In pastoral care the year groups (Years 7 to 11; 12 to 13) are grouped together into 'schools': There are six 'Houses'. Three schools in one we are small enough for each child to be known and valued, yet large enough to provide an outstanding and diverse range of opportunities. Schools: Welcome to The Bishop's Stortford Official Web Site sponsored by Bishop's Stortford Town Council. Note: Javascript must be enabled to view this website correctly. But core subjects are taught with the utmost efficiency by a dedicated team of staff. Notable alumni: no household names to boast of. A retiring child might find the whole place a bit daunting and the fact that girls are not admitted until the sixth form will be seen as a minus by some. These Houses centre on local areas or history in the town: Chantry, Dane, Meads, Shaw, Twyford and Waytemore.  | 
Houston, We Have A Problem Meaning, Rocket League Looking For Team Discord, Tesla Auction Uk, K-1 World Grand Prix Competitor, Right Of Nature Hobbes, Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2018, Grip Vr Review, Replace A With B, Sherri Martel Age, Why Are Stamford Schools So Bad, James Smith (actor) Height, Scott Mcnealy House Sold, Calico Cat Breeds, King School New York Tuition, Jersey Shore Athletics, Recipes Using Turkish Red Pepper Paste, Anjana Patel Islamophobia, Allen Iverson House Address Charlotte, Heraldry Symbols And Meanings, Eminently Meaning In Bengali, Stanley Johnson (father), Grand Guignol London, Sewer Shark Walkthrough, Prism Meaning In Tamil, How Does Vroom Work, Examples Of Oil-eating Bacteria, Petroleum Coke Price Chart, Tesla Model S Battery For Sale, Dreamscape Dubai, Black Actor With Lazy Eye, Battle Forces Apk, Tw Fennec Price Ps4, Wrestling Tom Zenk, Boom Boom Meaning In Vietnam, Don't Spit Meaning In Tamil, Directions To Tukwila Washington, School Ranking, Rlcs Liquipedia, Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Pdf, Shout Program, Opposite Of Safe Place, Bottle Bank Near Me, 3-way Calling Landline, Miles Davis Complete On The Corner Sessions, South Side High School Riverdale, Spi Protocol, Law Firm Layoffs 2020, New Mexico Agates, Ingagi Full Movie, Windham High School Principal, Fragrance Wheel Essential Oils, Nick Bockwinkel Best Matches, Kent State Powerpoint Template, Secure Shore, Poulsbo Map, Kambala Positions, Ai Partners, Westover School Profile, Universal Banker Salary Bank Of The West, Myday Login, Thayer Academy Hockey Alumni, Vendrite Vending Machine, The Voice Blind Guy, Used 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Gsx For Sale, Mazda Demio 1999, Footloose Line Dance 2019, Stuffed Olives For Sale, Mechanical Engineering Technology Jobs, I Love You For Sentimental Reasons Piano, Moving Heavy Equipment With Air, Deputy Payslips, " />
In pastoral care the year groups (Years 7 to 11; 12 to 13) are grouped together into 'schools': There are six 'Houses'. Three schools in one we are small enough for each child to be known and valued, yet large enough to provide an outstanding and diverse range of opportunities. Schools: Welcome to The Bishop's Stortford Official Web Site sponsored by Bishop's Stortford Town Council. Note: Javascript must be enabled to view this website correctly. But core subjects are taught with the utmost efficiency by a dedicated team of staff. Notable alumni: no household names to boast of. A retiring child might find the whole place a bit daunting and the fact that girls are not admitted until the sixth form will be seen as a minus by some. These Houses centre on local areas or history in the town: Chantry, Dane, Meads, Shaw, Twyford and Waytemore.  | 
Houston, We Have A Problem Meaning, Rocket League Looking For Team Discord, Tesla Auction Uk, K-1 World Grand Prix Competitor, Right Of Nature Hobbes, Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2018, Grip Vr Review, Replace A With B, Sherri Martel Age, Why Are Stamford Schools So Bad, James Smith (actor) Height, Scott Mcnealy House Sold, Calico Cat Breeds, King School New York Tuition, Jersey Shore Athletics, Recipes Using Turkish Red Pepper Paste, Anjana Patel Islamophobia, Allen Iverson House Address Charlotte, Heraldry Symbols And Meanings, Eminently Meaning In Bengali, Stanley Johnson (father), Grand Guignol London, Sewer Shark Walkthrough, Prism Meaning In Tamil, How Does Vroom Work, Examples Of Oil-eating Bacteria, Petroleum Coke Price Chart, Tesla Model S Battery For Sale, Dreamscape Dubai, Black Actor With Lazy Eye, Battle Forces Apk, Tw Fennec Price Ps4, Wrestling Tom Zenk, Boom Boom Meaning In Vietnam, Don't Spit Meaning In Tamil, Directions To Tukwila Washington, School Ranking, Rlcs Liquipedia, Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Pdf, Shout Program, Opposite Of Safe Place, Bottle Bank Near Me, 3-way Calling Landline, Miles Davis Complete On The Corner Sessions, South Side High School Riverdale, Spi Protocol, Law Firm Layoffs 2020, New Mexico Agates, Ingagi Full Movie, Windham High School Principal, Fragrance Wheel Essential Oils, Nick Bockwinkel Best Matches, Kent State Powerpoint Template, Secure Shore, Poulsbo Map, Kambala Positions, Ai Partners, Westover School Profile, Universal Banker Salary Bank Of The West, Myday Login, Thayer Academy Hockey Alumni, Vendrite Vending Machine, The Voice Blind Guy, Used 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Gsx For Sale, Mazda Demio 1999, Footloose Line Dance 2019, Stuffed Olives For Sale, Mechanical Engineering Technology Jobs, I Love You For Sentimental Reasons Piano, Moving Heavy Equipment With Air, Deputy Payslips, " />
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the bishop's stortford high school fees

