from iiNet customer service: iiNet provides one number for its business customers to call the customer service, which is 13 86 89.
Activate SIM; Top up prepaid balance; Mobile service features; Check usage; Change plan ; No mobile coverage; Can't send/receive SMS/MMS; Finding your PUK code; Roaming; Lost and stolen SIM cards; NBN Phone & Netphone. iiNet provides dedicated numbers for their sales, tech support, and billing, as well as the hours available for each customer service team. Customers can also send a letter by post to: Customer Relations When entering the sip server name please replace state with the relevant state from the following list act, nsw, nt, qld, sa, tas, vic, wa. The Perth iiNet iiStore is located at Ground Floor, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA 6008 and is open between 8:30 am and 5 pm weekdays, as well as 9 am to 5 pm Saturday. Ground Floor switches worldwide, We use cookies on this site to ensure an optimal user experience.
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