sphinx pronunciation and meaning
a sphinx with the head of a ram instead of a human.
noun plural sphinx a figure of an imaginary creature having the head of a man or an animal and the body of a lion. Sphinx definition is - a winged female monster in Greek mythology having a woman's head and a lion's body and noted for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle. ‘When the sphinx was crumbling they finally repaired it in plaster, which needs replacing every five years, in order to maintain the point of decay, and clarify the difference.’ 1.2 An enigmatic or inscrutable person. by Greek settlers, and, in the past 20 years, archaeologists have found Crotone creations made between 600 B.C. Powered by MaryTTS. I'd like to know how can I translate (as in i18n) the terms in glossary. sphinx meaning. Sphynx definition is - any of a breed of large-eared virtually hairless cats that originated as a spontaneous mutation. Sphinx definition: The Sphinx is a large ancient statue of a creature with a human head and a lion's body... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Please enter your email to receive the reset link. (usually initial capital letter) the colossal recumbent stone figure of this kind near the pyramids of Giza. Let's say I have:.. glossary:: term definition After I run make gettext I get the .po files but I can only translate the definitions, not the terms. What is sphinx-like? A common word. When he answered her riddle correctly the Sphinx killed herself.
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sphinx - Meaning in Afrikaans, what is meaning of common in Afrikaans dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of common in Afrikaans and English. how long did it take to build the sphinx. What does Sphinx mean? sphinx pronunciation. What made you want to look up sphinx? Cynocephalus sphinx, a kind of baboon.. sphinx synonyms: enigma.
a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx. a large baboon, Mandrillus (or Papio) sphinx, of western Africa, the male of which has a face brightly marked with blue and scarlet and a muzzle that is ribbed: an endangered species. Here you’ll get most accurate definitions, close synonyms and antonyms, related words, phrases and questions, rhymes, usage index and more. Who is/Who was Sphinx. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between "mom" and "screwdriver". any of numerous moths of the family Sphingidae, noted for their very swift flight and ability to hover while sipping nectar from flowers. Note: вћ The larva is a stout naked caterpillar which, when at rest, often assumes a position suggesting the Egyptian sphinx, whence the name. Definition of sphinx in the Definitions.net dictionary. Look it up now! Sample cv with character reference Napier, Sample Letter Asking For Church Volunteers, Pokémon Go August 2019 Field Research Guide, Monster Hunter Generation Repeat Offender Guide, Us Bank International Wire Transfer Instructions, sphinx Dictionary Definition Vocabulary.com, sphinx WordReference.com Dictionary of English, sphinx definition French definition dictionary Reverso. Seated on a rock outside of Thebes, she proposed a riddle to travelers, killing them when they answered incorrectly, as all did before Oedipus. You can complete the definition of sphinx given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... sphinx (sfДngks), mythical beast of ancient Egypt, frequently symbolizing the pharaoh as an incarnation of the sun god Ra Ra or Re, in Egyptian religion, sun god, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. Meaning of sphinx.
a monster, usually represented as having the head and breast of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of an eagle. Sphinxlike definition: like the Sphinx ; enigmatic or inscrutable | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ges a. Mythology A figure in Egyptian myth having the body of a lion and the head of a man, ram, or hawk. Definition of sphinx-like in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 1375-1425; late Middle English < Latin < Greek sphínx, equivalent to sphing-, base of sphíngein to hold tight (cf. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word Sphinx. Search sphinx and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. Send us feedback. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'sphinx.' Meaning of sphinx-like as a legal term. (initial capital letter) Classical Mythology.
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