prince of persia: the forgotten sands psp review
There's a problem loading this menu right now. This game is more about jumping and going through obstacles at the right time. When the decision is made to use the ancient, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is the next chapter in the Sands of Time universe. - Which is why I think I enjoyed the latest game, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, as much as I did. Why is it that my prince of persia forgotten sands won't work?? Aside from the disappointing revelation toward the end of the game, Prince of Persia is a solid experience on the PSP. For one, this is NOT the 3D Forgotten Sands game available on 360 and PS3. Critic Reviews What's this? If there's one thing Forgotten Sands on PSP does really, really well, it's remind you of the original (and still probably best) Prince of Persia... which was, yes, a 2D game! It has a high degree of difficulty but it's well presented and quite enjoyable if you liked the old PoP-games. The Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is a surprisingly lengthy adventure for a portable game and starts off as a fun, engaging, old-school platformer. Combine the elite weaponry and acrobatic skills of Rianna with the multifunctional defensive and slicing support of Z... Gamers live the life of Beowulf, the legendary Norse warrior with the strength of 30 men who is torn between the nobi... What the world needs is a hero. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The combat is unresponsive and feels slightly broken due to the inordinate amount of time it takes to kill some of the most basic enemies. The sword upgrades are cool and really make a difference in battle, but I decided to avoid upgrading the Prince's HP to keep the game on a challenging level beyond the puzzles, and it worked. The Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Review, Official Xbox Series X and S 1TB Expandable Storage Drive Costs $220, PS5: What Xbox Buying Bethesda Means for Sony, Starfield Received a 'Major Engine Rewrite' for Next-Gen Consoles, Zack Snyder to Shoot New Justice League Scenes in October, Game of Thrones: Lady Stoneheart's Absence From the Series Explained, We Have the Xbox Series X!
I traded it for another game the day after I got it. Mixed or average reviews- based on 20 Ratings.
Unfortunately some situations suffer from the sometimes unresponsive controls, that make Ubisoft's last effort more "hardcore" than it really is. Why you'd expect it to be or conclude that it MUST be a carbon copy of the other (really bad) Sands Trilogy ports on PSP is beyond me. Aside from the disappointing revelation toward the end of the game, Prince of Persia is a solid experience on the PSP. I didn't like the way the story started, it seemed too fast and... well, the story isn't the strong point of this game, but the gameplay is very cool!
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