penn libraries covid
Due to COVID-19 CDC recommendations and public health safety, the DuBois Library space will be closed Friday, March 20, 2020 and will remain closed until further notice.
Ching drafted a script with colleagues from Cornell. Meanwhile, Cassidy coordinated with Ann Marie Hoyt Brennan, Director of the Helene Fuld Pavilion for Innovative Learning and Simulation at Penn Nursing, and Lauren Weinberg Conlon at Penn Medicine to cast “actors” — real nurses and doctors — for the video. Narcan is a nasal spray which can reverse an opioid overdose, and its administration requires training. Kevin Ching, a physician at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital, realized that the knowledge hard-won by medical workers in New York City might save lives elsewhere, in areas of the country that haven’t yet been impacted by the pandemic. Report accessibility issues and get help. Q. Narcan is a nasal spray which can reverse an opioid overdose, and its administration requires training.
Pop-up text describes best practices as they’re demonstrated by the team, such as “Keep all equipment out of patient rooms” and “Optimize first attempt success: most experienced provider should intubate.”, The project meets Ching’s original objective.
Dear All, As the University’s and the world’s response to COVID-19 continues to shift at a quickening rate to offset the spread of the virus, effective immediately, all Penn Libraries, including the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, will be closed to the Penn community until further notice. Though the video has been made publicly available, Cassidy’s work isn’t finished. “So you have people from Weill Cornell Medicine, Annenberg, Penn Medicine, Penn Nursing, and Penn Libraries working on a project to support medical personnel and serve patients nationwide,” says Toccafondi. Toccafondi recognized the potential of VR when it first became commercially available and procured two Oculus Rift headsets for use by anyone on campus. Since early March, New York City has suffered the most acute outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. “The Media Lab isn’t a ‘traditional’ library resource, but it’s a natural extension of what libraries do,” he says. You'll spend time evaluating memes, news headlines, potential treatments, and some of the science behind the virus. “It presents evolving standards of care not yet found in medical literature but developed through real-time, clinical practice, based on the experiences of emergency providers working with the most critically ill COVID-19 patients in New York City and Philadelphia.”. This 4-Week Challenge includes tasks designed to test your knowledge of the novel coronavirus, while having fun and learning something new. Last updated: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 2:45 PM This page reflects the most current Penn Libraries information. As of the time of writing, the NYC Department of Health, cases of COVID-19 — well over ten percent of the, Ching reached out to Kyle Cassidy, a staff member at Penn’s Annenberg School for Communication, to discuss a fast-tracked collaboration with Weill colleagues Neel Naik and Amos Shemesh. “The centralized nature of the Libraries brings together people in the Media Lab who might never meet otherwise.”.
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