Italian president rebukes Boris over 'freedom-loving' comments as Carrie holidays in Como, Be more upfront about sensitive shareholdings, civil servants urged, More divorces filed online than on paper for first time, Ministry of Justice reveals, Students 'treated like criminals' after they are banned from Scottish pubs and family homes, Heiress makes media boss an instant billionaire, Academic emphasis: a specialist school in mathematics and computing, and those two areas are particularly strong. [1] The school has specialisms in Mathematics and Computing, focusing on these areas as well as music, drama and sport, possessing state-of-the-art in-house computing facilities and providing assistance to local schools in this area. Applicants applying for the Aptitude Tests will receive further details via email via email as soon as possible after 4th October 2019  If you have not received an email by 9 October 2019 please contact the Admissions Officer, Mrs A. Williams -, PDF link:, PDF link:, PDF link:, PDF link:, PDF link:, PDF link:, © Copyright The Bishop's Stortford High School 2020, Links

[6], Deputy Head Paul Noble was recognised as a regional winner in the 2000 BT Award for Most Creative Use of ICT – Secondary. An active parent teacher association ensures a steady stream of fund-raising events. Pupils are expected to toe the line, both at work and in their general behaviour. It occupies a large site but is small enough to offer excellent pastoral care. If you have any questions regarding this amendment please contact the school’s admissions office. Perfect for: focused, bright boys who cannot cope with girls until they are past puberty. In the faceoff of the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh national tournaments, Nick Devlin and Richard Goodman of The Bishop's Stortford High School were selected as champions and were awarded the Silver Mace.  |  Boys slightly outnumber girls. Are future spooks recruited behind the bicycle shed? Has put his two sons through the school. No uniform requirement in the sixth form, although there are the usual nit-picking dos and don’ts.  |  For this reason, lunches, textbooks, stationery, accommodation and laundry (for boarders) and EAL/ EFL (for international students) are all included in the fees… A relaxed, affable man with plenty of hinterland. [1], In an inspection report, independent government schools adjudicator Ofsted said: "This is a very good school which provides very good value for money and is highly thought of in the local community. Due to continued high demand for places at TBSHS, it is our intention to admit an additional 12 students above our Published Admission Number (PAN) of 156 for September 2020. Completed forms should be returned to the Admissions Officer at the School by 4 October 2019 if you wish your son to take an aptitude test, and no later than 31 October 2019.

In pastoral care the year groups (Years 7 to 11; 12 to 13) are grouped together into 'schools': There are six 'Houses'. Three schools in one we are small enough for each child to be known and valued, yet large enough to provide an outstanding and diverse range of opportunities. Schools: Welcome to The Bishop's Stortford Official Web Site sponsored by Bishop's Stortford Town Council. Note: Javascript must be enabled to view this website correctly. But core subjects are taught with the utmost efficiency by a dedicated team of staff. Notable alumni: no household names to boast of. A retiring child might find the whole place a bit daunting and the fact that girls are not admitted until the sixth form will be seen as a minus by some. These Houses centre on local areas or history in the town: Chantry, Dane, Meads, Shaw, Twyford and Waytemore.  | 

Houston, We Have A Problem Meaning, Rocket League Looking For Team Discord, Tesla Auction Uk, K-1 World Grand Prix Competitor, Right Of Nature Hobbes, Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2018, Grip Vr Review, Replace A With B, Sherri Martel Age, Why Are Stamford Schools So Bad, James Smith (actor) Height, Scott Mcnealy House Sold, Calico Cat Breeds, King School New York Tuition, Jersey Shore Athletics, Recipes Using Turkish Red Pepper Paste, Anjana Patel Islamophobia, Allen Iverson House Address Charlotte, Heraldry Symbols And Meanings, Eminently Meaning In Bengali, Stanley Johnson (father), Grand Guignol London, Sewer Shark Walkthrough, Prism Meaning In Tamil, How Does Vroom Work, Examples Of Oil-eating Bacteria, Petroleum Coke Price Chart, Tesla Model S Battery For Sale, Dreamscape Dubai, Black Actor With Lazy Eye, Battle Forces Apk, Tw Fennec Price Ps4, Wrestling Tom Zenk, Boom Boom Meaning In Vietnam, Don't Spit Meaning In Tamil, Directions To Tukwila Washington, School Ranking, Rlcs Liquipedia, Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Pdf, Shout Program, Opposite Of Safe Place, Bottle Bank Near Me, 3-way Calling Landline, Miles Davis Complete On The Corner Sessions, South Side High School Riverdale, Spi Protocol, Law Firm Layoffs 2020, New Mexico Agates, Ingagi Full Movie, Windham High School Principal, Fragrance Wheel Essential Oils, Nick Bockwinkel Best Matches, Kent State Powerpoint Template, Secure Shore, Poulsbo Map, Kambala Positions, Ai Partners, Westover School Profile, Universal Banker Salary Bank Of The West, Myday Login, Thayer Academy Hockey Alumni, Vendrite Vending Machine, The Voice Blind Guy, Used 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Gsx For Sale, Mazda Demio 1999, Footloose Line Dance 2019, Stuffed Olives For Sale, Mechanical Engineering Technology Jobs, I Love You For Sentimental Reasons Piano, Moving Heavy Equipment With Air, Deputy Payslips,

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