new mexico wheat production
If soils are dry throughout the potential rooting depth (3–4 ft) prior to planting, preplant irrigations may be necessary to begin building a good moisture profile for later growth after germination. Figure 1. Oplinger, and M.A. If a producer has any interest in potentially harvesting for grain instead of forage, hard red winter wheats are recommended because white or soft wheats may not be accepted in traditional marketing channels. For all the small grains, typical seeding rates range from 30 to 60 lb/acre for dryland and 75 to 120 lb/acre for irrigated crops. Plant Pathology, 3, 128–129. Mask, P.L., D.M. C-529; pp. Exceptions to this rule may be in situations where large amounts of plant material have been removed from the land over many years (e.g., long-term alfalfa hay production). Note plant size difference and earlier maturity of wheat (heading). AGR-160]. Because barley has such high quality, harvest can be pushed later in order to increase yields while maintaining adequate nutritive value. At this stage, both yield and nutritive value are optimized. “So Grandpa thinks about it and says, ‘she’s been with me a lot longer than he has, so let’s go,’ ” Fury said with a laugh. In many ways the countryside around Broadview, N.M., isn’t a lot different from the countryside around Broadview, Sask. The wheat is harvested in June, and the land is left until the following spring, when sorghum, a drought-resistant feed grain also known as milo, is seeded into the wheat stubble. I just didn’t like doing anything else.”. All other rights reserved. Response to potassium fertilizer is not as great as the response to nitrogen and phosphorus, and most New Mexico soils are adequately supplied with available potassium. By increasing the seeding rate, stem size is reduced, nutritive value is improved, and plants will dry faster and compact easier for baling and ensiling. Plant evapotranspiration (ET) and growing degree day (GDD) information for many locations in New Mexico can be obtained at In Alternative field crops manual. Winter wheat fails to head when planted in the spring unless it is planted early enough that temperatures are cold enough for adequate vernalization. Figure 3. Figure 9. However, varietal differences may have a greater effect than species selection on forage quality, and certainly in-season management (e.g., fertility, harvest stage) affects nutritive parameters more than anything. stream
Belyea, R.L., R.E. Contamination of nearby fields that will subsequently be planted to wheat (grain) is always a concern with volunteer rye (potential dockage at the elevator); however, if it is grazed out or cut prior to heading for silage, the possibility of contamination is greatly reduced.
As a result, barley is often harvested at the soft dough stage of grain fill. Because it is a cross between wheat and rye, there is a slight reduction of feeding value associated with triticale. Madison: University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. ), Table 1. Marsalis, M., B. Niece, A. Scott, R. Kirksey, and A. Mesbah. Soil analysis: A key to soil nutrient management [Guide A-137]. At boot, cereal forages can meet the energy and protein demands of high-producing dairy cows. Fjell, J.P. Shroyer, K. Bolsen, and S. Duncan. Whatever the case, overall nutritive value of the plant decreases from boot to flowering, and stem, fiber, and lignin proportions increase. Lubbock: Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. Managing small grains for livestock forage [Pub. Glover, C.R. After heading, however, both components decline to levels that are too low to meet lactating dairy cow requirements if cereal forages are fed alone (Table 1). ]�2|�U����%�nY��}iT��a �!��;lT�la�9����LM���Ⱥ���O�q� He talks about the hard work and the stress, but he also talks about how much he loves the lifestyle and the wide-open spaces, how much he enjoys having his young grandchildren visit the farm and how he looks forward to retiring.
NMSU Small Grain Performance Trials, 2009. Quality of oats is similar to or greater than that of wheat at all growth stages, but yields will often be lower (~25–30% less) than from a well-established, fall-planted wheat stand. endobj
This is normally not a problem since most soils in New Mexico fall into this category.
2017. Extension Circular 695, Forage Selection and Establishment for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico Sixty percent of Mexico’s agricultural exports go to the United States. Earning both wheat and cattle income from the same land is what keep things afloat, Fury said.
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